use an Orb to rewind time. Nydarth had been there, too, but she’d never spoken of how she’d come to find herself on my home world. The Hierophant nodded at my astounded expression and gestured to the black pool of liquid behind him.

“The Void Orb was the very same that brought you to the Seven Realms. We kept it here, within the spirit-chamber of the monastery. We believed it was safe here, but someone obviously used the Void Ord to bring you to this realm. Either that, or the Orb brought you here by its own power. It’s impossible to know. Even the spirits cannot tell which exact circumstances brought you to us.”

“How did it end up here?” I asked.

“The guardian of the relic gave it to us willingly. He knew its power, and his own discipline allowed him to master the element of Void without corruption or demonic influence. We kept it safe from the clutches of those who would use it for power, and it took us to another plane, away from Flametongue Valley.”

“Until Tymo convinced you to return,” I pointed out.

The Hierophant nodded. “Yes. Until then.”

“How did you get it back, after I arrived? That was almost a year ago now.”

“The Void element deals with time and space,” he reminded me. “To us, it could have left the chamber for a mere second. But to those on your plane, it could very well have been there for a century.”

I grappled with the thought of a magic item with such incredible power.

“And now Jiven has it,” I said finally. “He has access to all of that power.”

“Jiven Wysaro is a narrow-minded individual,” the Hierophant said. “He is a true Straight Path practitioner, in philosophy if not in technique. The chaotic power of the demonic plane gives him the strength he needs, but he’s unlikely to discover the deeper secrets of the Orb.”

“It doesn’t stop him being a threat,” I said.

“No, it does not. But, as I said, he is narrow-minded. He only has a single goal in mind.”

I stared at the ancient monk, and trepidation flooded my body in a freezing rush of sensation. “And you know what it is?”

“I believe your past experience could very well help you find the answer yourself.”

I recalled Jiven’s original attack at Radiant Dragon. He’d wanted to take over the guild and expand his province into the next. Xilarion had stopped him, of course, and Jiven had fled. But the snake had just been biding his time until he could get his hands on something that could level the playing field against Xilarion. Or anyone else who opposed him, no matter how powerful they were.

This was bigger than just Wysaro Province or Flametongue Valley.

Jiven wanted the entire Seven Realms.

“He’s going after someone that can’t be beaten otherwise,” I said slowly.

“Indeed. The same man who led your teachers, allies, and friends through war after war,” the Hierophant said quietly. “The man who holds the Seven Realms in balance and gave Jiven only a small portion of it, despite his military success.”

“Holy shit,” I breathed. “He’s going after Emperor Talekon.”

End of Book 4

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About the Author

Dante King is an author of Men’s Adventure fiction in various flavors. His books involve strong male protagonists who know what they want and do what’s required to get it.

You can connect with him at

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