didn’t scare her so she could create a garden of her own.

You’re getting ahead of yourself. You don’t have a home yet. You don’t even know for certain you have a husband.

One of the things Peyton wanted to discuss might be an annulment. She sat on a bench near the fountain and closed her eyes. The splash of the water and the flowers’ aromas surrounded and soothed her.

She gave thanks that their family had come through the ordeal. She prayed Peyton would want to remain married to her—to make their marriage a reality. Poor Josiah was hurt badly but he was alive and healing. Doctor Greer predicted Josiah would fully recover in a few weeks.

She had yet even to see the hacienda and Josiah’s ranch.  She longed to be present when Josiah and Yolanda married. If she remained with Peyton, where would she be then?

Chapter Seventeen

Peyton made sure his badge was displayed as he strode toward the men gathered in front of the marshal’s office and jail. He hoped they were not crooks like the marshal. He had no way of knowing if the sheriff was a friend of Lawson’s.

As he arrived the prisoners were being led to the cart.

He was met by a man wearing a sheriff’s badge walking toward him.

Sheriff Lopez extended his hand to Peyton. “I’m Sheriff Lopez and I wanted to shake hands with the man who engineered the capture of twenty men with only one injury and one death, none of whom were to your men.”

They shook. “The local townspeople were a big help.”

“I would have been here sooner to round up Lawson but I’ve had my hands full in Las Vegas. That town is trying to be another Dodge City. Every criminal in the country has decided to come through there or to try to set up business there. They’re taxing my resources.”

“We appreciate you showing up. I wired you and was relieved to learn you were on the way.”

“Sheriff Conklin wired me and told me to get over here before another range war broke out and you folk got yourselves killed. I’m glad he underestimated you.”

Peyton was still amazed things had worked out as well as they had. “I have some good men and women with me. Some of the locals pitched in.”

“I understand your wife is a Pinkerton agent, too. I heard they were hiring women again but I didn’t know if that was fact or fiction.”

“Right now they have to be paired with a husband. Works out well because a woman can get some places a man can’t and vice versa.” Hadn’t he changed his mind, though?

Sheriff Lopez watched as Oscar and Oslo were loaded into the cart. “I’d already run those two out of Las Vegas. Should have held them for trial but had my jail full. Dadgum, this will tax my jail again but I’m sure glad this fracas cleared up the problem of Lawson running an empire.”

“What’s going to happen to Lawson’s ranch?”

Lopez shook his head and appeared to consider the question. “He owes a lot of back taxes. Soon as I had time I was coming to arrest him and put the ranch up for sale for back taxes. Man thought he could disregard every part of the law.”

“I’d sure like to own that place. My brother-in-law owns the adjoining ranch. He’s the one Lawson was holding prisoner to get him to sign over the deed.”

The sheriff scrutinized him. “Having the likes of you in this corner of the county would take a load off my mind. Reckon I could count on you to keep peace and offer fair treatment.”

A kernel of hope sprouted in Peyton’s heart. “You could. One of my men wants to be marshal and another wants to be deputy. They’re fine and fair men who would uphold the law and treat everyone the same.”

“That sounds good.” He stabbed a forefinger at Peyton. “Son, after what you’ve done for this county, you come up with the back taxes and the place is yours.”

“Let me know the amount and I’ll get it to you.” Peyton hoped he spoke the truth.

Sheriff Lopez rubbed his jaw. “Let’s see if I can recall.” He named an amount that was a steal for the ranch. “In that neighborhood anyway.”

Peyton stuck out his hand again. “You made yourself a sale. Shall I give you my check now or do you want cash?”

“Probably best you have it wired to the bank in Las Vegas. No telling what we’ll run into on the way back. I’m not letting these men get away but there are others like them on the trail. I trust you’ll have the money wired within a few days.” He felt in his pockets. “You have any paper on you?”

Peyton pulled out his notebook and a pencil. “Will this do?”

The sheriff wrote out a bill of sale on a blank page and signed it. “Harry, Morley, come here a second.”

Two men hurried over.

“Witness that I signed Lawson’s former ranch over to Peyton Knight. He’s the one who rounded up all these men.”

The first one regarded Peyton with awe on his face. “You don’t say. I’m right pleased to make your acquaintance.” He signed the paper.

The other had stared at Peyton while the first one spoke and signed. “I expect you walk on water and fly in your spare time.” He signed.

Peyton grinned. “I’m an ordinary man who picks good friends and makes careful plans. A little luck never hurts.”

The two men walked off laughing and shaking their heads.

Sheriff Lopez mounted his horse. “I’d sure like to sit down to a good meal and crawl into a soft bed but the sooner we leave the sooner we get this bunch into cells.”

They all

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