Sarah sighed, lookd to Nora and nodded her head.
“We broke the rules by reading my own card and also by bringing someone dead back into the world of the living”, Nora answered. “The wraith and that beast out there want blood ad mother and I are going to stop them”.
Muzin could not believe his ears and the manner in which his daughter spoke.
“What does any of this even mean?” Naomi asked.
Coughing aloud and spitting out some blood so they could know she was awake, Laura answered. “They want to cheat the cards using dark magic”.
Nora looked to her aunt with some bit of dismay on her face, and then back at her mother.
Sarah shook her head at Nora and looked to Laura. “Shut up, you wench! She is my daughter ad not yours!”
With a wave of her hand, Laura got tossed around the room once again, before landing to the ground in another loud and heavy heap that caused her to pass out.
“Believe nothing she say”, Laura whispered weakly before losing consciousness.
Sarah extended her hands over the table and towards her daughter. “Take my hands and let us begin!”
Muzin attempted to break the hold but Nora had linked arms with her mother already, with the flames from the candles burning brightly. He scampered backwards to where Naomi sat, while they watched the two women they assumed they knew, doing things far beyond their comprehension and belief.
“All you need to do is follow my lead”, Sarah ordered her daughter.
The candles continued to burn brightly, just before one went off and another took the same path. The Mega-Onamega began bearing down the house as its intent to get in seemed to intensify by the passing second.
“Sarth Kerthus Brethisu Vanishia Rturlesth!”
“Kardith Kareth Burth Prolethu discoria!”
The duo chanted along and in sync, fueling the flames around them in accordance, as the wall opposite of them began to bulge with something crawling underneath it. Like a layer of skin about to be torn through, the creature struggled to find its way out, gnawing at the wall and extending as far as Nora’s head but without the ability to touch her as it remained bounded to the other side.
Laura groaned and parted her eyelids open and weakly so. “Nora, it’s a trap… don’t do it”.
Nora ignored her aunt and spread the cards on the table while her mother chanted on. Sucking in deep breath and readying herself for whatever was to come, she began dealing the cards and opening them to read the outcome immediately.
“Reborn!” Nora chanted upon reading the first card. “Trickster! Tear! Blood! Sacrifice!”
She halted upon reading the last card, before looking up at her mother.
Sarah smiled, nodded her head and replied, “Don’t stop now child, you are almost through”.
The creature behind the veil stretched itself further, almost reaching Nora’s head as Muzin jumped to his feet with his magnum in hand, and shot at it without giving it second thought. The loud bang coupled with an eerie squeal from the creature he had shot caused everyone to clamp their hands over their ears.
Sarah shot up from her seat and yelled at her husband. “Don’t wound it!”
Nora looked somewhat shocked by her mother’s words as they shared a lost look with one another.
“I thought we were doing this to kill it?” she asked.
Muzin eyed his wife and seemed somewhat confused, while Nora waited for a response from her mother. Sarah parted her lips to speak but found her words stuttering in the process. She turned around and looked out the window, with the beast at the door, seemingly unable to grace the front door and into the house.
“Read the last card and set it free”, Sarah finally whispered.
Nora wore a frown, indicating how lost she was, while Muzin moved closer to his daughter, with his gun readied in hand.
“What?” Nora spoke.
Sarah sighed and stood akimbo. “I need the wraith here… if I am going to be with you forever, I need the wraith here”.
It still did not bring any sense or understanding to why she didn’t mention it in the first place.
“That monster out there isn’t going to remain there for long and I bet you nothing will stop it from bringing this family down once it gets through the door”, Sarah warned.
Muzin scoffed while he stared at the woman he assumed to be his wife. Nothing about her seemed like the sweet and loving woman he knew. She sounded hardened and somewhat desperate, which weren’t qualities anyone wanted.
“Read the last card and let it in!” Sarah yelled.
Nora shook her head and slowly began to retreat towards her father. “I don’t know who you are, but I don’t trust your intentions right now, mother”.
The wraith jammed its claw into the wall once again, struggling to set itself free, as it hoped to gain entrance into the world from the other side.
“I beg you darling listen to me and do what I ask or things will get a little bit scary around here than they already are”, Sarah warned.
Nora called her mother’s bluff by shrugging her shoulders, while Muzin watched his wife keenly as she sighed and began to stroll along the room.
“What really happened to you over there?” Muzin asked. “Are you the Sarah I married, or an imposter?”
Sarah smiled and helped herself back into her seat as she lowered her head into the table. “You never knew a thing about me, Muzin… you never knew the important things you ought to because you were so blinded by your religion to even know what I was”.
Muzin looked uncomfortable as he steadied his gun in his hand and continued to cast his gaze on his wife.
“Our daughter is something much more powerful than I am, but I need to guide her”, Sarah continued. ‘It is why I made certain that the cards will find her, and it is why I came back”.
Nora could not believe