“Verna, cancel all of my meetings and callsfor the next 3-4 days. There’s been an emergency and I’ll be out oftown. I’ll be periodically checking messages and e-mails.Otherwise, re-schedule everything. As a matter of fact make sureyou get in touch with Janice, Jason’s administrative assistant andgive her the same directive. I’m not sure if Jason had a chance todo that yet or not. However, there are a couple of files I’ll need,Brinkstone and Westerson. Get those for me. I’ll be back to getthem before I head out of the office for the airport. Oh, and bythe way…where is Ms. Sandra Catchings located?”
Verna got Sandra’s information and gave it toMr. Roth. He took it and headed out of his office in search of Ms.Catchings. He needed to get her personal contact information if shewere going to go Atlanta so that they could head over to theairport together. However, when he arrived at her office JoshuaJones, the Director of Sales was there. It looked like they were ina heated conversation. “Excuse me, am I interrupting anything?”
Joshua looked like he’d been caught with hishand in the cookie jar. He was pretty nervous “No, no Mr. Roth. Iwas just finishing up a conversation with Ms. Catchings. Sandra,can we finish this up later?”
He didn’t even give her a chance to respondbefore he high tailed it out of her office.
“Did I catch you at a bad time?”
“No, not at all Mr. Roth.” She was reachingher limit with Joshua and right now he wasn’t important. She wavedhim inside her office “Please come inside. How are Vicky andJason?”
“So, you’ve talked to them?”
Sandy nodded “Yes, he called about half anhour ago.”
“Jason’s hanging on by a thread and I canonly imagine Vicky is even worse. So, if possible I’d like to leaveas soon as we can. I’ve spoken to the pilot. The plane can be readyto leave within the hour. Can you be ready by then?” Franklin hopedso but he didn’t think women like Sandra Catchings knew how tooperate on the fly.
“Of course. I just need to throw a couple ofthings in my suitcase. I don’t live far from here. I can be readywithin the next half an hour if necessary.”
Franklin had this look of worry on his faceas he rubbed the back of his neck. Jason and he had faced manythings together over all the years they’d known each other butthey’d never had to deal with the possible death of a child.
“You two are very close?”
“Yeah, we’ve known each other since our earlyteens. I love him like a brother. Hell, we are closer thanbrothers. Something like this definitely puts life intoperspective. Out of nowhere life can change on dime. How do youeven begin to recover from something like this? Is it evenpossible?”
“Mr. Roth, we’ve got to remain positive fortheir sakes. We can’t allow ourselves to think anything other thanAngel is going to be ok. I’ve never been much of a praying womanbut I’ve often heard that prayer changes things. I’m choosing tobelieve that right now. I’ve been praying since Jason called.”
“Please call me Franklin.” Funny, he’d nevernoticed how stunningly beautiful Ms. Catching’s was until now. He’dbeen so enamored with his ex-fiancé, April that he hadn’t noticedanyone else until she’d broken off their engagement right beforethe Rutherford’s anniversary party.
“I’ll call you Franklin only if you call meSandy. Is that fair?”
Franklin gave her half a smile “I think I cando that. So, I’ll meet you at your house say in 45 minutes?”
Sandra shook her head “Sounds good. I’ll bewaiting.” After he’d left her office she found herself thinking Mr.Roth was one handsome man. She felt a little guilty thinking thatat a time like this. Under different circumstances maybe she wouldtry to push the envelope. Hell, Joshua wasn’t in a committedrelationship why should she be? Anyway, she’d heard that Franklinwas either engaged or married. Too bad.
Chapter 12
Jason and Vicky made it to Angel’s recoveryarea. They changed into sterile scrubs before they could enter therecovery room.
As soon as they entered Vicky rushed over toAngel’s bed. Nothing could prepare a mother for that moment.Angel’s listless and ashen body lay in a hospital bed where she wascovered seemingly from head to toe in tubing. She was attached toso many machines and they seemed so loud. They were beeping andchirping. The pumping sound was the worst. Watching Angel’s chestrise and fall to the rhythm of the pump was devastating. All Vickywanted was to see her baby open her eyes and smile again. As thetears dripped down Vicky’s face Jason gently wiped them away beforeturning around and wiping away a tear that slid down his owncheek.
Jason whispered into Vicky’s ear “She’s goingto be ok you’ve got to know that.” Jason’s cell phone tinged to lethim know a call was coming through. He looked at the number and hedidn’t recognize it. He answered the phone “Rutherford...”
“I’m sorry I have the wrong number I waslooking for Vicky Martin.”
“No, no you have the right number. Who’scalling?”
“Well, this is… Shirley Martin. Is sheavailable?”
Jason anxiously answered, “Yes, yes. She’sright here, just one moment.” He handed the phone over toVicky.
Her hands shook as she took the phone fromJason. Their eyes locked with his for just a moment. There was noneed to tell her who was on the other end of the phone. “Hello,this is Vicky Martin.” Vicky thought her voice would falter but itcame out much stronger than she felt.
“Vicky, this is….Shirley. I, I called as soonas I got your message.”
Vicky was no longer the scared teen lookingfor acceptance but a grown woman fighting for the life of herdaughter. It was Shirley who sounded unsure and nervous.
“Thank you for calling me back. I hate tohave to call you under these circumstances” Vicky took another lookat Angel then closed her eyes and went on “but I desperately needyour help. I have a daughter who is three years old. She’s in thehospital and is need of a blood transfusion to save her life. Herblood type is very rare. We’re testing everyone but so far we’vebeen unable to find a match. I was hoping you