We finally came to a room that had a fire roaring in it. It felt good against my skin as it was starting to grow dark outside and a chill had swept through the land. As we entered, two people stood up from the couch with a smile on their faces.
“You made it!” Davis sprung up and ran towards us. He wrapped his arms around me. “I’m so glad you didn’t get caught, I was so worried.”
“Uh, thanks? Really it is thanks to Malcolm, he was able to get us into the clear,” I said, not quite sure what to do as a boy was hugging me.
Chase grabbed him by the collar and pulled him away from me. “Get off of her, you perv!”
“I’m not a perv, I was just happy to see her!” Davis yelled back.
“Yeah, yeah, like I haven’t heard that one before. Give her some space, will ya? You think she wants some disgusting rodent touching her?”
Davis pushed Chase. “Stop calling me a rodent!”
Malcolm stepped up, which I was glad. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know them well enough to feel I could barge in on their conversation. “Knock it off you two, can you act civilized for once in your life?”
Chase appeared as if he was going to say something, but didn’t. His ears just turned down like when a cat was annoyed.
“Well, the time has come at last, I see,” a voice said behind me. I turned to find an older gentleman with greying blonde hair. His blue eyes appeared to have seen so much through the years.
“Alice,” the man greeted. “At last we finally meet. I am Howard, or you may better know me as the Caterpillar.”
I stood there in awe, not quite believing that the man who stood in front of me was the wise Caterpillar from the stories. I mean, it wasn’t that he looked stupid or anything, I just never imagined him being a scraggly man with worn-out clothes and greying scruff on his face. But by the way he stood, I could tell he had an air of authority about him, and that was all I needed to believe him.
I bowed to him out of respect. It was strange to do as an American, yes, but after Japanese class and watching so much anime, it really just became a habit that I picked up. It was better to be formal than it was to be less so. “Please to meet you.”
He laughed. “Please, you don’t need to use such formalities. It’s not like I’m a king or something. I’m just a man who has been around for a while, a tired one at that.”
I straightened up. “So, can you tell me, what is going on?”
He walked over towards the fire. “How much do you know, miss Alice?”
“Not much really, I just know there is a Dream Kingdom and the Cirque de Rêves is trying to destroy people’s dreams in my world. That, and I know that I am involved somehow. That is about it.”
“Good, good. I don’t have to start from scratch. I am glad my boys were able to give you that much.”
“There is still a lot I don’t quite understand, I was told that you would explain it all.”
He nodded. “Yes, in due time. But first, Alice, I would like to know what you think of this world.”
I blinked. “What I think?”
“Yes, of this world and of the people you have met so far.” He laughed. “I guess that is hard when they are standing right there in front of you. Boys, how about you give us some time alone so we can discuss everything. Alice is probably getting hungry, why don’t you fix up some dinner?”
Malcolm nodded. “Yes sir.” And with that, he left with the rest of them, who had gone to what I presumed would be the kitchen. Chase was the last to leave, as if unsure if he should leave me there alone.
“There, now you can say anything you would like, they will never hear anything from me.” Howard grinned.
I always found it hard opening up to someone I didn’t know, even if they were supposed to be professionals. I had gone to a counselor when I was younger, my parents thought it was strange I was so introverted and quiet. They never got anywhere with me because, honestly, I didn’t want to change and I never could talk to someone I didn’t know that well.
I shrugged. “What am I supposed to say? This world is beyond my imagination, I’m flabbergasted at the thought of being in a children’s book.”
He chuckled. “Ah, yes, Lewis Carroll’s take on our little kingdom. He got some things wrong, of course. Whether or not that Alice was protecting us or if it was him not listening to her, I do not know.”
“Yes, well it is definitely a world that I never thought was possible to exist. And to find out that there’s some reason you all need me.”
He was silent for a moment then turned to the crackling fire. “But there is something else, isn’t there? That you want to talk about?”
I nodded. “I want to know if this is a dream. I want to know if this is just in my head or if it is real.”
“So, I’ll ask again. What do you think?”
“I think I hit my head while closing a window and I am lying on my floor in a pile of paint at home,” I honestly replied.