Nora shook her head and refuted her friend’s words. “This is all my fault and I will fix it, if it is the last thing I’d do”.
Naomi nodded and smiled, but barely held the facial expression as she squirmed in pain once again.
“Here we go”, Nora took in deep breaths with her cards in her hand.
The air in the room suddenly grew sterner and more discomforting, while the wind hammered into the windows and threatened to bring them caving in. The wooden floor creaked and shuddered, but remained firmly in place, just as she placed the first card on the ground and with it came the shrieking noise of the wraith from the other side of the door.
Nora heard her heart beat aloud, and felt her stomach begin to churn with fright and discomfort. She wondered why she had to keep reading the cards, considering everyone she had read cards for had fallen victim to a considerably evil fate.
“I don’t want to lose you too”, Nora confessed to her friend with a tear drop in the corner of her eye.
Naomi groaned softly and reached her hand over to her friend, placing it on her thigh as she replied, “Life is not worth living when we have monsters like the wraith existing”.
Nora felt compelled to agree with her friend, even while her words were merely voicing how hurt she was that she had lost the love of her life, and how tired she was about going on in life without him being with her. There were lots of unsaid words, but Nora could fit them all in together without a doubt.
“I’ll do it”, Nora agreed.
Gently laying the second card to rest on the floor, the wraith could be heard galloping towards the door, its whining and shrieking continued to blare aloud enough for the girls to hear, but they only continued to don smiles on their faces with their hearts now set towards being brave enough and willing to confront anything coming their way.
“Fusion of good and evil”, Nora looked up but bore no smile on her face as the last card dropped.
It felt like the die had just been cast, ad she duly well knew what was coming, but Naomi remained ignorant, wearing her weak smile as the wound she sustained continued to fester with dark veins stretching towards other parts of her body.
“Can I be cured?” Naomi asked. “Will I be fine?”
Nora bit her lower lip and felt weary about spilling the words which would read as lies and nothing more. The truth had been told by the cards and there was no changing it. She slowly got to her feet and rounded one of the candles so she could stand before Naomi and whatever was coming through the door.
“It cannot have you”, Nora whispered.
Slowly spreading her arms apart, she smiled and turned her head to the side to look at her friend once again. Naomi had fallen flat with her chest against the ground, and her eyes rolling wildly in her socket as she tried to speak but without bearing enough strength to do so.
“Please”, she muttered without much strength.
Nora ignored her friend as the wraith made a hard barge into the door. The wooden door stood still, while the angry creature shrieked some more. It barged in again, and harder than it had done before, prompting the door to fall and the girls to come face to face with the beast. Its eyes glowed red and dangerously so, while its claws dripped of blood.
“If you want her, you’d have to go through me, you foul creature!” Nora cried atop her voice, as the walls began to shudder and threaten to crumble against them.
Naomi held out her hand but it fell to the ground again as she struggled to stop her friend from committing suicide. “Nora!”
Nora turned to look at her friend, just as the wraith lunged towards the both. In one full swing, it shoved her hard and out of its way, causing Nora to fly hard and fast across the room, with her crash into the wall breaking the dangerous swing. Groaning in pain, but still bearing enough determination at heart not to allow anything happen to her friend, she upped herself and staggered towards the wraith.
“Leave her alone!” Nora cried, picking up a log of wood from the broken table on the floor.
Groping it with both hands and bearing a good degree of determination to deal as much damage as possible to the beast hovering over her friend, she raced forward, kept her feet as steady as possible, and the log pointed directly at the beast as it turned around a little too late, only to watch Nora jam the log into its chest and right into where its heart ought to be.
It staggered backwards and shrieked while it attempted to get the log out. Its cries could be heard around the house, and its pain could be felt too as it swung its claws at anything in sight, threatening to bring Nora down with it as best as possible. Nora dodged and leapt towards helping her friend to her feet. Slowly, and in strain, she helped Naomi to her feet with her arm wrapped around her neck while they both made way for the front door.
“I got you… I got you”, Nora continued to whisper to her friend with assurance. “I got you dear”.
Naomi winced and moaned in pain, but barely gave a response in acknowledgment as she dragged herself along with her friend. The wraith continued to battle with the log plunged into its heart, before letting out one final cry in pain as its body landed into the floor in a loud thud. Nora paused, and Naomi halted her breathing.
The duo turned around slowly to look at the beast, with no words being passed between them. Watching it slump to the ground, barely moving or breathing brought some immense relief to Nora, but even while it felt like they had