“That’s interim CEO.”
“Not if I go to prison. It might be a permanent gig. I’m just happy that, for now, I still own the majority of shares. Appointing you might be the last official thing I’ll get to do for Chatham Industries.”
“That’s not going to happen. And you and I both know that I don’t know anything about your business. We need you and look forward to your return.”
“Paul has been briefed. While not happy about my decision, he will help you with the day to day operations. The value of his own stock depends on your success. Therefore, let’s just say he is very motivated.” His eyes said it all. Davis was losing hope. His smile was weak. “In the event that things don’t go my way; I have a contingency plan in place. My shares will be turned over to you until Rayna and DJ are twenty-five. Even then, you and Nicole will have control over when to release them to the kids. Hopefully, they’ll be worth a damn considering they aren’t doing so well right now. Everything else will be left to Nicole. Look after her for me.”
“Stop it. Stop this negative talk. None of that is going to be necessary because you’re going to be around a good long time. This is just temporary. In the meantime, I’ll do anything for you including making sure I keep an eye on things while you focus on your kids and clearing your name. I know you would do the same for me.” She took a sip of her coffee and good long look into his eyes. “Did something else happen with your case that I don’t know about?”
“Then what is it? I know you, and something is off even more than usual.”
Davis turned to stare out of the window. “Nicole called last night. She asked if I could attend her therapy session next week.”
Jane frowned. “And that’s a problem?”
His head slowly lifted up and down. “I haven’t seen her in two months. I don’t know what is in store for our reunion.”
“My hope—a happy reunion.”
Davis rubbed the bottom of his chin. “A reunion, sure. A happy one, I’m not so sure. Initially, when Nicole went into rehab, I was frantic with worry. The night everything went down, I was just glad she was alive. I hadn’t had a chance to digest the shit storm that went on around us. I’m pissed. No, if I’m really honest, I’m beyond mad as hell.”
“At her?” Jane got up and walked over to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. “She didn’t get this way on purpose, Davis.”
“I know that, and that’s my conundrum. My feelings can’t be good for her recovery. The kids need her to get better.”
“You need her to get better too.”
“Riiiiiight. It’s not as if my life hasn’t already fallen apart. I’ve lost my business and everything I’ve worked my entire life for. I might even lose my freedom. Where was Nicole in all of this? She always talked about us being partners, but she’s nowhere to be found. So, yeah . . . I’m mad as hell about that.”
“I understand you’re angry and in a lot of ways, rightfully so. However, you didn’t even tell Nicole about your problems until they were five minutes from a breaking news story. So, that’s pretty unfair to her.”
Davis turned to face her. “You’re taking her side? I need your support!”
“You’ll always have my support, but I’ll also tell you when you’re wrong. I’m not saying your emotions are not valid, but please don’t mix up your frustration with this situation and Nicole. She’s not responsible for any of this. Maybe it would be good for you to talk to a professional about this after all. Therapy might be a good idea.”
Davis didn’t respond. He just returned to staring out of the window.
Jane’s voice quieted. “Do you still love her?”
Davis clenched his jaw and didn’t answer right away. “She’s the mother of my children.”
“That is not what I asked you.”
“I know what you asked me.” He snapped then glanced at his watch. “I’m sorry.” Davis closed and rubbed his tired eyes. “Look, can we discuss the clusterfuck that is my life, later? Right now, I need to introduce the executive team to their new CEO while I still have the power to do it.”
Chapter 21
It was Monday. It was 6:00 p.m. Everything was all set and ready to begin. Only Davis hadn’t arrived. Nicole paced back and forth wringing her hands. “He’s not coming.”
“From all that you’ve told me, Davis doesn’t sound like a man whose word can’t be trusted.” Dr. Carmen glanced at her cell phone to check the time. “He’s only a few minutes late. Let’s give him a few more minutes.”
Nicole was just about to sit down when the doors opened, and an assistant ushered Davis into the tiny little room. Nicole froze. Her eyes became glassy as she drank in the sight of him, and he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her either.
Davis seemed to have the same expression in his own eyes.
Dr. Carmen looked from one to the other. “Please come inside and have a seat.”
He moved to take off his suit jacket. “Sorry, I’m late. I was stuck in traffic.” Davis didn’t know what the proper protocol was. Was he supposed to kiss her? Could he touch her?