For the first time since I broke the news to her, Ella looked excited. The fact that Bria and Fabio were moving with us was the catalyst for sure. I was looking forward to a new life with my beautiful Ella.
As expected, the proverbial shit hit the fan when my father announced to everyone that I was his successor. Gino’s face was as red as a beet—I fully expected to see him burst into flames. He was very silent when my father had finished speaking. His silence was deafening. Without a word, he got up after the meeting, and without so much as a ‘see you later,’ he left.
“I thought Gino took that pretty well, didn’t you?” My father was kidding, obviously; a blind man without his stick could see the waves of rage washing over him as he left the room.
“He’s definitely not happy. I’m a little worried about what he’s going to do, Joe. Have you and Ella decided on a date yet? I think the sooner you leave Sicily, the better.”
We’ll be ready soon, Papa. All that’s left to do is break the news to Ella’s parents and she’s dreading it. Mama wasn’t exactly happy about it either. Is she okay?”
“Your mama is a strong, smart woman. She knows this is the best thing for you and Ella. She supports us in our decision. It took a lot of talking and tears to get her to a good place. I’m just sorry that you and Ella are moving so far away from your family and friends.”
“Actually, funny story… It appears that we won’t be traveling alone.”
“Really, how so?”
“Fabio and Bria are joining us. Fabio spoke to his father, who thought it a brilliant idea to expand his casino empire to America. Fabio is excited about that, too.”
“And Bria?”
“She’s happy to go follow her husband wherever he goes. Ella is thrilled to have her best friend with her. And I must say that having my best friend there with me will be a comfort.”
“That’s wonderful news, son. This is the best thing for you and your family. It will be hard, but if anyone can make a success of it, it’s you.”
Bria and Fabio’s wedding was the most fun I’d had in yonks. The bride and groom looked dazzling, and their fun wedding was a reflection of the wonderful, crazy couple they had become. We bid them farewell as they left for their island honeymoon, and three weeks later they were back, tanned and happy. The time had come for me to drop the bomb on my parents, and I was a wreck.
I was skittish as I prepared lunch for my parents. Their lives were going so well. My father was healthy again, and he and my mother spent more time together, enjoying the life they had worked so hard for. I was afraid that my news would hurt them.
“Joe! Have you opened the wine, darling?” I was in the kitchen doing the last minute preparations, and Joe was faffing in the living room with the television.
“Yes, my love. You’ve asked me that three times already. Calm down, gorgeous; you’re going to do yourself a mischief.”
He was right. I was a ball of nerves. Joe came into the kitchen and held me. “Don’t worry, my love, we’ve got this.”
The doorbell rang at exactly one o’clock. My parents were nothing if not timely. To tell the truth, it was comforting. Joe welcomed them in as I set the antipasti out on the living room table. I’d prepared all their favorites.
“Hey, princess.” My father embraced me warmly as he always did. It was good to see him so upbeat.
“Hi, Papa. You look well. Whipping your friends on the golf course, are you?”
“He sure is,” my mother chimed in. “But I’m still waiting patiently for him to fix a few things around the house.”
“Stop nagging me, woman. Life’s too short for handy work. I’d rather spend more time with you.” He grabbed my mother and patted her on the butt.
“Giovani! Behave yourself, you lecherous specimen.” She chuckled as my father gave her a knowing wink.
“Okay, you two. Not in front of the children, please.” Joe chuckled at my mother blushing.
“So, are you having a baby?” She asked her standard question. “I feel something in the air.”
“Well, it isn’t going to be baby puke and diapers just yet, Mama.” I looked at Joe for courage.
“Oh well, it was worth asking. So, what’s going on, you two? Ella looks like she’s about to melt into her very expensive Italian platforms. What’s up?” My father looked intently at me as he spoke to Joe.
“Everything is fine, Papa. We have big news, but it may be tough for you and Mama.” I caught my breath before I carried on talking. “Joe and I are moving to America.”
“America! Why?” My mother’s face was exactly what I expected.
“Why? When? Are you sure this is what you both want?” My father looked at Joe and then back at me.
“There are opportunities for Joe and me in a place like America. Joe wants to expand their family business, and we feel that bringing up a young family in America will give them incredible opportunities.” I stopped talking. That was my story, and I was sticking to it. There was no way in hell I was going to tell them of our trouble with Gino brewing on the horizon. Moving to another continent was big enough.
Joe spoke next. “We can imagine how shocked you must be at our news. The truth is that Sicily is becoming a dangerous place for young families. I want to give Ella the best of everything, and in America, I can do that. We are a mere flight away from you. Anytime you wish, you’re welcome