Comet somehow took that as a cue to speed up.
Riley laughed as she tried to keep up without falling.
They were just arriving down by the lake when Riley saw Luke and Caylee stringing up some more Christmas lights on one of the trees along the shoreline.
“Hey, guys. What’s going on?” she called out. “You know it’s past midnight? Even decorating elves have to sleep sometimes.”
Surprised, they both turned around to look at her.
“What are you two doing down here?” Luke asked. “I thought you were on a date.”
“I was,” Riley said, “but Comet had other ideas.”
Comet looked up at her and wagged his tail.
Riley looked around, taking in all the Christmas lights. “What are you two, the Christmas light fairies who put up more lights while everyone sleeps?”
Caylee laughed. “I like that idea. You should use it in one of your books. Christmas light fairies.”
Riley laughed. “Maybe I will.”
“And will you use three ex-boyfriends showing up to try to win back their old girlfriend?” Caylee asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
“No, I will not be using that crazy storyline,” Riley said.
“They say truth is stranger than fiction,” Luke added.
“Well, I’ll agree with the strange part,” Riley said.
“Well, for what it’s worth, I still think everything went great,” Caylee said. “Everyone seemed to be having a fabulous time. The Christmas Campers all love you and love Christmas and seem really happy to be here.”
Riley turned to Luke. “What did you think?” As she asked the question, she realized how much it mattered to her what Luke thought.
Luke nodded. “I think Caylee’s right. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, and that’s what matters most, right?”
Riley nodded. “Right.”
“Are you okay, is the big question,” Caylee said. “Are you going to be able to do this with your three boyfriends here?”
“Ex-boyfriends,” Riley quickly corrected her. “I’ve just talked to them, and we’re good. It’s going to be fine. They’re going to do their own thing, and I’m going to do Christmas Camp.”
“Great,” Caylee said as she handed Riley her lights and took Comet’s leash. “Then you’re now officially on lights duty. It looks like the snowstorm blew some of them off so we’re just replacing them. I need to check with Maryanne to make sure everything’s ready for tomorrow.”
Before Riley could protest, Caylee was already heading back to the lodge with Comet.
Riley held the tangle of lights up that Caylee had given her. “So what do you want me to do with these?” she asked Luke.
“Find a place that needs them and go for it,” Luke said.
He’d already gone back to work putting up the lights he was holding.
When Riley stared at the tree and just stood there, Luke glanced back at her. “Anything wrong?” he asked.
Riley wasn’t about to confess that she’d never put up lights before. “Nope. All good.” Still, she didn’t move.
“You can start on this side,” Luke said, pointing out a spot that didn’t have any lights yet.
“Got it,” Riley said as she rushed over to the tree. She watched what Luke was doing and tried to copy him. How hard can it be? she asked herself.
When she was done, she proudly stood back to survey her work. “Nice,” she said, excited.
Then a gust of wind blew all her lights off the tree.
Luke laughed.
Riley didn’t. “What happened?”
“You did great,” Luke said, “but with the wind out here, you really need to put them deeper into the tree and kind of hook the lights around the branches. Like this.” Luke picked up her lights and started stringing them back on the tree.
“See?” Luke said. “This is what you do with the branches . . .”
At the same time as Riley leaned in to get a better look, Luke turned around to face her. They were so close Riley could feel his breath on her cheek. Their eyes locked.
The way her heart raced confused her even more than the lights did.
They both stepped back at the same time.
“You’re obviously the pro,” Riley said quickly as she regrouped. “Maybe I should just let you do this.”
She looked over to the Christmas Lake Christmas tree. Its sparkling lights were perfect. “So who is going to watch out for your tree on the lake when you sell this place?”
Luke stuffed his hands into his coat pocket as he followed her gaze.
“That’s a good question,” he said. “I hope the next person who buys it will keep up the tradition. It means a lot to a lot of people.”
“Will you miss this?” Riley asked.
“Putting up lights?” Luke asked.
When Riley gave him a look, he smiled back at her. “You mean, will I miss this when we sell the lodge?” Luke said.
Riley nodded. “It seems like you really love it here.”
When Luke sat down on the little bench by the trees, Riley joined him.
“I grew up here,” Luke said. “I have so many good memories here, but I agree with my mom, it’s too much for her to handle. It’s time to sell.”
“Have you ever thought about running it yourself?” Riley asked.
Luke laughed. “A long time ago, but so many things have changed, and with the Skyline Resort over in the next community, the lodge can’t compete anymore. People want all the new fancy amenities, a swimming pool, an ice rink, a health club, a spa.”
“Wait, they have a spa?” Riley asked, only half-kidding.
Luke laughed. “See what I mean?”
“But seriously, couldn’t you turn this into one of your Green-friendly properties?” Riley asked. “You said this is where you were first inspired to do something to help protect the environment. Why not start right here at the lodge? That Skyline Resort might have a lot of bells and whistles, but if you could turn this into a Green property that would get a lot of attention. I know a lot of people who would come to stay just to support this kind of healthier living.”
Luke gave her a surprised look.
“What?” Riley asked.
“Nothing,” Luke said. “It’s just that years ago I had thought about doing exactly what