My grin is broad as we hug, “shit, Poppy. I told you I could make it.”
Poppy wiggles against me, her gaze shifting over my shoulder, then she giggles. When she releases me, her eyes roll, “look behind you.”
My stomach dips as I slowly turn. The groan which escapes me comes deep from within my gut. Wearing a stupid ass grin. His eyes laughing, Alex strolls from behind a tree. I glance down the road. Then I see it. He’s parked his bike close to a bend.
He stands in front of me. I want to scream, but a chuckle escapes me instead. “Alex.”
The biker turns to Poppy, “you can go.”
Poppy glances at me and at her arched eyebrow, I roll my shoulder. “It was worth a try.” Poppy’s chuckle continues to echo around me as I watch the Trans Am fade from sight in a blaze of road dust. Now the Trans Am is no longer in view, I have no excuse to avoid Alex, and turn to him.
Alex shakes his head, “don’t Alex me.”
The laughter in his eyes betrays the gruffness of his voice, and I stroll over to him, hooking my finger into the waistband of his jeans. “A woman’s gotta try.”
Alex’s smile reaches out to the pulse in my clit and as I play with the button on his jeans, his hand wraps around mine. “And a woman could get herself killed. Stop that. If you think you can get around me by being nice to my dick.” Alex taps me on the nose. “You can think again.” He glances down the road as he strides towards his bike. If my stride hadn’t matched his, I would have found myself stumbling at a half running pace. “Now let’s get out of here.”
“You know, Alex. You need to find out what it’s like to be treated as a prisoner. Shit, I didn’t take this crap from Pa.” Alex hands me my helmet along with a glare, and I slam it on, slipping the strap into place.
The laughter fades from Alex and a shadow lurks in his blue eyes. “I lost Jo-Leigh because I thought I was doing the right thing. I’m not going to lose you over your idea of independence.” Alex runs his hand through his hair. “Fuck, Mia. It’s a temporary thing. Once we deal with Delaney, you’ll have your freedom back. Then if you want, you can run naked through Noir Valley.”
I mount the bike, watching Alex from beneath lowered lashes as he climbs in front of me. My fingers itched to reach out to him, and I give into temptation. “I think that’s more your fantasy than mine.”
Alex’s chuckle warms me as I slip my hands into his waistbands. His flesh warm against my fingers.
As we ride into Noir Valley, as busy as the main street is with tourist and shoppers, I spot several businessmen on the sidewalk, and wonder if one of them is Delaney. I am still people watching as Alex parks his bike in front of the local café.
“Are you going to sit there all day?”
I turn to Alex; who has dismounted from the bike and is removing his helmet. As he runs his fingers through his hair, my fingers clench as I wish it was me teasing his hair.
“Nope.” When my feet touch terra firma, I stretch my body, easing the kink out of it, then turn to Alex. His blue eyes are on me and I give into my yearning and reach out to him. His hair is as soft as silk in my fingers and I reach up to his lips. His kiss is long and sweet. Devouring me, asking for more.
“Was that for me or for Delaney,” I said
Alex’s gaze flickered across the street. “You.” Then he turned to me. “I’ll not let Delaney hurt you.