- Lift him up! - said looking at Bruce. - Let's get him inside. I'll finish using the herbs in the castle.
- But, your sister? - Bruce said stunned.
- Don't worry about her! - I answered. - Annabel knows these trails well and will certainly follow to Dunhill. She's safer there than we are here.
- Are you sure? - Bruce questioned.
- Yes. Scotland's future is dying and with it my heart. - I said in tears. - I need Alistair, Bruce! Scotland needs him! His son will need him!
- What's that? What's that? - Alistair whispered.
I widened my eyes and turned him on his back leaning his head on my lap.
- Alistair? - I cried. - Talk to me!
- Are you pregnant? - he whispered with difficulty.
- Yes. I'm carrying your child in my womb. - I answered in tears. - Please don't die! Don't leave me!
- Your shoulder? - he sighed. The voice was weak. - She's hurt.
He smiles in tears, passing his hands on his face.
- It's nothing I can't handle.
- I'm sorry I couldn't rescue Annabel.
- We'll talk about it later, but now we need to get him inside the castle so I can take care of you.
- Aideen? - he held my hand tightly, swallowing it dry. - Where did you get those robes? You look awful dressed like this.
I laughed and kissed him.
- I didn't want to wear a dress so I wouldn't get in the way, so I grabbed one of his pants and shirt.
- Aideen? - he whispered weak. - I love her with all the strength of my heart! I don't know what I'd do without you. You brought color to my life.
Alistair's voice was fading. I realized he was getting weaker and weaker. I kissed his forehead before I looked at Bruce.
- Then keep it beating and keep it to me!
Alistair smiled closing his eyes. I felt the grip on my hand become weaker, until Alistair lost consciousness. With the help of some men, Bruce raised Alistair and took him into the castle. I kept stopping them when I felt a breeze shaking my hair, so I turned to the sea, where I could no longer see the boat because of the fog and the darkness. I knew it would be hard to find Ravenna again, but I would find Annabel soon.
- I'll find her, Ravenna! And when that happens... - I whispered when I thought of Ravenna. - I swear I'll kill her!
Two months later...
Dunhill's throne hall was full. I was smiling behind a curtain that adorned the sides. Everyone was waiting for Alistair's coronation ceremony, which had to be postponed because of his injuries. After the failed attack in Inverness, I managed to close Alistair's wound with the same process I used in his cut, but it was a little more painful. Thank God, he was a strong man and he was recovering well. My shoulder didn't hurt so much anymore and that would be one more scar that I would sustain. Lowenna was shocked when she found out what had happened and I had to calm her down. Brice got possessed. He swore vengeance against my mother and Roy. Thanks to Bruce, the search for my sister continued tirelessly, but there was still no news of her.
- Nice party, huh? - Lowenna whispered behind me.
- Your Majesty! - I bowed to her by saying hello.
- No! Don't bend. - she asked with a smile. - I'm the one who should bow to you. You saved my son and brought him back.
- He saved me! - said smiling. - I'm grateful for that!
Lowenna took my hand and we started walking side by side. The people in the hall greeted us with a slight nod of their heads and made room for us to pass by.
- I'm sorry for your loss! - she whispered. - I mean... your big sister. I had a brother, very brave and loyal. I lost it a long time ago and it's still painful for me.
- Aila was more than a sister. - I swallowed dry. - She was the only mother I knew or had. It'll be hard to get over.
- I suppose so! - she smiled solemnly. - Until then, I want you to count on me for whatever it takes. I raised Bruce as my youngest son and I'd love to have a girl to drive.
Lowenna stopped in front of me holding my hands tightly and looked at me lovingly.
- Especially one so brave!
Smile at her and we'll walk again. Lowenna's smile was very warm and pleasant. I felt peace when she looked at me and an unconditional love that emanated through her serene countenance.
- You do? Alistair never had much time to love anyone. - she said softly. - Since Cora's death a few years ago, he has stopped in time and lived only for the battlefields.
- Yes, I heard about Cora and I'd like to say I'm very sorry for her loss.
- That was a long time ago. - she sighed. - As a queen, I had to quickly overcome the death of a subject, but as a zealous mother, I still feel the loss of my daughter.
- I see!
- But not Alistair! - she smiled. - He always kept the promise of vengeance alive in his mind. I've always been very afraid