“Ugh,” she said with a shudder. “Is there a bathroom in here?”
Amy pointed at a door in the far corner. “Over there.”
“Thanks. I’ll be right back.”
Dylan used the opportunity to empty her full bladder before cleaning the blade with soap and a towel. Afterward, she washed her face and hands too, feeling refreshed.
She returned to find Amy struggling to unwind Alex’s bandages, and she stepped forward. “Here. Let me help.”
With a pair of scissors, she cut through the cloth and propped him up so Amy could remove it. Together, they inspected the wound, and Dylan wrinkled her nose at the smell. “Ew. That’s almost as bad as mine.”
Amy threw her a questioning look. “Yours?”
Realizing she’d said too much, Dylan shrugged it off. “Uh, nothing. Don’t worry about it. Let me clean up the cut while you ready the shot.”
“Okay. I’ve got antibiotics and something for the pain and fever too. It’s pretty strong, so he’ll be out for a while.”
“How long is a while?” Dylan asked. “I can’t wait too long.”
“A couple of hours, maybe. And don’t think about ditching us, lady. Alex is your best shot at getting out of here. He knows this place better than most,” Amy said.
Dylan groaned aloud. “Fine. Whatever. And the name’s Dylan. Not lady.”
“Whatever you say.”
Dylan swallowed a sarcastic retort and turned her attention to Alex’s injury. With clean gauze and antiseptic, she flushed out the wound and bandaged it. Afterward, she gave him the shot Amy handed her, relieved to find his veins were quite prominent. Once she was finished, she sat back on her heels. “I guess we can’t do anything but wait, right?”
“Right,” Amy said.
For the next three hours, Dylan paced up and down while Amy coddled her brother. She washed his brow with a wet cloth, fed him sips of water, and even found a fan in one of the offices to cool him down.
During a brief bathroom break, Dylan found herself eyeing Alex with a sour look. With every minute that passed, her impatience grew. She was down to roughly thirty-seven hours, and she wasn’t feeling so hot herself. The only upside to the situation was the gradual emptying of the street outside. No doubt, people had reached the evacuation point with the sole exception of a few stragglers. Hopefully, they’d drawn most of the undead with them, leaving the way clear for Dylan and her group.
A frown formed between her brows. Since when were they part of her group? It’s too late. I’ve grown attached, damn it!
“Maybe I should just smother you in your sleep,” Dylan muttered to the sleeping Alex.
His eyebrows twitched, and a half-smile twisted his lips. “I heard that.”
“You’re awake?” She rushed to his side and pressed one hand to his forehead. “You’re still hot, though. The fever hasn’t fully broken.”
“Maybe not, but I feel a lot better. It’s not so painful anymore,” he replied, pushing himself upright with a grunt.
“Here. Drink this,” Dylan said, handing him a bottle of water.
“Thanks,” Alex replied, chugging it all down in one big gulp. “Who are you?”
“The name’s Dylan. I’m helping your sister out.”
Amy returned from the bathroom and spotted him awake and lucid. She rushed over and hugged him tightly. “Alex! You’re okay.”
“Thanks to you and Dylan here,” he replied.
“It’s nothing. As long as you get me to Fort Knox within the next few hours, we’re even,” Dylan said.
“What’s the rush?” Alex asked.
“That’s for me to know,” Dylan said, skirting the issue. After Maddie, she wasn’t about to let people know she was infected again. Not unless she was sure she could trust them.
Amy shocked her with her next words, however. “You’ve been bitten, haven’t you? You’re infected.”
“How did you know that?” Dylan asked, taking a defensive stand.
“I figured it out when you said his wound was almost as bad as yours. Besides, your veins are starting to show.”
“In your neck.”
Alex nodded. “I can see them too. How long have you got left?”
“A day and a half, roughly,” Dylan answered. Now that the cat was out of the bag, she might as well be honest with them. Besides, if they were going with her to Fort Knox, they’d better be aware of the risks.
“Are you having episodes yet?” Alex asked with a shrewd gaze.
“It’s begun,” Dylan admitted. “I’m dangerous.”
“And you want us to take you to Fort Knox. Why there?” Alex asked.
“Because they’ve got a cure,” Dylan said.
A shocked silence ensued.
“A cure? For real?” Alex asked.
“I can’t believe it!” Amy said.
Dylan nodded. “It’s not a joke. It’s real, and I need to get it before it’s too late.”
“I see.”
“Are you thinking of backing out?” Dylan asked.
“No. You helped us even though it could’ve cost you.”
“It did cost me,” Dylan pointed out. “Three hours and counting, to be precise.”
Alex held up a placating hand. “Okay, okay. I get it. It cost you, and I owe you one for that.”
“We keep our promises,” Amy interjected.
“Great,” Dylan said. “With that settled, can we go now?”
Alex peered at his watch. “I’m up for it on one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“I drive. With your infection, I can’t trust you behind the wheel. What happens if you have an episode?”
“No problem. I’ll ride shotgun,” Dylan said, itching to go.
“You should eat something first, Alex,” Amy protested. “You’re still weak.”
“I need to use the bathroom too,” Alex said.
“And we should take some medicine with us,” Amy said.
Dylan rolled her eyes and slumped down onto the nearest couch. “Fine. I’ll wait, but hurry it up, damn it. I’m timing you.”
Amy flashed her a dimpled smile. “You know. I think you’re all bark and no bite.”
“You do?” Dylan asked with raised eyebrows. “Then you’re dumber than I thought.”
“Or smarter,” Amy replied, sticking out her tongue before flouncing off.
Dylan couldn’t help but laugh a little. The girl had guts. Lots of it. Alex too. Injured as he was, he’d still committed to helping her — a man with integrity.
As she waited for her new