eyes looked up at him. They were more brownish green than gray tonight.

“Hmm . . .”

Davis hesitated as if he were about to say something then changed his mind. “Tomorrow is going to be a long day, so I asked if Teena could come sit with you and the kids.” He felt it the moment her body tensed.

“You’ve started keeping later hours again. I had hoped things would change after my accident.”

“It has. This meeting is important.”

Nicole sat up. “Here we go again. Davis, every meeting is important. Every deal is important.”

“That’s not true.”

“Yes, it is.”

“I can’t do this with you right now. I’ve got to finish going over this information.”

“You are leaving me alone in this marriage. I refuse to go back to how things were before.”

“You’re not alone!” He was angry. “Please, don’t start up with that nonsense.” Davis rolled his head around his shoulders. “I will not do this with you.” If she couldn’t see how much he was devoted to her and his family, then Nicole was blind.

Nicole glared at him.

If she was already going to be pissed, he might as well put all his cards on the table. “We should think about hiring someone full time to help out with the kids. I was thinking about Teena. She has been a godsend.”

It had been nice having Teena around, but they had decided it would only be temporary until Nicole went back to work. Davis was changing the plan. “I guess you have it all figured out.” Nicole threw the covers back, got out of bed, and went into the bathroom. She couldn’t deal with Davis tonight. She just wanted to go to sleep and think of absolutely . . . nothing. Nicole opened the medicine cabinet and searched until she found it—a sleeping pill. She hoped it would send her off into la la land before she did something stupid like punch her husband in the throat.

Chapter 8

Nicole was buried underneath the mountain of covers and lost in a deep coma-like sleep. The world could have been ending, and she probably would have missed it. However, Rayna was a more powerful force than even something as significant as the ending of the world. She was one big ball of energy when she came bursting into Nicole’s bedroom. “Mom! I’m going to be late for school.”

Nicole groaned. She could barely open her eyes. The sleeping pills had left her feeling groggy—like she was walking on a cloud. “What time is it?”

Rayna stood by her head and leaned down over her. “It’s 7:20. My bus will be here in ten minutes.”

Nicole still hadn’t been able to move. Her head and limbs felt like dead weight. Her voice was hoarse. “Where’s your dad?”

“He already left for work, but Teena is here. She arrived before daddy left. C’mon, mom. Are you going to get up?”

Somehow, Nicole managed to open her eyes and push herself up. She moved the covers back and threw her legs over the side of the bed. Nicole dropped her chin down on her chest and put up one finger. “Can you give me a second?”

Rayna, wearing the striped skirt and purple button-down vest of her school uniform, tilted her head. She had never seen her mother so out of it. “We really don’t have a second. Are you okay?” She hoisted her backpack over the side of her shoulder.

“I’m fine. Just a little tired.” Nicole turned slightly and grimaced. “My ribs still hurt a little. Can you bring me my robe?”

Rayna ran over to her mother’s chair to retrieve it and quickly came back. Nicole moved slowly and put it on. The moment she stood, Rayna grabbed her by the arm. “C’mon mom!” She tried to pull Nicole out of the bedroom, but Nicole couldn’t keep up the pace. She was uncomfortable and still out of it. “Rayna! Please stop dragging me. I can’t move that fast!” Rayna froze. Nicole never screamed, so it was shocking to both of them.

Teena came bounding up the stairs. “Is everything alright, Mrs. Chatham?” Nicole pinched the bridge of her nose. Rayna’s eyes filled with tears, and Nicole felt like the worst parent on the planet. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.” She opened her arms. “I can’t bend down for a hug, but I’d sure like it if you’d give me one. I could use it.”

Rayna went into her mother’s embrace. Nicole apologized. “I love you so much. I’m so, so sorry.”

“It’s okay. Daddy said you might be a little cranky because you’re not feeling so good.”

“He said that, huh?”

Rayna let out a little laugh. “Yes.”

“Well, sometimes your father is right, but only sometimes, and don’t tell him I said so.” Nicole blew out a breath. “Let’s get you downstairs before you miss the bus.”


As soon as Rayna was gone, Nicole went back to bed. She slept until noon and still couldn’t seem to shake the fog of sleep. She was in this weird space where she wasn’t asleep, but she wasn’t quite awake either. She promised herself; I will never ever, ever take those damn pills again.

When her cell phone buzzed, she had just enough energy to answer it. “Hello?”


“Yes. This is Nicole.”

“I just wanted to know if you received my flowers.”

Nicole whipped her head around as if she were looking for Davis. “Mr. Abboud?”

“My ego just took a hit.” He laughed. “I guess I didn’t make a big enough impression for you to remember what I sound like. Please call me

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