and that was exactly what I would do.

Body, mind, and soul, I would dedicate myself to her, to being better for her and to prove to Charles that I wasn’t the piece of shit he thought I was. But he and I needed to have a conversation first. The only thing that would keep me from breaking his fucking jaw in so many places that he had to take his meals through a straw for the rest of his life was that I needed him to be able to speak for said conversation.

Also, he was still Sofia’s dad. If I maimed him, it probably wouldn’t win me any points with her. First, though, I needed to get the fuck out of there.

Grunting in frustration as I balled my fists for what had to be the millionth time since I’d been thrown in there, I screwed my eyes shut and tried to channel some semblance of calm.

My attempt was shattered when keys clattered at the lock, and I heard the guards ordering someone into my cell. I wrenched my eyes open to see a mountain of a man stumbling in as they shoved him to my side of the gate.

My new cellmate’s head was shaved clean and tattoos crept out from under his collar. He had to be at least seven feet tall and had eyes as black as night.

Both middle fingers were thrust up at the guards, and a string of curses that echoed my own sentiments flew from his lips.

The bigger guard scowled at him. “Shut it, Dave. It’s not my fault you’re back here.”

Dave smirked and made another, much more obscene gesture at them before pivoting on his heels. When he saw me, he arched a black eyebrow. “Well, well, well another kid in the naughty corner today, huh?”

“Yep.” I turned toward the window, really not in the mood to get to know the guy. The landscape outside was only marginally better than it was in there. It wasn’t even really outside. Just outside of the cell.

A long hallway stretched as far as I could see. It was khaki-colored but clean, with more of the flickering lights and absolutely no personality.

“I’m taking it this is your first time?” Dave asked. A cot squeaked under his mammoth weight as he heaved himself down on it.


A deep chuckle came from him. It was a surprisingly cheerful sound for a place like this. “You’re really talkative with all those one-word answers, my man. What’s your name?”

“Lincoln.” I rested my head against one of the cool bars, shutting my mouth again.

“I’m Dave,” he offered. “I’m also something of a veteran around here. I know it’s nothing to be proud of, but I’m kinda proud of it.”

“Congratulations,” I muttered.

Clearly, the man didn’t give a fuck about my lack of enthusiasm. “Want to know what I’m in for this time?”

I gritted my teeth, dragging in a deep breath. “Not really.”

“Well, I’ll tell you anyway,” he said. I heard more creaks, and when I opened my eyes to see what had caused them, I saw Dave had spread himself out on the crappy cot like he was lying on a king-sized bed in a luxury hotel.

He seemed to be entirely at peace. His hands were tucked behind his head and his boots were on the floor. He’d crossed his socked feet and was peering at me between eyelashes that were way too long for a man of his size. It was freaky really.

Smirking when he caught my eye, he shook his head without lifting it. “It’s no use trying to ignore me, dude. Trust me. Talking is the only thing that makes time feel like it’s actually passing in this place.”

I sighed but inclined my head. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I don’t even know how many days have passed since they tossed me in here.”

“Days?” His brows rose. “Why are you still in holding?”

Because they don’t have anything to charge me for. “They haven’t processed me yet.”

A deep frown appeared on his massive forehead. “That’s fucked up, man. So they’re just keeping you in purgatory?”

“Yep. I guess it’s better than the alternative, though.”

Dave shuddered, nodding his agreement. “Sure, but obviously, they’re not just keeping you here until you’ve sobered up or something.”

“True, but this also isn’t a drunk tank.”

He shrugged. “Technically, no, but it’s been used as one on occasion.”

“Really? That hardly seems fair.”

Another chuckle came from him. “Nope, but life isn’t fair. Want to come sit down? Maybe my story will cheer you up. It’s funny as fuck.”

“Sure.” Avoiding him hadn’t worked. Maybe he’d stop running his mouth if I just listened for a minute. “What did you do?”

Unexpected humor lit up his eyes as he lifted his back off the mattress and rolled to his side. “I bet a rookie that he couldn’t outdrink me.”

“He took that bet?” I didn’t know the guy, and I could hold my liquor, but he had a definite size advantage.

Dave grinned, displaying yellowing but perfectly straight teeth. “The idiot did, yes.”

“What was the bet?”

“If he won, I’d do his laundry for a week.” His shoulders shook with silent laughter. “But if I won, he had to hit on a woman of my choosing.”

“Who did you choose?” Despite myself, I found my muscles relaxing for the first time in days. Dave’s I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude was refreshing after days of solitude and silence.

He smirked at me, his lips trembling as he tried to hold back his laughter. “I chose our lieutenant’s girlfriend, of course. He didn’t know who she was, but he was too arrogant to listen when the others told him to pass on the bet.”

“I’m assuming he found out who she was? Eventually?”

“He did, but not before getting so drunk that he danced on the bar with her. I might have also sent some shots over to them while he was trying to chat her up.”

“Some?” I crossed my arms. “How many shots did you send over?”

“Only about ten or so.” He laughed, then shrugged his giant shoulders.

Вы читаете Let Freedom Ring
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