at heart stay here and those who have given up on their dreams vanish from this world and just go on suffering, feeling empty in your world. But it is their own choice to let the dreams escape and crumble. That isn’t what is happening now, now the circus is causing the dreams to wither from the inside out. Humans have no control over it on the outside. The repercussions on your world will be tremendous if it isn’t stopped.”

None of it sounded real. How could that even be possible? I still debated if this was some dream, a dream I would love to express through dance or art. However, there was always the off chance that this was real, that some miracle has occurred and I was indeed trapped in Wonderland. “How is the Circus doing this?”

“They are creating darkness that captures the soul of the dream,” Malcolm explained with a bit of a sigh. “We didn’t know it until it was too late. It has taken both our Queen and King and turned them against those who still have dreams. Only a few of us got out and are trying to stop it before it goes too far.”

“Like you all?” I glanced at the others. Each one of them nodded.

Chase winked. “Yes, like us, Alice.”

I turned back to Malcolm. “Have you been to this Circus?”

A bit of remorse was apparent in his eyes. “Yes.”

“Then why aren’t you affected?” It seemed like a good question, as these were the few people who didn’t have dark shadows across their faces. I wondered what made them so special, other than being in the original story.

He smiled. “The Cirque de Rêves uses fear to get to the soul of dreams. It’s how it clouds everyone’s mind. He makes you see your darkest fear and lets you live it. It kills the dreams and they become living nightmares. It didn’t work on me though, as I have learned long ago not to live in fear.”

I wondered what he meant by that. How could one learn to not live in fear? Even I was afraid of the future, but I tried my hardest not to let go of my dreams. “What about the rest of you?”

Chase raised his hand. “I’m too free-spirited for anything to hold me down. Fear is nothing to a cat like me.”

“I have been at the Hatter’s side since the beginning,” Melvin explained. “So like him, I have learned to live with my fears.”

“And as for this mouse here.” Chase wrapped his arm around Davis. “He is always afraid so he doesn’t know the difference between fake fear and real fear.”

Davis’ face turned red. Chase apparently always knew what buttons to push. “Shut up, cat! It’s because I am stronger than most other people around. Only strong people can live in fear and endure it every day.”

“Sure it is.”

Davis tried to hit Chase but Chase disappeared and reappeared in front of us, laughing. Davis started chasing him around the group, which was odd to think about how a mouse could chase a cat. It was hopeless, though, as Davis could never catch up to him.

I turned my attention back to the buildings around us. I noticed that the people, or I guess they were dreams, didn’t pay attention to us like they had before when I first came to this place. Was it because of my clothes and how I actually blended in now?

There was still a lot I didn’t know and a lot I still wanted to understand. I either wished I could be told everything that was going on and why I was needed or just wake up from this very strange dream.

“Why am I here?”

Malcolm let out a brief sigh. “That is very complicated. Howard is really the best man to ask that question, he was the one who sent us to find you. Honestly, we aren’t even quite sure why we need you.”

“Is he like some kind of mentor or something?”

Chase opened his arms wide. “He is so much more than that! He is like a father to us. He has taught us so much over the years and has brought us together to save the kingdom, which honestly I didn’t think was possible, am I right Mad Hatter?”

I turned to Malcolm but he didn’t say a word. His eyes darted in Chase’s direction, scowling.

“Geez,” Chase said. “Didn’t mean to hit a sore spot.”

“But yes,” Malcolm went on. “He is like our mentor. Even when something seems impossible, or everyone has turned their backs on us, he has been there with open arms. We owe a lot to him, each and every one of us.”

I nodded as if I understood, but honestly I didn’t. Most adults that I knew didn’t think that I knew what was good for myself, that art wasn’t a suitable career path for any human. The only adult that did support me was Mrs. B., but other than just a few supportive words here and there, it wasn’t like I felt I could talk to her about everything. I found these boys to be lucky, but then again I didn’t know the whole story. I learned to never be jealous of someone who appeared to have what you wanted on the outside, because you just never knew what their story was.

“So who is behind this Circus?” I asked as the quiet was starting to freak me out a bit. I always got nervous when it was quiet, which is why people thought I was more social than I really was. Truthfully I just hated awkward silence. I was usually the one who started making a turtle with my hands.

“A man who calls himself Morpheus,” Melvin answered. He looked a bit annoyed at just the thought of him.

I let out a brief laugh. “As in

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