he made me pay him back because I was ‘really bad at keeping up with my shit.’” He looked at all of the shirts that I had, then over to me with an accusing glare. “All this time everyone always blamed me. And it was you?”

I shrugged. “Yeah.”

“I don’t even know what to say.” He shook his head. “I thought I was losing my fucking mind.”

I bit my lip as he squatted down next to my exploded bag and started to go through my—his—things.

He pulled out a sweatshirt that I’d only gotten six months ago.

He’d left it at his parents’ place and I’d run by there on a whim. I’d also picked the sweatshirt up and had intended to just move it, thinking that it was Wolf’s, when I’d smelled it.

I knew right then and there that it wasn’t Wolf’s. It was Nathan’s.

I’d know his scent anywhere.

Which was why, when his parents weren’t looking, I’d taken it.

I’d also been there when Nathan had come by looking for it.

And I’d lied my little head off.

Nope. Didn’t see that KPD SWAT shirt anywhere.

Not me.


I’d slept in it until one night when I’d accidentally dropped it in the toilet and was forced to wash it.

Then I was forced to procure another shirt that smelled like him.

It was a vicious cycle.

One that I wasn’t proud of now that he was staring at all my booty.

My stolen booty.

“Did you realize that this is something that you’re not allowed to steal, either?” he asked, holding up the sweatshirt.

I shrugged. “Why not?”

“Because it’s department-issued, woman!” he growled. “And I need it for work.”

I frowned. “You’ve been making out just fine without it so far.”

He narrowed his eyes. “I’ve been freezing my balls off. I have to literally buy a new one if I want to wear long sleeves while at work, and all along you had it?”

I scrunched up my nose. “It’s not my fault that I just find these things.”

He stood up and tossed my sweatshirt to the pile of clothes.

“Where did you find it?” he asked, closing in on me.

I bit my lip, wondering if he would see through the lie that was about to slip off my tongue.

He must’ve realized what I was about to do, too, because before I could open my mouth and give a false answer, he was on me, pinning me to the wall.

“All this time,” he growled as he pressed me into the wall, his big body pinning mine there like a trapped butterfly.

Speaking of butterflies, there was an entire swarm of them, the kind of swarm that showed up on fucking weather radars there were so many, taking flight in my belly.

I licked my lips, suddenly nervous.

“What else of mine do you have? You know, despite my entire fucking wardrobe?” he growled.

I felt the vibration of his chest against my nipples.

He was standing that close.

“Ummm,” I hesitated. “I think I have a couple of your chargers?”

There. That wasn’t a complete lie.

And, to be honest, everyone stole chargers. Didn’t they?

He wound his finger around a curl that had escaped from my bun.

He slowly dragged his fingernail over the length of the hair, his eyes enraptured as he watched his finger move along the soft tresses.

“I want to see this hair trailing over my thighs as you suck my cock,” he said out of the blue, his eyes moving from my hair to my eyes. “I have this one fantasy from when I was a kid. It all centered around you, me, my motorcycle, and the make-out spot out by the river.”

The make-out spot he spoke of was where all of the Uncertain kids used to hang out, get drunk, and fool around.

Though, some even took it a little further than making out, but neither one of us had—at least that I knew of.

“Yeah?” I asked. “I thought you hated me. Why would you want me to meet you there? That was where you took all your other girlfriends.”

All your girlfriends that weren’t me.

“I’ve never hated you, Reggie Morton. I’ve only ever…” His phone rang and he groaned.

He reached over and pulled it off of the bed where he must’ve dropped it at some point and read the readout.

He cursed.

“SWAT call,” he grumbled, looking pissed.

I bit my lip to hide my groan of frustration.

“Well shit,” I grumbled. “That’s no fun.”

He reluctantly pulled himself off of me and backed away toward the door, as if he didn’t trust me to allow him to leave without jumping on his back and begging him to stay.

It definitely was a real possibility, but I wouldn’t embarrass myself.

He didn’t need to know the depth of my feelings toward him.

Not ever.

“Be safe,” I found myself saying, my eyes on his lips.

He winked, and then he disappeared out of the door, then farther out of the duplex itself.

I slowly turned my back to the doorway and found myself heading for the bathroom.

A shower sounded like exactly what I needed.

I was just rinsing the shampoo out of my hair when I heard the bathroom door creak open.

When I finally had all the soap gone and could open my eyes, it was to see Nathan standing there looking hot.

“They canceled the call,” he murmured as he slowly began to take his shirt off.

I bit my lip and watched as he took off first his shirt, followed by his boots, socks, and then pants.

When he finally got to his underwear, I couldn’t force myself to look away.

He slowly pushed the boxer briefs down the length of his muscular thighs, and I groaned aloud at the sight of his hard cock, colored a deep, ruddy hue, bouncing slightly with the beat of his heart.

He was hard, and thick, and had veins standing out all over his length.

I wanted to trace each one with my lips.

Nathan had other ideas, though.

The moment that he finally stepped into the shower with me, he had me up and pressed against the freezing-ass shower tile.

I groaned and squirmed, unable to stop myself from trying to get

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