to arm’s length.

“Nope. You’re not missing this because of me. We’ve got to get you back to the fairgrounds.”

I pouted. It felt like I’d waited my whole life to kiss Hunter like this. Everything else could disappear, for all I cared.

His eyes crinkled in a smile as he took in my puppy dog expression. He pulled me just close enough to press his warm lips against my forehead and then hopped off the bed. “Believe me, this isn’t easy for me. I’d spend all night kissing you, if I could. And maybe I will, after this is all done.”

My cheeks warmed as I followed him toward the door. Yes, please. More kissing. More of his delicious mouth and hands all over me. I was pretty sure I’d never get enough of that.

“Okay, fine.” I reached for the doorknob and gave him my most winning Rodeo Queen smile. “But I’m holding you to that tonight.”

He leaned against the wall and grinned in a way that made the fire burning in my gut flare. “Maybe, if you’re lucky, I’ll even take you on a real date first.”

I couldn’t suppress the happy in my face as I walked through the door. So that was the first thing Lexi and Beth saw as I nearly ran head-first into the both of them, standing in the hallway. I managed to right myself, thanks to Hunter’s quick reflexes and steadying hands on my waist. His touch was still giving me shivers. It took me a second to get my head on straight, but when I managed to look at my friends, their victorious and knowing smiles made me blush.

The secret was out.

“Soooo...” Beth gestured with a flick of her hand. “It seems like you’re okay.”

“More than okay,” Lexi added with a grin. “I’d say, he’s practically blushing. Aren’t you, Hunter?”

I couldn’t help looking over at him. And sure enough, the boy’s face was red. He grinned sheepishly and then rubbed a hand over his face.

“We’ve got to get Charlotte back for the crowning,” he said, managing to keep his voice straight, even when his gaze flicked to mine. “I don’t want her to miss out because of me.”

“Yes, let’s go!” Lexi nudged me with her elbow and whispered in my ear, “And better believe you’re giving me all the details later.”

I grinned and followed them down the hall. The police had taken their statements and were already gone. Bree was busy sweeping up the broken glass on the floor. Hunter pulled his mom into a hug and then took my hand, holding it tight.

“We’re going to the rodeo,” he said firmly. “Charlotte’s got a crown to win and I’ve got a bull to ride. You coming?”

Bree’s gaze swept from person to person, before landing on Hunter’s hand holding mine. I could tell from the glimmer in her eye that she knew what had happened between her son and me.

For a second, a blip of doubt went through me. What if she didn’t approve? It would crush me.

But that fear was short-lived. With a bleary-eyed smile, she looked up at me and then pulled me into a hug.

“Of course. Our Char deserves a crown. And we’re going to prove to that awful man that he has no more control over our lives. Let’s go.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Come on, blue steed!”

Hunter urged his truck faster as we rounded the curb to the county fairgrounds. I sat in the middle and Bree in the passenger seat. Lexi and Beth followed in the other car. Seeing Hunter driving with so much focus brought a smile to my lips. He was determined to get me back in time to win a crown. He really was the best.

And when he caught me staring at him, the sideways grin and wink he threw me just about made my heart explode with warmth.

“I’m guessing we’re going to have to come up with some new rules around the house,” Bree said, as she watched us both with a teasing smile. “Bedroom doors stay open. No more sneaking around at night.”

My cheeks reddened even as Hunter laughed. But his mom didn’t have to worry. Hunter had always been the perfect gentleman. And the gentle way he was holding my hand told me that hadn’t changed.

“We’re here.” Hunter parked on a grassy spot near the arena. The parking lot was bursting at the seams and this was the overflow area.

He helped me out his door and we ran toward the arena, leaving his mom to follow. Muffled words came from the announcer’s speakers. The ticket booths had been abandoned, so we had no trouble getting in.

Still, it wasn’t easy getting to the front. It seemed like all of Rock Valley had crowded into the arena and every one of them had suddenly decided they were starving and needing food from the concessions. Hunter led the way through the crowd, holding my hand tight.

I probably should’ve been more concerned about getting back to Ms. Gentry, but I couldn’t think straight with that boy touching me. Why people called it cloud nine was no longer a mystery. My feet were floating. My head light as a fluffy cloud on a bright summer’s day. And every time he glanced over his shoulder at me and fixed me with those gorgeous hazel eyes rimmed in dark lashes, I got another burst of butterflies in my stomach.

“We’re almost there,” he said, chewing uncertainly on his bottom lip. “It might already be started. We’d better hurry.”

We finally broke through the crowds milling around to get a clear shot of the arena. Sure enough, a miniature platform had already been set up in the middle and six girls stood poised on top of it, with Ms. Gentry nearby. My gaze landed directly on Sarah, who stood with her hip cocked and a brilliant cherry-tinted smile pasted on her face, as if she were ready for her prize. Everything about her—from her crisp white blouse, tight designer jeans, and white cowgirl hat sitting atop her perfect ringlets

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