She read it. “You went through my phone?”
Davis towered over her. His nostrils flared out in barely controlled anger. “He called. I saw his name on the screen, so hell yeah, I went through your phone. You had lunch with him?”
Nicole was wrapped in a towel. She walked past him. “You are overreacting. It’s not what you think.”
He followed her. “I’m overreacting? He’s sending you flowers with coded messages in them. Now, the two of you are having lunch that you didn’t tell me about, and I’m overreacting.”
“Yes. You are.” She sighed. “I had to go into KidCare to visit a couple of the Children and Family Services offices and to perform several wellness checks. He had contacted the organization to do a ride along. I didn’t know he was coming, and he didn’t know I would be showing him around.”
“So, when did you start doing wellness checks because you usually don’t?”
Irritated that Davis didn’t trust her, Nicole placed her hands on her hips. “It’s rare, but I have done them in the past. Let me get this straight; you’ve lied to me for almost a year, and yet, you have the nerve to call me a liar?”
His eyes bore into hers. “Are you sleeping with him?”
“What?” Nicole was livid. She placed her hands flat on his chest and pushed. “Get out of my way.” Davis didn’t move.
His jaws clenched. His voice was just an octave under yelling. “Are you sleeping with him?”
“I can’t believe you’re asking me this.” Her eyes reflected shock, hurt, and anger. He wouldn’t move, so Nicole stepped around him and walked away. She refused to dignify his question with an answer and went into her walk-in closet. “I’ve got to get dressed.”
Davis left like a hurricane. He slammed the door behind him so hard that pictures that had been sitting on her dresser crashed to the floor. When she came out to see what had broken, Nicole kneeled and picked up her favorite picture frame. It was the one with their wedding photo in it.
Nicole was entirely out of sorts. Her fight with Davis had left her an emotional wreck. How could he think she would ever cheat on him? Roman was handsome, but she loved Davis with her whole heart. Now, she had to go into this meeting with the Angel Foundation carrying the weight of that fight.
She had been invited for a one o’clock meeting, but the board had been in session when she arrived at twelve thirty. Her nerves were shot.
Nicole decided to wait it out at the restaurant in the lower level of the building. She was antsy and couldn’t be still. Her head was pounding, and her muscles ached. Nicole dropped her head in her hands. You can do this. You don’t need any more help. Maybe I can’t. Feeling defeated, Nicole called up her doctor. “Hi. This is Nicole Chatham. I’m calling because I accidentally dropped my last prescription in the toilet. Can Dr. MacEntyre phone in another prescription?”
“Let me get the doctor on the phone. Wait, your last one was just filled a few days ago.”
“Right. But I told you, I dropped them in the toilet.”
A waiter came to take her order, and Nicole waved him away as she spoke on the phone.
“I’ll make sure to inform Dr. MacEntyre. Please hold.”
Nicole tapped her fingers on the table as she waited. Moments later, her physician picked up. “Mrs. Chatham?”
“Yes. This is she.”
“I’ve just reviewed your chart. Unfortunately, due to the opioid epidemic, I’m unable to provide you with a replacement prescription for another twenty-six days.”
Her waiter returned.
Nicole put up one finger for him to wait. “Twenty-six days? There has to be something else you can do. What am I supposed to do for pain in the meantime? I can’t wait that long.”
“I’m sorry. Maybe you can try an alternative method. I can recommend an acupuncturist or massage therapist.”
“That won’t help me or my pain!” Nicole closed her eyes and massaged her temples as she spoke. “I’m sorry. Thank you, Dr. MacEntyre.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.”
She disconnected the call.
“May I take your drink order?” Nicole had almost forgotten the man was standing there.
“Yes. Please. I’ll have a seltzer water with lemon.”
He nodded and left. Once he was gone, Nicole went through her address book and made several more calls to doctors. None of them would write a prescription without scheduling an appointment.
Nicole downed the last of her water just as her waiter was bringing her the check. “Thank you.”
He whispered, “I might be able to help you with your problem.”
“Excuse me?”
“I couldn’t help but overhear your phone call.”
Nicole hesitated. “Help me like how?”
“I’m due for a break. If you meet me outside the restaurant, in the hallway going to the public bathrooms, there’s a private room that I have a key for. We can talk there.”
Everything in Nicole said no, don’t do it. However, she couldn’t form the words. “Okay.”
A few minutes later, Nicole was about to buy drugs from a stranger—a stranger named Sam. “They are just as good as Oxycodone. Fentanyl is even better. You’ll feel the effects much faster.”
Nicole was hesitant. “Are they safe?”
“Are you seriously asking me that question? If you don’t want them, then I’ve got to get back to work.” He made an attempt to leave.
“Wait.” Nicole placed her hand