turn around and nod my head, quickly taking a sip of tea. “Sure, is here alright?”

“No, I’d like to go upstairs where it’s a bit more private.” She answers me quickly and hurries off through the living room, already starting up the stairs.

I decide to take my tea and follow her, though I’m in no rush. Pregnancy isn’t only making me more emotional, but exhausted and easily winded as well. I get to the stairwell when Daniella speaks up. “Is everything okay?”

Facing her as I walk around to the other side of the railing, “Yes, if something was wrong I’d tell you. I’m only having a discussion with my mother. You go ahead and keep reading that new book. I take it you like the series?” I’ve been trying my best to bond with Daniella. I’d never try to replace her mother, but I won’t lie and say I’m not trying to be a motherly figure to her. I want her to care for me in some manner, and considering she’ll be having a little sister in the next few months, it’s best we get on the right foot now.

She nods eagerly, “Yes, it’s great. Thank you so much. I’m almost finished with this one, so I’ll be ready for the next soon.” Daniella smiles brightly and I see her slight innuendo.

“Perfect. It’ll give you and I an excuse to go to the bookstore. Maybe we can even grab some cheesecake and a hot tea too.”

“I’d love that.” Daniella and I have a couple things in common, the most prominent being our love of books. I’m using it to my advantage to get us more acquainted.

“Perfect. I’ll be back down in a bit.” I tell her as I make my way up the stairs.

The door to my parents’ study is open so I walk right on in and shut the door behind me. Though, as I shut it, I realize Ysenia is in one of my father’s beloved black leather armchairs. Beside her on the other side of the small oval table is where he sits, smoking a cigar while a glass of whiskey sits on the table. There are two other chairs that circle around the table and my mother takes one. “Please sit, Bianca. We have some things we need to discuss.”

Sucking in a deep breath, I reluctantly take a seat while my heart beats a mile a minute. Ysenia seems a bit nervous as well, brushing her medium brown hair behind an ear, she immediately shifts her eyes to our father. Or rather, the man who’s always been a father to me. We share no real DNA considering my biological father kidnapped and raped my mother, but, he’s never treated me like I wasn’t his. He’s my dad, through and through.

Our father takes his glass from the table and downs a swig of the amber colored liquor before setting it back down. Clearing his throat, he shifts his deep mossy green eyes between my sister and I. “There’s something I’ve been keeping from you both, for quite some time now.”

My throat tightens as anxiety rushes through my body. I unconsciously clench my hands on my lap and bite my bottom lip, terrified for whatever he’s about to tell us. Ysenia shifts in her seat, looking to our mother for reassurance, but she offers none.

“I’ll cut to the chase, given you’re both undoubtedly freaking out.” He chuckles lightly in an effort to alleviate some of our worries, but it’s no use. He knows us far too well. “First, let me start off by saying I am okay, even if what I’m about to tell you is scary. I am alright, and I am in the position to be receiving some of the best medical care money can buy.”

Our mother grabs our father’s hand, squeezing it. It’s the only signal we need to know she’s terrified to tell us about this as well. Her crow’s feet on the corner of her eyes seem deeper now, and so do the stress lines on her forehead. I assumed it was because of the mafia, though, now I’m realizing it might not have had anything to do with it.

“You both know I’ve given a plethora of excuses for using my handy sidekick here,” He holds up his cane, “Usually around lower back issues. But, it’s a lie. It’s what I’ve told people to ease their minds, and . . . for a while I might’ve even begun to believe everything I was saying. The truth is I don’t have an issue with my back, girls. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis a couple years back, around the time you began to see me with this.”

The room is eerily quiet as Ysenia and I both process what he’s admitted. I cradle my baby bump to ease my mind, or at least to try and ease it.

He clears his throat again and focuses in on my sister, “My nerves have been degenerating at an accelerating rate, which led me to need my cane. I was fortunate that we caught it quickly and I was able to find a regimen of medicines which helped slow down the damage. However, I think you’re both realizing this is just a band-aid. My illness will phase in and out, so I will have flare ups as I have had in the past, and other times I will go into remission where I show almost no symptoms.”

“Are . . . are you dying?” The words slip past my lips before I even realize what I’ve asked.

In his typical fashion, he laughs, shaking his head. “No. I’m afraid you’ll have to deal with my overbearing ass for at least twenty more years. I have children to finish raising, and grandchildren to watch be born, and maybe even a couple daughters to walk down the aisle.” His eyes shift between Ysenia and I as a smile pulls the corner of his lips.

“Okay. I’m sorry. This is just a bit shocking.” I

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