the trunk, and you’ve got a full tank of gas. I hope you make it to Fort Knox on time,” Ethan said, gazing at her with his earnest blue eyes.

A few seconds passed in awkward silence as each of them searched for the right thing to say. Secretly, Dylan wished Ethan could’ve gone with her to Fort Knox, and he didn’t look eager to see her go either. But, they each had their road to travel, and it wasn’t together. Not now.

“If you ever need to, you’ll know where to find me,” Dylan said.

“Likewise,” Ethan replied, before getting out so she could scoot over. Once settled behind the wheel, the guards opened the barricade, and she had little option but to drive through.

A final wave and then Ethan was gone, retreating to a distant figure in her rearview mirror. The roadblock closed, completely cutting him off from view. Dylan swallowed on a sudden lump in her throat as tears threatened to undo her fragile composure. For the first time, she felt truly alone. Not just alone, but lonely too.

Several miles passed without incident, and she was beginning to grow thirsty again. Hot too. Her fever was growing worse. With the supplies in the trunk, that would mean a quick stop to get water. Before she could pull over, however, a truck appeared on the horizon behind her. It was moving fast, its silhouette growing larger by the second.

Dylan stared at it with narrowed eyes. It could only come from one place. Vandalia. And she could think of only two people who might want to see her again. Ethan and Ray. She strongly doubted it was Ethan racing after her at such breakneck speed. So, it had to be Ray, and he wasn’t about to bring her flowers.

“Son of a…” She pulled her gun from its holster and placed it on the seat next to her. “If it’s Ray, I’m going to kill him this time.”

She cast her eyes around to see if there was anywhere she could take shelter, someplace safe where she could fight Ray off, but there was nothing. Nothing but open fields filled with patches of scraggly brush and trees.

Dylan tried going faster, pushing the car to its limits, but the truck kept getting closer by the minute. It was faster than her. Much faster.

“Running isn’t an option, it seems. Neither is hiding. I’ll have to fight them off,” she muttered as fear stirred in the pit of her stomach. She thought of them because she couldn’t imagine the sniveling Ray coming after her alone. Nope. He’d bring his buddies with him for back-up.

A minute ticked by as the two vehicles raced across the asphalt. The truck slowly gained while Dylan braced herself for the worst. She was scared, her stomach churning at the thought of what was to come. A fight to the death in which she was outnumbered and outgunned in every way. If she hoped to survive, she’d have to use her wits.

Dylan licked her dry lips as she cast around for a way out, a trick, anything that could save her. All the while, Ray kept gaining until she could make out his face in the mirror. He grinned, sensing her gaze.

Just as she’d thought, he’d brought along two of his buddies as well. The same two who’d stared at her before. That complicated matters. She didn’t know what she was going to do. All she did know was that she wouldn’t give up. Not a chance. “Come and get it, asshole. I’ll make you regret chasing after me. That’s a promise.”

Chapter 20 - Dylan

Dylan swallowed hard as Ray’s truck drew level with her car. Her hands shook on the wheel, and she flexed her fingers to get a better grip. Her gut churned, and she regretted stuffing herself with cookies in Ethan’s office earlier. She’d have been better off with an empty stomach.

Ray waved at her to pull over, a wide grin splitting his face from ear to ear. His buddies were laughing too. They were confident they had her. Sure there was no escape, and they were probably right.

Dylan refused to look at them. Instead, she focused on the road, looking for anything that might help her. There was nothing. The highway stretched ahead as straight as an arrow, a smooth gray snake that cut through the landscape. On either side, spread a barren world. It was as if they’d fallen off the face of the earth. There wasn’t a single farmhouse to offer hope. No one to help. No other cars. And the nearest town too far to be of any assistance. She was on her own.

Ray’s buddies wound down their window and shouted at her to stop. When she didn’t comply, they resorted to yelling obscenities and threats, joined by Ray. Peas in a pod. The scum of the earth. Undeterred, Dylan kept her gaze fixed ahead, though she covertly watched them from the corner of her eyes.

Anger washed across Ray’s face, and he swerved toward her. Panic flared in Dylan’s breast, and she jerked the wheel to the side. The tires squealed as she fought for control, the truck looming large beside her. Despite her best efforts to be brave, she was deathly afraid.

Ray pulled back just before he hit her vehicle, a smirk adorning his face. “Pull over. It’s your only chance!”

Dylan squeezed her eyes shut, her knuckles turning white on the wheel. “Please, God. Don’t let them get me.”

“Come on now. Don’t be like that. All we want is a little bit of fun.”

Bile stung the back of Dylan’s throat. She hated feeling helpless. It reminded her of the system, of everyone who’d wielded the power of life and death over her, and the foster dad who thought he could take what he wanted when he wanted. “Not again. Never again.”

Anger flared in her gut, washing away the fear she felt. A sense of recklessness overtook her. She’d be damned if she gave in to

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