four years.”

“I guess we could do that. Especially if it means they’ll stop bugging me.” I close my eyes and lay my cheek against Sawyer’s head, who simply watches Kade and me with big blue eyes.

The past six years have been a whirlwind of happiness.

This is not to say the drama that has always followed me around suddenly vanished after the Olympics. Veronika tried for a while to manipulate me, the press, and Kade into doing whatever she wanted, but it didn’t work. After all her secrets had been exposed, I realized the only way to deal with her was to ignore her, live my life and be happy.

I think it was two years after the Olympics when she was arrested at the Mexican border for attempted drug trafficking. I don’t exactly know what happened, but according to the newspapers they found ten pounds of cocaine in her car. She had been an alcoholic since I could remember, and I always suspected there was more to it, but I’d be lying if I said learning about her arrest didn’t shock me.

The tabloids had a field day with that news, but I’d long since learned to ignore all the nonessential bullshit. Knowing Kade loved me despite all of that helped.

It didn’t take long for me to move in with Kade in Montana, especially after he basically kidnapped me and refused to let me go.

My journey to happiness might have been a messy one filled with lies, deceit, and manipulations, but it’s mine and it led me to where I am today. And I’d relive all the pain and confusion if it meant I’d be in this place with the man I love, welcoming our son into this world.

They say home is where the heart is, and for the longest time I was a homeless soul wandering the earth in pursuit of finding where I belonged. Little did I know I would have to go back to the beginning to find my forever.

Thank you so much for reading, dear reader. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. Sign up for my Newsletter for exclusive sneak peaks and giveaways in the future, or join my reader group here for some fun and shenanigans.

Make sure you check out my other novel. If you’re in the mood for a Romantic Suspense with a twist you won’t see coming, make sure you check out FALLING THROUGH DARKNESS.


Montana Wild would have never happened without the help of my people. Last year was difficult, filled with writer’s block and life in general being a mess. It prevented me from writing even though both Montana and Kade had been yelling at me to tell their story. But I’m a strong believer in ‘everything happens for a reason’ and looking back, I realize I needed my experiences to be able to give Montana and Kade the story they deserve.

Publishing is scary, putting words on paper and letting people see part of you, opening yourself up to judgment. It’s not easy, and it still scares me to leave myself as vulnerable as writing a part of me into each story makes me. But it’s also something I need in order to heal.

Thank you, Sandie, for always reading my words first, for loving them as much as I do. Your encouragement and endless supply of support will never be forgotten and is what keeps me going. Whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with me for the rest of eternity.

Kyla, I adore you, but you know this. Thank you for getting me through these last eight months. Not sure I could have been able to sort my head out without you. Thank you for reading this story and giving me feedback on all the horse scenes. Your input has been incredibly helpful. Love you!

Annette and Sarah thank you for beta reading and making this story even better. Helping me work out all the kinks and seeing things I missed. I couldn’t do this without either one of you and I can’t wait for more wine filled nights with you discussing life and everything in between.

Hannah, Bethan, and the Indie Love Team—Indie Love is what kept me going these past two years. Thank you for spending a weekend in Wales cheering me on, supporting me while we build each other up. You’re a big part of why this story finally saw the light of day. You’re the best.

Diane, Dora, Marieke, Candice—thank you for your friendship, generosity, and making me laugh when I need it most. Everyone should have friends like you! You’re amazing humans and you inspire me daily.

Thank you, to the people who helped me polish this book. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your input and help with this story. Amy, thank you for helping me make this story what it is today. Sheri & Karen, your attention to detail is unparalleled and I couldn’t be happier with how much you helped me make this story so much better. And thank you, Karen, for making sure I didn’t forget that a power outage means there’s no electricity for anything.

And Linda, I appreciate all you do and keep doing for me. Your hard work is very much appreciated. I don’t think I can ever thank you enough. Your enthusiasm is what helps make this journey a bit less stressful. I’m so happy you’ve been part of my journey since the beginning. I couldn’t do this without your guidance.

Also, thank you *insert sarcasm* to ‘who shall not be named’ for breaking my heart. The pain and drive not to let you destroy me is what got this story finished.

And last but not least, I thank you, the reader, for giving my words a chance. This journey is scary and exciting at the same time, but you all make it

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