won’t have you questioning the process.”

“Which means you haven’t bothered to speak to any of those guys because you were trying to build a case of recklessness against Lincoln.” My spine shot ramrod straight. “It’s been weeks. Who’s really being reckless here?”

“You are on very thin ice with me right now, young lady.” Dad’s gaze darkened. “You don’t want to push me. You and I will discuss our situation later. Unless you want me to arrange an escort out of here for you, you will keep quiet.”

He questioned Eden for a few more minutes until even I could see the other man was exhausted. He still wasn’t giving up, though.

“The lieutenant made a bad call, sir. It almost cost the lives of all the SEALs involved, and it would have if Lincoln hadn’t been there. I’m not trying to pin the blame on him, but it’s not the first time something like this has happened with our lieutenant.”

“We will question him, but this is about Lincoln Dobbs. Not his lieutenant.”

“Sure, but have you never wondered why Lincoln has to make so many calls when it should be the lieutenant making them?”

“No.” My father’s eyes narrowed. “Because it’s not Lincoln’s place to make calls. It’s his place to follow orders, which he seems incapable of doing. He doesn’t even wait for them to be made.”

“Maybe you should look into that,” Eden suggested. His cheeks had paled again, and he swayed slightly in his seat. “I guarantee you won’t find what you think you will if you actually investigate.”

“Dobss has been given plenty of opportunities to advance if he wanted to be in charge. It’s not his lieutenant’s fault if he doesn’t want to step up but can’t play on anyone else’s team either.”

The corners of Eden’s lips pressed in, and he shook his head sadly. “Just look into it, sir. I’m not saying everything Lincoln has done has been smart or right, but he shouldn’t receive a dishonorable discharge just because he wasn’t ready to grow up yet.”

Dad and I both frowned at Eden, but then Dad dismissed him. “Go get some rest. You look like you’re about to pass out. I’ll look into the information you provided.”

He looked like he wanted to say more, but when he swayed again, he nodded. Dad called in one of the soldiers who walked past to help Eden back to his bed. Then he turned his attention on me.

There was a lecture in his eyes, but I didn’t let him get to it. “I don’t know what you’ve been doing here, but you need to get Lincoln back.”

“It’s not that simple. Eden’s account is only one piece of evidence, and he has a head injury. I won’t let you tell me how to do my job.”

“I shouldn’t have to tell you how to do it. Heaven only knows my involvement with a man shouldn’t influence how you do it, either. Lincoln is one of the best you’ve got. Even you know it.”

I stood up, sighing as I looked into my dad’s eyes. “Get him back, Dad. If you don’t, you won’t ever see me again. I won’t let you use me as a bargaining chip to end someone’s career.”

Dozens of emotions flashed in Dad’s eyes, but before he could voice any of his thoughts, I spun around and marched out of his office. The door slammed behind me, the loud bang echoing in the corridor.

Dad didn’t come after me. I only prayed it was because he was already doing the right thing, already trying to make this right.

Chapter 35


“Dobbs, you’re out,” a guard yelled as he unlocked the gate. “Come with me. Move it. I don’t have all day.”

Dave grinned at me. “Well, would you look at that? You’re being sprung. Congratulations, man.”

“Thanks.” I bumped his fist when he held it out, but I couldn’t quite muster the same enthusiasm. “I’ll see you around.”

At least I hoped I would. Dave had been my cellmate for only one night, but he’d made that one night a hell of a lot more tolerable just by being there.

The talking had been annoying at times, but it’d also kept me out of my head. As I stood up from my cot, though, I realized it couldn’t quite have been one night.

Sure enough, the guard was yawning and his eyes were red and swollen like he’d just woken up. Since they’d taken my watch, I had no way of knowing what the time was.

“Do you have the time?” I asked as I walked out of the cell that had been my home for God only knew how many days.

The guard rolled his eyes. “It’s just before three in the morning.”

“If you’re on night shift, why were you sleeping?” I couldn’t help myself. “Shouldn’t you have been making sure we didn’t fly the coop?”

He rolled his eyes at me again. “I could hear Dave’s yapping all the time. Knew you were staying put. Now get the fuck out of here before I put you in the hospital for not knowing when to shut your trap.”

Dave must have heard his comment because he started laughing. The booming sound followed me out into the corridor, and finally, a grin of my own broke through. I shook my head at myself, but I kind of wished he was going with me.

“Where am I going?” I asked the stone-faced guard, but it seemed he’d decided to ignore me.

A car was waiting for me when I stepped into the cool night air. It was quiet on the base, but some lights were on in the surrounding buildings.

If I was being let out at this time of day, I was guessing someone had been burning the midnight oil with my investigation as well. Trepidation crept into my veins, but I kept it at bay. Whatever was going on, I’d face it head on. Just the same as I faced everything else that got thrown at me.

An ensign waited in the car, merely nodding his

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