now written.  You are one of the best friends I could have asked for and I couldn’t do this without you.  I love you.

To my hubby: Your encouragement and awe in what I’ve been able to accomplish keeps me going.  Even though you’ll tease me about how excited I get about each new idea and walk by as I’m typing and say, “You started another book?”, you never stop supporting me and I couldn’t love you more for it.

To my beta readers, ARC team, and my readers, both old and new: Thank you for taking a chance on a self-published author.  Thank you for sharing my books with others.  Thank you for allowing me to share my creativity with people who love the romance genre as much as I do.

And thank you for supporting a wife and a mom who found a hobby that she loves.

More Books by Harlow James

One Look, A Baseball Romance Standalone

The Emerson Falls Series

Tangled (Kane & Olivia)

Enticed (Cooper & Clara)

Captivated (Cash and Piper)

Revived (Luke and Rachel)

Devoted (Brooks and Jess)

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