When Riley just kept staring at the guys, Terrie took over, looking back at them. “Who are you guys?” she called out to them. She gave her twin a look. “Whoever they are, they’re hot.”
At the same time, all three guys answered, “Riley’s boyfriend.”
The twins’ eyes grew huge, and their shocked expressions matched everyone else’s in the room. Including the three guys who were now looking at each other, sizing each other up.
Barbara, fascinated, swatted her husband’s arm. “I told you this was going to be amazing!”
Tyler was the first to make his way to the front of the room, but the other two guys were right on his Gucci heels.
Riley watched everything happen in slow motion. She still couldn’t believe what was happening, even when they all stood broad shoulder to broad shoulder in front of her.
“Riley, you look beautiful,” Colin said.
“You really do . . .” Brendan agreed.
“Stunning,” Tyler added.
When the three men looked at one another, it wasn’t a friendly look.
When Riley started laughing, it was one of those high-pitched laughs you’d hear someone let out before they totally lost it.
“What is going on?” she asked. “How can you all be here? Did Mike set this up?” She knew she was babbling, but she couldn’t help it. She spun around to look at Paul, who was taking pictures as fast as he could.
“Paul, did you know about this?”
He shook his head. “No, but this is great. Can I get a picture of the four of you together?”
Riley glared at him. “No!”
When Riley also noticed the twins taking video, she gave them a pleading look. “Guys, can you please not post any video or pictures of this until I figure out what’s going on?”
The twins looked disappointed but put their phones down.
Riley looked back at Colin, Brendan, and Tyler. “I’m not sure what’s happening here,” she said to them, “but I’m right in the middle of this party. Can we all talk later?”
“Absolutely,” Colin said.
“Of course,” Brendan agreed.
“Whatever you want,” Tyler added.
Riley started to laugh again. Now she was losing it.
Thankfully, Luke came to her rescue. “All right, everyone, you’ll have lots of time to ask Riley questions this weekend, but right now we’re going to get ready to do a special Christmas Camp toast. So if you’ll just give us a few minutes to get the bubbly flowing, we’ll continue this celebration.”
When Riley, still in shock, looked up at Luke, he put his hand on her back and guided her toward the kitchen. Caylee and Maryanne quickly followed.
“Just breathe,” Caylee whispered to Riley, taking her hand. “You’re as white as a ghost. Just keep breathing.”
Riley’s head was spinning. At least she knew why she was as white as a ghost. Because she had just seen three ghosts. The ghosts of boyfriends past were all at her Christmas Camp, and she had no idea why.
When they reached the kitchen, Maryanne hurried to bring Riley a glass of water.
“Thank you,” Riley said, taking the glass with shaking fingers. She took a sip and a deep breath, and then looked over at Luke.
“This had to be Mike,” she said. Her shock was starting to wear off, and it was quickly being replaced by anger. She started pacing around the kitchen like a wild animal in a cage. “This must all be a publicity stunt. I can’t believe he would go this far and humiliate me like this. I hope Paul got some great pictures because that’s obviously what Mike was banking on.”
“I don’t think Mike did this,” Luke said.
Riley whirled around and looked at him. “Why not? Who else would have done this? Someone had to do it. All three of my ex-boyfriends are out there. What are they doing here? Someone had to know they were coming. They didn’t just show up like . . . poof! Santa didn’t bring them. Who did this? Who knew about this?”
Riley knew she was spiraling out of control, but she couldn’t stop herself. She needed answers, and she wanted them now.
Caylee and Maryanne both looked at Luke.
Riley felt like the wind was being knocked out of her. She shook her head in disbelief. “Luke? Did you do this? How—”
“No, I didn’t do this,” Luke rushed to correct her. “How could I have done this? I don’t know these guys or your past.”
Riley watched him loosen his tie. He looked uncomfortable. “But you knew about it, didn’t you.” It was a statement, not a question.
Riley marched over to him until they were toe to toe. “Luke, did you know about this?”
“Just tell her, Luke,” Caylee said.
Riley spun around and faced Caylee. “And you knew, too?” Now her voice sounded more hurt than angry. When she looked over at Maryanne, Maryanne looked down at the floor.
Riley felt like a knife was twisting in her back.
They’d all known. They’d all been in on this.
She’d thought these girls were her friends, and Luke . . . Well, she didn’t know what she thought about him, but she certainly didn’t think he’d ever do something like this. This was all just one big joke to them.
When she felt tears well up in her eyes, she knew she had to get away from them before they saw her cry. She was already humiliated enough.
With her head held high, she started to leave the kitchen.
“Riley, wait,” Luke called after her, “I can explain. It’s not how it looks. You can’t just leave.”
Riley froze. So that’s what he was worried about. That she was going to take off again, like she’d done during her live TV interview. He didn’t trust her to stick around, and that hurt more than she liked to admit.
Her pride had her pulling herself together. She was here for a job, to host Christmas Camp. That was the only thing Luke cared about. She never should have let herself think otherwise. She needed