stargazing are on the agenda. What do you think?”

“I think that’s really thoughtful. It sounds perfect.” She leans over and kisses my cheek. The green in her eyes seems brighter today as she leans back and smiles at me.

Making my way around, I open her door, and she hops out of the truck. My gaze sweeps over her again in a pair of fitted jeans that flare out and cover her cowboy boots. They smooth over her curves, and I itch to pull her to me and run my hands down the sides of her body. Her sweater hangs a bit off her shoulder, exposing a few freckles there.

“You look beautiful,” I say.

“Thank you.” She bites down her smile. “Now, show me this picnic you planned.”

I grab her hand and lead her to the bed of my truck. I unlock the retractable cover and let it roll to the rear of the bed.

Sutton gasps, and I smile at her reaction.

“This is incredible.” She looks at me with wide eyes. Blankets cover the floor of the bed, and a handful of cushions rest against the back with the picnic basket and a cooler.

“No one has ever done anything like this for me.”

“I’m glad I did,” I respond, lowering the tailgate.

Once we’re settled on the bed, I bring the cooler over to us. “I cheated a little and asked Ainsley what your favorite wine was. But, she told me you’re a beer girl.” I smirk.

“Ah, that I am.” She rubs her hands together. “What’d you get.”

“Well, Everton’s supply is limited, but I did find some local IPA.”

“Ah, a man after my own heart.” Sutton giggles and reaches for the bottle. When I offer her a glass, she shakes her head and tells me the bottle is perfect.

“This is really good,” she says after she’s tasted the beer.

“I’m glad you approve.” I wink and touch my bottle to hers.

Sutton sighs and looks out at the view before us. The mountains, trees in the distance, and a wide-open field with wildflowers growing.

“This is beautiful.” She leans into me and puts her head on my shoulder.

We drink our beers in silence for a moment as we take in the view. My guilt from earlier melts away. I trust that Penny is okay, and it’s only normal that I have a life that includes things I have to do without her.

“I also have some wraps, pasta salad, and dessert.”

“Okay, just leave me here for another minute,” Sutton murmurs.

I laugh and switch my beer to my other hand so I can wrap my arm around her. “I’m in no rush,” I say against her temple.

“Hmmm…” Sutton sighs. “It’s so peaceful. It makes you forget you live surrounded by people.”

“I know. Being out here always feels like I’m the only person in the world. Although, tonight, I’m glad I’m here with you instead of alone.”

Sutton smiles up at me. “Me too. What dessert did you bring?”

I shake my head. Smiling, I tell her, “That’s a surprise for later.”

“Cupcakes, right?” Her eyes light up.

“I don’t know,” I shrug and purse my lips. “You’re gonna have to be patient.” I tap her nose. She pouts, but I don’t fall for it.

“How about we eat?” I suggest.

Opening the basket, I grab our wraps and pasta salad. Serving us each a plate, I hand Sutton a fork.

“Thanks.” Sutton takes a bite of the salad and moans, saying how good it is.

“It’s my mom’s recipe. There’s nothing much to it.”

“It’s really good.” She takes another bite before having a sip of beer. “How was your day?”

“It was good. Got a lot of work done with the cattle and mending some fences. We sheared the sheep a couple weeks ago and are preparing the wool to be sold.”

“That’s one thing I’ve never done.” She looks over at me with a raised eyebrow. “I guess I still have some things to learn when it comes to ranch life,” she winks.

I chuckle and nod. “Not everyone shears sheep. It’s turned out to be a good business for us at the ranch. The cattle will always bring in the majority of our profit, but this helps, especially in years where money is tighter.”

“Every little bit helps. Besides, it’s good not to have all your eggs in one basket.”

“Definitely. How was your day? Did you finish the song you were working on?” I lean back against the cushions and take a bite of my wrap.

“Almost,” she beams. Every time she talks about her career, her face lights up. It’s clear Sutton loves sharing her music. “We need to finalize the music, but the lyrics are complete. Then, it’s off to record.”

“That’s awesome. This is part of your second album?”

“Yeah. I hope for a fall release. Fingers crossed we can get it all done by then.” She crosses her fingers and giggles.

“I’m sure that’s possible.”

As we finish eating, we talk about the rest of our day. The sun begins to dip behind the mountains, turning the sky into shades of orange and pink.

“This sunset is stunning,” Sutton says, and she scoots closer to me. I smile and wrap an arm around her shoulder. I watch as she admires the descending sun, her eyes slightly squinted, and a permanent smile competing with the sun’s brightness.

Sutton extends her legs forward, crossing them at the ankles, and leans into me. A soft sigh leaves her lips. She feels good in my arms. Any fear or hurt from the past drowns with the sun. I wasn’t looking for a relationship, but I can’t deny the desire I have to be with Sutton. It’s as if she gets me, gets my situation. She’s proved that time and again by the way she interacts with Penny and her selflessness by putting Penny first when she offered to reschedule tonight’s date.

“I’m going to clean this up a second. Stay here.” I kiss her temple and scoot up, grabbing our plates, empty beer bottles, and food containers. Putting the garbage in a bag I packed, I place

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