“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, taking a step back. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
When Riley tried to pull back, Tyler took her hand.
“You’re not interrupting anything,” Riley rushed to say. “Do you need me for something?” She dropped Tyler’s hand.
Luke nodded. “There’s someone who wants to talk to you.”
“Then let’s go,” Riley said, already heading out the door. She turned back to Tyler. “I’ll see you later.”
Tyler smiled back at her and lifted his glass. “I’m counting on it. We have a lot to celebrate.”
Chapter Thirty-Seven
As Riley hurried out of the library, Luke followed her.
“So I guess congratulations are in order?” Luke asked, his expression impossible to read.
“Congratulations on what?” Riley asked.
But before Luke could answer, Riley heard a familiar voice.
“Mom?” Riley said, stunned. “What are you doing here?” She hurried over and gave her mom a huge hug. Her heart was bursting with love. “This is amazing. I can’t believe you’re here.”
“Surprise!” Riley’s mom said as they continued hugging. “You can thank Luke. He made it all happen. He thought you should have family here to celebrate this big event, both Christmas Camp and Christmas.”
Riley gave Luke an incredulous look. “You did this for me?” Her voice was almost a whisper.
Luke smiled. “You’ve done so much for my family, coming here and hosting this Christmas Camp, I thought you might want your mom here. I mean, after all, it’s Christmas.”
Riley went and gave Luke a heartfelt hug. “Thank you.” When she stepped back, she looked into his eyes. “This means more than you know.”
“My pleasure,” Luke said.
“This is the best gift you could have ever given us,” Riley’s mom added. “And Riley, your stepdad wanted to come, but he thought he’d give us a little girl time. I think he just wanted to stay home and eat all the Christmas cookies.”
Riley and Luke both laughed.
“Well, we have those here, too,” Riley said. “So he’s missing out.”
Comet trotted up, sat down next to Riley, and barked.
Riley leaned down and gave him a hug. “Mom, this is Comet.”
“Well, aren’t you a handsome fellow?” Riley’s mom said to Comet. “It’s good to see you have a new man in your life—finally.”
Riley’s eyes flew to Luke’s.
He was laughing and looking down at Comet.
But when her mom caught her looking at Luke and gave her a curious look, Riley quickly gave Comet another hug. “Comet is the best.”
“But he’s far from the only man in Riley’s life right now,” Luke told her mom.
When Riley gave him a look to zip it, he just smiled back at her.
“What’s this?” Riley’s mom asked, instantly alert. “You two?” She eagerly pointed at Luke, then Riley. “This is great. I knew I liked you, Luke.”
“No,” Riley and Luke both said at the same time.
“He has a girlfriend,” Riley rushed to finish.
“She has a boyfriend,” Luke said at the same time.
Riley and Luke stared at each other.
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” Luke said.
Riley gave him a look. “Hello, what about Brianna?”
Luke laughed. “Brianna’s a friend, not a girlfriend.”
“What?” Riley asked, trying to process the news. “But I saw you two together. I see how she is with you . . .”
“We dated growing up, but that’s it,” Luke said. “Since I’ve been back helping my mom, she’s wanted more, but I’ve told her it’s not going to happen. We’re friends. That’s all.”
Riley’s mom grinned back at Luke. “So then you and my daughter are—”
“Nothing, Mom,” Riley interrupted, flustered and embarrassed. “We’re nothing.”
Luke’s eyebrows rose, and for a moment, Riley thought he almost looked . . . disappointed.
Riley’s mom put her hands on her hips. “Then who is Luke talking about, Riley?”
“I hope it’s me,” Colin said as he came around the corner with Brendan and Tyler.
“Or me,” Brendan said.
“It’s me,” Tyler said with a self-assurance that made both Colin and Brendan frown.
Riley’s mom’s jaw dropped. “Colin? Brendan? Tyler?!” She looked over at Riley. “This is . . . unbelievable. All three of your ex-boyfriends are here at this Christmas Camp?”
Riley put her arm around her mom. “It’s a long story. I’ll explain everything, but right now, I really need to go upstairs and get ready for the dance. My photographer wants me ready for pictures in a half hour, and I’m already running late.” She gave her mom another hug. “Are you going to be okay down here, or do you want to come up with me?”
Riley’s mom smiled back at her. “I’m just fine. I need to go change, as well. You go get ready and do your job. I’ll be here after the dance, and we can catch up.” She kissed Riley on the cheek. “I’m so proud of you and so glad I’m here to see this.” She looked over at Luke. “Thank you again, Luke, for making this possible.”
Colin, Brendan, and Tyler all looked at Luke like they were seeing him in a new light—as their competition.
“Riley,” Caylee called from upstairs. “Are you coming up?”
“Coming,” Riley yelled back.
She gave her mom another quick hug. “I’ll see you later tonight.” Then she looked at Colin, Brendan, and Tyler. “And you guys, as well.” As she headed up the stairs, she looked back at one person, Luke. He was talking to her mom, and her mom was laughing.
Riley was still smiling when she walked into her room.
With the help of Caylee and Maryanne, Riley was able to get ready quickly. She had to laugh when she got to her room, and they had already picked out her dress. She had to admit they’d done a good job. It was her favorite dress, as well, out of the clothes Mike had sent her. It was another sparkling red gown, but it had a halter neckline covered with red sequins and a soft, shiny, satin skirt in a ballgown style that made her feel like a princess.
Riley had a great time as they helped one another do their hair and makeup, and she wondered if