change into a cowgirl, and the prince. In Penny’s imagination, the cowgirl saves the prince, which I fully support. Once I finish, she’s still awake.

“How was school today?” I ask.

“Great,” she sighs. “I got an A on my spelling test, and Mrs. Jensen said I’m ready for first grade,” she giggles. “Can you believe that, Daddy?”

I smile and nod. “You’re the smartest girl, and I’m so proud of you.” I kiss her forehead.

“Yeah, then Poppy will be my teacher,” Penny’s voice rings with excitement.

Thankfully, Poppy and Faith both work at the school and keep an eye on Penny since it’s her first year at the elementary school.

“She will be, but remember that when she’s your teacher, you have to treat her like that. No special treatment.” Although she still has a few months in Kindergarten, I need to remind her that Poppy is a teacher and not her friend when they’re at school.

“I know. She’s Ms. Powell at school.”

My smart little sunshine. I smile to myself and hug her. “What else happened at school?”

“Alex threw food in the cafeteria, and he got in trouble and had to go talk to the principal. I think Patty likes him, but he always behaves bad.”

“Remember, sometimes people want attention any way they can get it,” I tell Penny. Rumor has it, Alex’s parents are splitting up, which I’m sure is the cause for his misbehavior.

“Yeah. Oh, next week we’re going to do a science experment to make ice cream.” Penny’s voice rises with excitement.

“An ex-pe-ri-ment,” I repeat each syllable so she can listen to the proper pronunciation.

“Yeah, that. How cool is that? Maybe I can teach you how to make it after I learn.” Her brown eyes brighten with hope, and I nod.

“Of course, baby girl,” I murmur, my heavy eyes closing. I blink them open to try to stay awake, but Penny notices.

“Go to sleep, Daddy. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.” Her small hand pats my cheek, and she turns to cuddle into me. I kiss the top of her head and nod, keeping my arms around her, so she knows she’s always safe and loved, no matter what.

“Hey,” Averly says as she opens the front door. After church, I stopped to grab a pie from The Mad Batter, our local pastry and desserts shop, before coming over to Averly and Eli’s house for lunch.

“Hi, thanks for inviting us.” I lean in and hug her.

“Hi, Averly,” Penny waves.

“Hey, beautiful. Come in.”

Penny walks in next to me, looking around their home until she spots Abbie and rushes to her. I don’t even attempt to stop her, knowing nothing will get in the way of her and her cousin.

“Abbie said you didn’t need anything, but I brought dessert.”

Averly eyes the box from The Mad Batter, “What exactly did you bring?”

“Blueberry pie.”

“Yes! You’re always welcome so long as you bring that pie,” she jokes.

“How are you feeling? How’s Mason?” I ask as we make our way into the kitchen to drop off the pie.

“We’re great. Mason has been a good baby so far. I know he’s only two and a half months, but he’s mostly sleeping through the night and only cries when he’s hungry.”

I smile. “I’m glad.”

“Thanks. Eli has him in the living room.” We move into the living room where everyone is seated, and I greet them while taking a seat on the couch. Penny is looking at Mason with soft eyes and a smile, watching intently as the baby sleeps in Eli’s arms.

She walks over to me and takes a seat on my lap, whispering, “He’s so cute.” I nod and smile, catching up on the conversation going on between Finn, Eli, and Harris.

When Eli offers a beer, I take it with a “thanks” and pop open the cap. Abbie, Averly, and Poppy talk to Penny and intently listen as she tells them about the cookies she made with my mom.

Throughout the conversation, Knox, Ainsley, and Sutton arrive, followed by Axel and Lia. Abbie elbows me subtly, and I shake my head. She’s such a pest. Abbie knows I’m not ready to date anyone, let alone a musician who doesn’t even live in town. Penny is my only priority at the moment, and I need to be fully present to make sure she has everything she needs.

Dating isn’t an option. I’ve only ever loved one woman, and it was a pure and strong love. Bouncing back from that pain isn’t something that will happen quickly. I’m more careful, more guarded with who I let into my life. Not only do I have myself to worry about, but I refuse for my daughter to hurt because I decided to bring a woman into our lives who may not stick around. It’s no longer just me, and every decision I make has double the consideration. Even if the woman is a beautiful blonde with a bright smile.


I listen to the conversation as I sit in Averly and Eli’s dining room table for lunch. I laugh when I need to and nod at other times. To everyone else, it may seem as if I’m fully present, but my eyes continue to wander toward Gavin sitting at the other end of the table.

I watch as he leans in and helps Penny eat, cuts her food, and then looks at Axel to answer and interact in the conversation the guys are having.

I’ve always been a hopeless romantic, putting my daydreams about love into song lyrics so I can sing them to the world and pretend I’m only singing them to the person I want in my life. Usually, the face of the man I imagine listening to my songs is a blur of uncertainty. Lately, I’m picturing the quiet and reserved man sitting opposite me.

Gavin isn’t like the other guys here. He’s an introvert. While I may not know what happened between him and Penny’s mom, it’s clear it impacted him. I look away and back at Ainsley across from

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