knobby against my bare back, but then Lincoln’s arm banded around me to form a shield while I looped my arms around his neck.

My ankles hooked around his waist, and miraculously, I didn’t feel like I was about to fall or like he would break his back trying to hold me up. A feat of strength but one he achieved without breaking a sweat.

Our bodies shifted closer together. Lincoln’s eyes were on mine, the burning desire in them stoking the coal fire he had lit deep inside me.

The broad head of his cock nudged at my sex. Then he let his forehead touch mine as he thrust in. We both exhaled in relief as he buried himself to the hilt, so deep that it was a little difficult to breathe.

His breaths came out in gasps alongside mine, and I could see the strain he was taking by holding back.

“I’m okay,” I reassured him before my hands went to the back of his neck, and I drew him in for another kiss.

Slowly starting to move his hips as our lips sealed together, my inner muscles stretched to accommodate him fully. Low groans punctuated our kisses, so intertwined that I wasn’t sure which of the sounds were mine and which were his.

Lincoln’s steady motions continued. A light sheen of sweat covered my body, my skin pebbling between the cool breeze coming off the water and the heat of him against me.

Running my fingers through the soft hair at the nape of his neck, I felt him shiver against me and his hips picked up speed.

Being with Lincoln felt as incredible as it had been the first time—if not better. He moved inside me, kissing me until I was dizzy and breathless while making me forget that I was suspended against a damn pier. Not even knowing I was buck naked in public was causing me any anxiety.

Conscious thought fled from my mind as he thrust into me again. “Lincoln.”

My voice was loud but drowned out by the lapping of the waves against the pier. Since I felt stable enough, I let go of his shoulders with one arm and lowered my hand to his chest. Undoing a few of his buttons was challenging but well worth the reward when my palm hit his firm chest.

As I explored his skin, he drove into me harder and faster. The noises he made were beyond what I’d heard even in porn. They made my insides flutter and my core tighten around him.

I arched my back to press my clit against his pubic bone and was immediately lost in the pleasure of the adjusted angle. His hands stayed on my hips, pinning me in place as he slammed his hips against mine.

With both of us breathing heavily and our moans and breath mingling in the sea air, I knew we were getting close. “Fuck, Sofia. I need to—”

The ragged sound of his voice sent shockwaves cascading through me. Every word he said and every sound he made pushed me closer to that edge. On his next stroke and when another masculine growl hit my ears, I went flying over it as I came again.

One of his hands knotted into the hair at the nape of my neck as he followed me over.

“Sofia,” he gasped on a low, heavy, groan. I vaguely registered the twitch of his cock as he emptied himself deep inside me.

His body trembled with mine, but he held me steady against the pillar. Dropping his head to the crook of my neck, he rained kisses down on my shoulder and the hollow of my throat while we caught our breath.

“I think I’m good now,” I said when my heartbeat had returned to normal, and I realized how uncomfortable our position really was.

Lincoln lifted his head to look into my eyes. “You sure?”

“One way to find out,” I joked as I wiggled against him.

He gave my butt a playful slap but then gently helped me to my feet. I wobbled a little, but quickly found my balance.

It was only once he was sure I was steady that he stepped away from me. He took care of the condom and got his pants back on before he helped me shake the sand out of my dress.

Once I was covered up again—sans panties, which he refused to give back to me—he wound his fingers around mine and we walked back down the beach.

“You want to go on a real date sometime?” he asked.

With the moon shimmering on the ocean beside us, the music from the party in the distance, and his usually cocky expression sincere, it felt like his question would kick our relationship into a different gear.

It wasn’t necessarily a gear I’d been after before, but as I looked up into the infinite pools of his eyes in the cool light, I realized I was ready to take a chance on it. On him.

“I wouldn’t be opposed to it,” I said, keeping it light because the thoughts suddenly swimming around in my head were not ones I was anywhere near ready to discuss. “You could pick me up from my house. Meet my dad.”

Lincoln arched a brow, tugging me into him as we walked. We both stumbled a bit, but he caught us and let out a dark chuckle. “Very funny. The real answer now please.”

“I would very much like to go on a real date with you,” I said after pulling him to a stop and winding both arms around his neck again.

Dipping my head, I gave him a soft kiss on the lips and spoke against them. “Just give me a call and I’ll meet you somewhere?”

“I’ll do that,” he promised. He drew me against him and swept his tongue past my lips, holding on to me like he wasn’t sure if he would ever let me go.

Chapter 17


Since I’d been in near-constant contact with Sofia after that night on the beach, I assumed it was her calling when my phone

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