ten-plug power bank were bolted to a shelf.

Cooper hopped up into the bunk and picked up a remote. He pointed it and suddenly, a television rose from the foot of the bed. “Holy crap.” He tossed the remote into a little cubby stashed on the side. “C’mere. Let’s see if we both fit.”

“Not right now,” I whispered. “Later.”

He grinned and slid off the bed. “It’s comfy at least.” He gave me a brief kiss and headed back out into the hallway.

We descended the stairs as Lila spoke to the group.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough for now. Let’s chat, and then you’re free to do whatever while we get on the road.”

We emerged in the main part of the bus, and Cooper laid a hand on my shoulder as I looked toward Lila and the rest of the band. Well, at least the ones I could see. Noah was in the back with the security people, but at the sound of Lila’s authoritarian voice, he strode to the front to stand beside her.

“My bed isn’t long enough,” Oz announced, hustling down the steps from the bedroom area and slapping Cooper on the back as he passed.

“It most certainly is, Osmond. We measured. Did you lay down on it with your Jack and the Beanstalk boots? They add a few inches.”

I giggled as I looked at Oz’s huge purple shitkickers. “At least the toe box isn’t curled.”

Oz flipped me off before he sat on the enormous leather couch and stretched out, boots and all. “You think you’re funny.”

“Trust me,” Lila said, “no expense was spared. That bed will fit you, unless you’re having another growth spurt. If that’s the case, perhaps you should see a physician.”

“Those are some boots,” Cooper remarked. “I’d ask where you got them, but they’re assaulting my eyes.”

“A man secure in his masculinity enjoys all colors of the spectrum.” Daisy’s voice was prim as she sat on the arm of the couch where Oz was stationed.

“Ohhh,” Cooper and I said, practically in unison.

“She bought them for you. Now it all makes sense.” I exchanged glances with Cooper. “See what happens when you become coupled?”

He pinched my ass. On the opposite side from where Oz and Daisy were cuddling but still, he didn’t make much attempt to hide it. He also didn’t hide nosing my hair out of the way to whisper in my ear. “I’ll wear what you buy me, but remember, payback’s a bitch, Daly.”

Lila sat at the circular table in the kitchen area, and one by one, all the band members gathered around it. A couple of the men remained standing, because there weren’t quite enough seats at the table. And of course, Noah always stood, regardless.

Daisy and Nash made themselves scarce. Surprisingly, that was actually possible to do on this bus. It was freaking gigantic.

“For those who haven’t finished exploring, you’ll have plenty of time once we’re on the road. But every one of you has a private room. They are small, but there are doors, and it’s your own space. Enough for significant others or nightly visitors, your choice of poison. Just remember, you make filth, you’ll live in it until the next time the cleaning crew comes through.”

Lindsey pointed at Jamie. “She means you. Slob.”

Jamie rolled her eyes. “I thrive on organized chaos.”

“You’ll also notice that not only is your security team glued to your sides off the bus, it is now attached to you on the bus, as well. For those of you who abide by the rules, anyway.” She gave Cooper and I a hard stare. “The security rig is at the far back.”

Cole must’ve come aboard while Cooper and I were checking out the bedrooms.


“So, Master Sergeant isn’t our only accompaniment on the road? Gee, whiz, how did we get so lucky?”

Ignoring Jamie, Lila rolled on. “Most of you have probably heard about Zane’s misadventure this weekend by now.”

“What misadventure? We went off the grid after the club.” Lindsey’s eyes narrowed on Zane, who was slouching against the wall and staring somewhere out the window. “Zane?”

“Yeah, what the fuck happened?” Jamie turned around to slap him on the thigh, approximately half an inch from his crotch. He didn’t so much as blink. “You were fine at Purgatory.”

“I was, until you got me to drink that piece of shit drink that got me a fucking record. The one Cooper brought to the table.”

“Hey.” I frowned. “That’s not fair. He bailed your ass out.”

“That’s true. It was still your drink.”

Cooper rested both hands on my shoulders from directly behind my chair. “Watch it.”

Zane swore and held up his hands. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I’m not blaming any of you. It was just crap luck. I rolled and I lost. It could’ve been worse, right?” He let out a dry laugh. “At least I didn’t tattoo Minnie Mouse on my bicep.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Jamie demanded.

In lieu of an actual explanation, he turned around and pulled down the waistband of his jeans. The lazy turtle tattoo made Jamie cup her hand over her mouth. “Damn, that’s um…”

“Hideous. I was fucking roofied or something, and I stole a Lambo, got myself arrested, and oh, yeah, at some point, I chose to get that as a tramp stamp.”

“Roofied.” Lindsey’s voice was flat. “Someone put something in Teagan’s drink. Thank God she didn’t drink it. Who the hell would have done that?”

“We have a line on who it might be, and we’re looking for her to bring her in for questioning.”

“Her?” Jamie cocked her head. “Did you get a sicko female after you, High Tea?”

I shook my head. “That would make more sense than this.”

Lila didn’t acknowledge us, just continued seamlessly. “Unfortunately, a couple of your bandmates chose to go rogue and play Nancy Drew to meet with her, which did not happen. So, now she’s MIA, since they were as subtle as a tank.” Lila gazed at me before shifting her attention to Cooper. “Did either of you get the memo about not going

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