I squeeze her fingers and bring her hand to my lips, skimming them over her knuckles. “I want that, too. We’ll learn to work through this.” The idea of not having Sutton in my life chokes the air out of me. She’s brought so much joy to my life, bright days, and hope.
We eat in silence for a few minutes when our food arrives, each of us engrossed in our thoughts.
“I think it’s great you told Penny about Hadley,” Sutton surprises me when she leans forward a bit and whispers this to me.
I stare into her eyes, trying to read her. I noticed her discomfort when she saw the pictures on the coffee table yesterday. The resignation in her body as she tensed and shrank back.
“I couldn’t stand the pain in her voice when she told me how the students made fun of her. I didn’t plan to tell her about Hadley so young, not feeling like she’d fully understand, but then again, is there ever a right time to tell your daughter that her mother left?” I shrug, pursing my lips.
No time would’ve ever felt right to tell Penny, but I know it’s not something I could hide from her forever. Eventually, she would’ve confronted me with questions about her mother. I always knew that would happen, and whether I was prepared to tell her or not, I’d have to.
“I think you did a great job of talking to her.” Sutton squeezes my hand and smiles that smile that brings me to my knees. The one that made it impossible to turn away from her.
“Thanks. Are you done?” I signal to her plate.
“Yes,” she nods. “Where to next?” Her eyes crinkle around the edges with her smile.
I look out the window press my lips together. “Looks like somewhere indoors. The rain started up.”
Sutton whips her head around toward the window. When she looks back at me, her lips are pinched together in a small smile. “I’ve got an idea.” A mischievous gleam lights her eyes.
“How do you feel about making a run to The Mad Batter for cupcakes? I’ve got beer in my fridge and a deck of cards. When was the last time you played Go Fish?”
I laugh and nod. “I like that plan. I haven’t played Go Fish recently, but Penny and I love it.”
We pay for our meal and run to The Mad Batter a few doors down from Beehive, the cold water pelting down on us. Sutton wildly laughs as she steps into the shop, water dripping down her face. She wipes her feet on the rug as if it would make a difference, and the few people sitting at tables and standing in line stare at us.
I run a hand through my hair, drops of water falling off the ends, and down to my clothes. I shiver and reach for Sutton’s hand, walking further into the shop and taking our place in line.
Sutton giggles into my shoulder, and I peer down at her with a confused expression.
“What’s so funny?”
“We’re soaking wet, standing here with everyone staring at us, and all I can think about is if we can get more than one cupcake each.” She snorts, which causes me to laugh. “I don’t know why I think that’s funny.” She covers her mouth with her other hand, but it does nothing to hide the humor shaking her body.
“We’ll get however many cupcakes you want.”
“Really?” She looks up at me, her eyebrows dancing on her forehead.
“Really,” I say as I lean down and touch my lips to hers. Sutton sighs into me, hugging my arm.
“I really think two is my max.”
I kiss the tip of her nose when she scrunches it up and step forward to place our order when it is our turn. Mrs. Engle gives me a bright smile and a wink as she hands me the bag with our dessert.
“Ready to make a run for the truck?” I look at Sutton as we stand by the door watching the rain fall. I squeeze her hand and smile.
“Yup.” She pulls the door open and drags me out with her.
We dash through the sidewalk toward my truck, careful not to run into anybody trying to find shelter from the rain.
As soon as I sit in my truck, I turn on the heater.
“If the rain wasn't so cold, I’d say we should dance in it.” Sutton shivers as she finishes talking as if to prove her point.
“Let’s stick to Go Fish, cupcakes, and beers,” I suggest.
“As long as I’m with you, I don’t care what we do.” She slides closer to me on the bench seat and places her head on my shoulder. A sense of peace washes over me like the cool rain that falls outside.
When Sutton places her hand on my thigh, that sensation turns to hot desire. The memory of her dropping to her knees and taking me in her mouth is one that will forever be burned in my mind. My dick notices too, hardening at the near attention it’s receiving.
Sutton doesn’t move her hand, just leaves it on my leg while it singes me. Suddenly, the rain isn’t cold enough. I’ve been patient, calculating, careful, but right now, I want to move our relationship forward.
My eyes flicker to the side, and I see her serene face staring at the rain. It’s as if she doesn’t even realize how she’s affecting me at the moment.
As soon as I park my truck on the side of the bed and breakfast where her house sits, I turn and grab her face. I don’t wait for a reaction. I press my lips to hers, kissing her urgently. My tongue swipes along the seam of her lips, and she opens for me. Our tongues move together as I angle her head to deepen the kiss.
Her skin feels soft against my rough hands, and I brush my