- Stop! - She said. - I know what you're doing and, I can tell you for sure, you won't get much.
- What's that? What's that?
- You're evaluating me to see if you're not in an ambush and the answer is no.
- Is it? How can I trust the lady?
- I fed them both, didn't I? What do you want from me to make sure I'm not just an old lady?
Smiling, I shook my head.
- What if you're a witch?
- Well, in this case, you're not too far from the truth. - she smiled at me, which made my expression change to serious. - Young man, I'm just a walker. If you want to know who I am, just ask me.
I looked at her with surprise. It really crossed my mind that she could set up an ambush and I was ready for several soldiers to jump out of the bushes.
- How can you know what I think?
- I'm a guesser, but I wouldn't have to be to reach this conclusion. - she smiled with perfect teeth. - You should be a little more careful, because you are a transparent man with your thoughts.
Franzi the forehead with fun.
- I didn't realize I had that ability.
- It's not skill, it's a defect.
- All right! All right! Sabichona! - I stood up to stir up the fire more. - If it's a riddle, why did you attack me? I'm sure you know who I am.
- Yeah, but you wouldn't have to be a riddle to know who you are. I attacked him because I didn't recognize him right away. I thought you wanted to hurt me.
- Is that so?
- You all know the king's cousin. A man so fearless that death itself fears him. They call him the Black Knight.
Smile at her with disdain.
- And what else have you heard about me?
- He is the second Duke of Duvengar and third in the line of succession to the throne of Scotland.
I had a laugh.
- About that, you're a terrible guesser. I'm second in line and not third.
- I am sorry for your grace, but the child who grows in your majesty's womb will take revenge and will become the next queen to rule this earth. - she took a break. - It will be great, but it will have a long life full of choices and obstacles.
Those words amazed me. We were preserving the life of Aideen and the child, so no one knew about her pregnancy. We intended to keep it a secret because of Roy. The child who grew up in the Queen's womb was our only hope of avoiding a war against the English, especially if we could carry the news that she was heir to that throne. Besides, the pregnancy was recent and we wouldn't know the sex of the baby until after it was born. How did that woman know so much?
- How do you know all this? - I asked in amazement. - Nobody knows that information.
- Like I said, I'm a riddle. - she stopped to drink a glass of the wine that I offered her and that she had in a bottle. - That happens once in a while. It's been a long time since I've been stricken by those voices. I just stopped by to talk to you, because they insist on alerting you.
I swallowed it dry, but I confess I was curious.
- Tell me then! What do your mysterious voices have to say to me?
- If you want to go after the girl, go in that direction or any other way and you'll find her. It won't be difficult, since your destiny is to save her. - she took a break. - Just as it is her destiny to save the Lord.
- Save me? - I had a laugh. - Believe it! I don't need to be saved from anything or anyone. It's the people who should take care of me.
The lady stood up and took me seriously.
- Your black soul is full of regrets. She must be saved or suffer in purgatory after a slow and painful death. - she shook her head. - The girl will be his salvation, because she has the same thirst for blood that consumes him day after day. The past will clash with the Lord, causing him to remember his greatest sins and pain. Your convictions will be put to the test and you must make a choice. A choice that, if misconceived, will bring more repentance. The girl will be your cure.
She started walking away from where we were.
- Wait! - I screamed and she stopped. - What do you mean she'll be my cure?
- He must get back what you lost a long time ago. - she said smiling. - Your mourning will not last forever, Captain. Even if the Lord desires him so much, he will cease at the right time. It's your destiny and your fortune to find the girl.
She made a gesture with her head and turned around again, turning her back on me.
- Thank you for your company and great meal, but I've said too much. Now go and don't be afraid of the arrow that points to your heart. It will be she who will change her destiny forever.
I stood still, standing, staring at the woman who walked without looking back.