to let himself get emotionally involved with someone who might not be emotionally available. He had to remind himself that there were three different guys coming to see Riley, and he needed to get back to Europe soon. He didn’t need any complications, and he had a gut feeling that Riley could, if he let her, be one very big complication.

He was heading back toward the lodge when he saw an SUV making its way up the long, winding driveway to the front entrance.

“Here we go,” he said to Comet.

Comet barked and wagged his tail again.

Luke met the SUV where it stopped. There was only one man inside—the driver.

The driver got out and looked around, taking it all in. “Hi, I’m Colin,” the man said, walking right up to Luke and offering his hand.

“Welcome to Christmas Camp,” Luke said as they shook hands. “Can I help you with your bags?”

“Thanks, but I’m good. I travel light.” Colin grabbed a small suitcase out of the back. “I know I’m early, but I was hoping to see Riley before the reception tonight.”

Luke had already recognized Colin’s name, knowing he was one of Riley’s friends. “Actually, she’s doing some work and won’t be coming down until the party tonight,” Luke said.

Colin looked disappointed as they both made their way to the front door.

“But you’ll have lots of time to see her tonight and this whole weekend,” Luke offered, opening the front door.

Colin nodded. “I hope so. That’s why I’m here. You didn’t tell her I was coming, did you?”

Luke shook his head. “Nope, you said to keep it surprise.”

Colin looked relieved. “Thank you. I appreciate that. It’s not every day you get a second chance with the one who got away.”

“The one who got away?” Luke asked.

Colin smiled back at him as he put down his luggage. “You heard Riley in her TV interview, right?

“Oh, yeah, I heard her,” Luke answered.

Colin proudly pointed to himself. “I was the one she was talking about. The one that got away . . .”

Luke gave Colin a curious look. “Really?”

Colin nodded. “What was it she said exactly? Her one true love?”

Luke was thankful Colin had walked over to the nutcracker collection to get a closer look. It gave him a moment to collect himself. Now he knew why Riley didn’t seem emotionally available. Her emotions and her heart already belonged to someone else. They belonged to Colin.

“So you and Riley . . .” Luke started to ask before he could help himself.

Colin turned to face him. “We were in love for years, and I’m hoping, if this weekend goes as I plan, we will be again. I’m counting on you to help me with that.”

Luke fought to keep a smile on his face. “Me?”

“Yeah,” Colin said. “I was hoping you could help me plan some of the most romantic Christmas dates you’ve ever seen. I have some ideas for tonight.” Colin walked back over and picked up his suitcase. “But right now, if I could get to my room, I have a few calls to make.”

“Of course,” Luke said and was relieved when Caylee came into the room.

“I thought I heard someone,” Caylee said cheerfully. “Are you our first Christmas Camper?”

Colin smiled at her. “I am.”

“He’s a . . . friend of Riley’s,” Luke said. “This is Colin. He’s here to surprise her.”

“So please don’t tell her I’m here,” Colin said.

Caylee gave Luke a questioning look but quickly covered. “Of course not. Your secret is safe with us.”

“Thank you,” Colin said as he continued to look around. “Your place here is really something. All the Christmas decorations are great. It looks like a movie set. I’d know because I work in the industry.”

“Thank you,” Luke said. “We appreciate that. Some of these decorations we’ve had for generations, and every year my mom keeps adding more. We’re glad you like it.”

Colin looked back at Luke. “It’s great, but . . . Are you’re sure there’s no way to see Riley before the party tonight?”

Luke shook his head. “It’s what she asked for, so we want to respect that.”

Colin held up his hands. “Right, of course. I don’t mean to push. It’s just when you finally find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want that time to start right now.”

Caylee tilted her head to one side as she studied Colin. “Isn’t that a line from a famous rom-com?”

Colin nodded, excited. “That’s right. One of Riley’s favorites, When Harry Met Sally. It’s a classic.”

Luke had heard enough. “Caylee, why don’t you show Colin to his room? I think I see someone else driving up.”

“You got it,” Caylee said. “Colin, if you just want to follow me.”

As Luke watched them go, he was still trying to wrap his head around Colin being Riley’s “one true love” when the front door open and another handsome guy entered.

“Welcome to Christmas Camp,” Luke said.

“Thanks. Hi, I’m Brendan.” He held out his hand and shook Luke’s hand. “I’m here for Riley.”

Now this is getting more interesting by the second, Luke thought.

“Welcome to Christmas Lake Lodge,” Luke offered.

Brendan looked around, impressed. “This place is so cool. It reminds me of somewhere we stayed when Riley and I took a ski trip to Zermatt, Switzerland. We went spring skiing, though, so we didn’t have all these great Christmas decorations.”

“You and Riley traveled together?” Luke asked.

Brendan smiled. “All the time. When we lived together, we traveled the world. Did she tell you about it?”

“No,” Luke said, trying to keep the surprise out of his voice as he walked over to the fireplace. He put another log on the fire as his brain struggled to process this latest information.

“Well, we went to some of the coolest places,” Brendan said. “She was great to travel with. I’ve missed that. And her. That’s why I’m here.”

“And you’re here to . . .”

“Surprise Riley,” Brendan said with a boyish grin. “I already have some great dates planned—just the kind she loves.”

Luke had no words.


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