when he needs to bang out a classical tune orten.”

“He plays piano?” Natalie couldn’t mask the incredulity inher voice.

“I know, right?” Paige trilled. “Imagine my surprise when Idiscovered there’s more to hockey players than fists.” She headed toward adesk. “Katie, my assistant, is out in the field. The files we need are on her computer,so let’s take a look at the rat’s nest we lovingly call accounting.” She pulledin a breath. “I’m hoping we’re a fit.”

Me too. You have no idea how much.

Ten minutes later, peering over Paige’s shoulder at Katie’scomputer screen, Natalie had a solid idea of what they needed. She held herrising excitement in check because what they needed, she offered. Working forAnderson Homes would be substantial and interesting.

Paige shot her a backward glance. “What do you think? Isthere hope?”

“There’s always hope,” Natalie laughed. “It’ll take sometime putting things in order, but it’s totally doable. Once that’s done, it’s asimple matter of keeping everything on the rails.”

Paige motioned for her to take the seat opposite and leanedback in the chair. “I understand you’re a licensed CPA.”

Natalie laced her fingers in her lap and squeezed them.Hard. “I was with Hennings and Barton untilrecently.”

Paige’s eyes widened. “Oh wow. They’re big-time. Howlong were you there?”

“I interned my sophomore year of college, so nine years inall.” Natalie braced herself for what was coming next.

“How far did you get up the food chain?”

“I was up for junior partner when I left.”

Paige seemed to appraise her. “And you left to start abookkeeping service?”

There it is. Yeah, I’d be skeptical too. “I wasburned out on corporate and wanted to make a move before putting myself and thefirm through the junior partner dance.” The answer came out smoothly—no doubtbecause she’d practiced it many times.

“And how are you liking the change so far?”

Natalie eased a bit. “I enjoy being the boss of me. I likepicking and choosing clients and setting my own schedule. So far it’s beenreally positive.” And no grabby bosses.

Paige leaned forward, forearms on her desk. “You obviouslyknow what you’re doing. The job’s yours if you want it. How soon can youstart?”

Elation soared. “How soon do you want me?”

Paige beamed at her. “Last month! Seriously, how aboutMonday?”

Natalie nodded vigorously, trying to hold back the yippee ki-yay threatening toburst from her lungs. “Perfect. I can’t wait to get started.” She meant everyword.

.~* * * ~.

Dripping with sweat after a workoutin his building’s fitness center, T.J. rode the elevator to his floor, smilingabout the busty blond bombshell who manned the front desk. Jazzlyn something or other.She’d checked him out as she’d checked him in, flirting shamelessly. Not thathe was complaining. He needed the practice, and his ego sure could stand thelift—among other parts of him. His dry spell was running long, making himtwitchier by the day.

Funny thing was whenever he frequented a target-richenvironment, none of the “targets” appealed. His indifference wasn’t from lackof choices. Women who signaled that “hey, let’s play” look seemed to be everywhere:bars, the gym, the arena. And dog parks! Jesus, Fordwas the best chick magnet T.J. had ever seen. Though it didn’t matter becauseT.J. always fell short of sealing the deal. Which left him wondering if hislibido had developed an allergy to sex … Except saidlibido enthused in the presence of a certain dark-haired dog-sitter with eyesthe color of tawny port.

Distracted by thoughts of what the hell was the matter withhim—Jesus, where to begin?—heopened his front door and was about bowled over when Ford flew out, all doglicks and leaps.

“Jesus, Joseph and Mary!” T. J. closed the door while Fordcapered around him, tongue darting out like a cheek-seeking missile.

“I like that you’re excited to see me, but give a guy alittle room, huh?” This was answered with a whine, and T.J. obligingly pattedFord’s head.

He paced to the kitchen and tossed his key card on thegranite counter, Ford so close on his heels he nearly tripped.

“Insecure much?” T.J. chuffed.

He picked up his phone. And smiled at Natalie’s text.

Got the job!

He whooped out a “yes!” and pumped his arm. Of course udid. Had no doubt.

A reply chimed moments later: You were right. I really,really like Paige.

She’s a sweetie. He paused a moment, took a breath, then let his thumbs fly over the keypad. Uready for me to fix that door now? Afterward I’ll treat u to acelebratory drink.

He hit send before he could reconsider. What the hell, Shanny?

Thx, but not today. Maybe you can fix the door when youbring Ford over this weekend?

Damn. “As it should be, dumbass,” he muttered aloud. Fordcocked his head, and T.J. went on. “Why am I a dumbass, you ask? Because my attorney says so. Because Ihave no business inviting her out. Because even if I hadn’t been the oneto wreck her boyfriend, what does a smart, beautiful woman like her want with adumb fuck who’s got a lawsuit hanging over his head? She could do way better.She is doing way better. Injured or not, May’s the better bet.”

He let out a dejected sigh and sent her a reply. Ok. C Uthen.

Tom Carlisle’s voice ricocheted in his head, telling him hiscontact with Natalie was a surefire catastrophe in the making. Of Yellowstone-blowing-up proportions. And Tom had blown uphimself when T.J. had told him about hiring her.

“Are you a fucking idiot?” he’d ranted. T.J. had winced buthadn’t been surprised by the reaction. What had gotten his hackles up, though,was the next bit. “You’re tapping his girl,” Tom had said, “to find outabout his condition.”

“I’m not tapping her,” T.J. had shot back. “Fuck, youmake her sound like a piece of ass. Which she’s not.”

“Okay, okay. So you’re not tapping her, but any way youslice it, you’re at least smart enough to see how bad this looks, right?”

T.J. had conceded the point. “So, Counselor, what do I do?”

“Get as far away from her as you can.”

“Got another answer?”

“How’s this? I promised my good friend Beck I’d take yourcase, but if I were a smart man—and usually I’m a very smart man—I’dsend you to my worst enemy for representation.”

T.J. had ignored him. “When will

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