she was staring straight ahead, a small smile on her lips. ‘If you were to tell me that you’re a witch, for example, why, I wouldn’t be at all surprised.’

I felt as though I’d stepped from my body, watching the scene from afar.

‘And if I had to take a guess, I would say that troublemaker Noah is causing you grief – perhaps he knows – perhaps he’s blackmailing you.’

A log crashed down in the fireplace and caught alight.

‘How did you know?’ I whispered.

Violet put her hand over mine. ‘You don’t live to my age and not learn a thing or two about the ways of the world. That, I suppose, and a good view to your house. I must say I was disappointed when you stopped learning magic.’

My jaw fell open. She patted my hand and continued, ‘I suppose you promised your family?’

I nodded.

‘I thought as much, but still, as I say – it’s a shame. It’s times like these that we need to use all of the resources at our disposal.’

‘If I am caught…my family…’

Violet settled back into her chair as though she were talking about the weather.

‘I understand your predicament, my dear, but these are dark times. Anything can happen, whether we toe the line or not. And your family, they seem more than capable of handling themselves. But if, God forbid, terrible things were to happen to them, then you would need to help them. And what use would you be if you didn’t know how to use all of your powers?’

The promise I’d made to my family unsettled from the place where it lived, deep inside my soul.

‘The thing is, Violet, I’m not an ordinary witch.’

Violet’s self-assured gaze froze on her face.

I laughed. ‘Not something you expect to hear every day, is it?’

Violet picked at her biscuit. ‘Well, go on.’

So I told her everything, about the prophecy and how, if I used my powers in a way that meant harm, I would be forever transformed into a dark witch.

She narrowed her eyes as her ancient mind worked like the mechanisms of an old-fashioned clock, clicking and recalibrating in its mysterious yet predictable ways.

Quietly, I recited the prophecy.

‘Twin witches, together, we are a force to behold.

One twin, baby boy, born with a heart so bright.

The other, a girl, with a heart both light and shade.

She who has the power of darkness on her is able to persuade.

She will be hunted by the dark forces of nature,

For she is their leader, the Fire Queen, whom they wish to claim.’

When I was silent, I settled back into my chair and took a sip of my hot drink, relief that I’d shared my every secret with a trusted soul settling on me like a warm blanket.

‘Eva,’ said Violet. Something in her voice made me sit taller. ‘You must remember what I’m about to tell you, particularly if life should become more difficult.’ She clasped my hand. ‘I know you, dearest, not by the workings of my mind, but by the workings of my heart – from someone who has pretty much seen and felt it all. So, I can say to you, with absolute, unequivocal certainty, that you do not have a dark heart.’

‘But the prophecy says–’

‘Stop this talk, Eva. I know what the prophecy says – it says that you have a heart of light and shade. So? Who doesn’t? Does that make you bad? Does that make you a dark force of nature?’

I stared at her, my voice silenced.

‘Well, does it?’ she asked.

‘I suppose not.’

Violet slowly turned her head from left to right. ‘You suppose?’

I took a deep breath and whispered my darkest secret. ‘Sometimes I feel it – the darkness – and I know, given the right situation, I could lose control.’ My voice cracked as I remembered how I’d felt, what I might have done, when I’d seen my brother tortured and broken.

‘And why did you feel like that?’

‘I would do anything to protect my family, Violet…anything.’

Violet didn’t blink. ‘And how does protecting your family make your heart dark?’

‘Well, I suppose, if I hurt someone…or worse…’

‘We live in dangerous times and you, more than anyone. You’re Ezra’s girlfriend, living right under the nose of the biggest beast of all. Your position both protects you and casts you into deeper peril.’ She bit into her biscuit and gazed off into the distance before turning back to me. ‘There may come a time when you’re forced to take action – to use your powers – to become a powerful witch. But even then, you can still choose how you use your powers. Dear, sweet girl, I know you and so I know you will choose the just and right thing.’

Violet’s words were strong and true, as though spoken not by an old woman, but by an oracle.

‘Thank you,’ I said quietly, tucking her words away for another time.

‘Now, that young man of yours will be beside himself with worry; I’m sure of that, too. Go on and enjoy your party. Eighteen is a wonderful age.’

I took a final sip of my hot chocolate and stood, not wanting to leave the sanctuary of Violet’s cosy lounge where I felt safe and cared for. Across the road Ezra waited for an answer, and then there was Noah. Somehow I would have to do the impossible – find him, try and make things right between us. Being blackmailed to be with him was not an option.

‘I know you have a big decision to make about your future with Ezra,’ she said, reaching out and holding my hand. ‘And, as with all matters of the heart, it already knows. So all you have to do is listen and then trust what it has to say.’

I brought her wrinkly hand to my lips. ‘What would I do without you?’

‘Let’s hope we don’t have to worry about that for some time. But even if I’m not around, you must remember what I have told you. You are a special girl, my dear,

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