My Drake, however, was strangely calm and quiet within me. I would have expected him to be spreading his wings and thrashing to get free, as he first had when they had placed the damn manacles on me to keep him contained. But now that Kaitlyn had drunk of his blood, he seemed almost tranquil—so quiet I wondered if he had gone to sleep.
“What’s wrong with you?” I demanded of him. “They have Kaitlyn and they’re going to burn her!”
“She has taken my vein and had her fill of my blood,” he replied in that same tranquil tone I couldn’t understand.
He had been most insistent on this earlier, and I had obeyed his wishes, though I didn’t understand them. And now that Kaitlyn had drunk from him, he seemed content—though I didn’t see how he could be. There was no way she could survive the coming ordeal.
The Trial of Flame is something every Drake male must go through on his tenth name-day—or his fifteenth if his Drake hasn’t manifested by age ten. Whichever age he is, the test is always the same. He has to stand in the center of a circle of adult Drakes and allow their flame to wash over him to prove his worth. The heat of the flames causes his own Drake to break forth automatically to protect him. In this way boys whose Drakes are late to manifest are often made to shift for the first time.
But Kaitlyn had no Drake to shift to—she had no second nature within herself. I was certain if she had, I would have felt it when we Bonded. You can’t hide something as big as a whole other creature you share your body with from the person you are Blood-Bonded to—it simply isn’t possible.
So I knew what was going to happen when the Drakes started shooting flames at her. She was going to go up like a torch, right before my eyes.
And there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop it.
The only thing I could do was send a wave of love and devotion to her and a promise to try and take as much of the pain as I could.
“Oh, Kaitlyn,” I thought at her. “I love you, my L’lorna. I love you forever!”
I felt Ari sending me love and strength through our newly forged Bond and I was incredibly grateful for it. Without his love and the courage distilled in the blood of his Drake—which was flowing through me like electricity through a wire—I couldn’t have even stood upright when the men pushed me to the center of the vast marble floor and left me there.
As it was, I forced myself to stop shaking and stood with my chin lifted and my shoulders back. I might start screaming when the flames hit me—in fact, I was pretty sure I would—being burned alive freaking hurts. But I wouldn’t beg or plead. I wouldn’t let that be Ari’s last memory of me.
The men pushing me stepped back, out of range of the flames and I was alone. I heard Sanchez bellow an order—“Flame now!”
I closed my eyes and waited for the end.
But the end didn’t come.
The Fire did, though. I felt it pouring down on me like hot rain, enveloping me, licking at me like hungry tongues, setting my hair afire with light.
But somehow, this time, it didn’t hurt me.
I thought of the strange dream I’d had, still back at the Academy—the dream that I was walking through The Fire unharmed, unafraid, with it lapping like friendly tongues against my skin.
I opened my eyes and saw everything through a wavering heat haze. What was happening to me? How could I stand here in the middle of what was essentially a blast furnace fueled by the flames of four huge dragons and not be burnt to a cinder?
I had an awful thought—maybe I was being burnt up but I couldn’t tell it because Ari was taking all the pain for me! I didn’t want that for him—didn’t want him to bear my anguish and torment just because he loved me so much.
I looked at him through the flickering wall of orange and yellow and red but his face didn’t appear to be contorted with pain. Instead, the expression I saw in his clear amber eyes was more like stunned shock—like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Which was his L’lorna being covered in fire and yet not burning or having any pain or sensation from the flames at all.
Well, that wasn’t quite true. My scars where The Fire had touched me before were itching, I realized. Especially the ones on my back. In fact, they were suddenly itching so badly I couldn’t stop myself from scratching them.
Looking down at myself, I started to scratch the pinkish-white twisted burn scars on my left forearm. I dug in with the nails of my right hand—which seemed sharper than usual for some reason—and pulled down.
I nearly screamed when a long strip of skin came right off.
But underneath, in the area where the skin of my forearm had been, wasn’t glistening muscle or white bone—instead, I saw something so strange I could hardly believe it.
I saw scales.
Beautiful bronze scales with a metallic pink tint to them. It reminded me of that color they call rose-gold, only darker and richer.
Mesmerized by my own apparent metamorphosis, I decided to scratch some more. But when I lifted my right hand, meaning to apply my nails to the skin of my left upper arm, I saw they were no longer nails at all.
They were talons.
Long, glistening talons like knifes at the ends of my fingers.
But my fingers didn’t look strictly human either.
What’s happening to me? What’s going on?
I had no answer but that