“You have to go to the reading of Inga’s will on Wednesday morning. That must mean she left you something,” Aunt Irene whispered.
“Of course, she left me Yummy. It must be some legal stuff to make sure I want to keep him.” I nodded praying I was right.
“Maybe not,” Aunt Irene continued to whisper. “No one wanted you dead before Inga died.”
She has a point. What am I going to do? Could this possibly have anything to do with inheriting Yummy? No, that’s insane. He’s just a little dog. A pedigreed dog and I’m sure he has some value, but enough to kill someone? Would anyone kill a person for a dog even one as cute as Yummy? I don’t understand why they might. But then both Mags and Douglas want him back. Do either need that check badly enough to wish me dead? Maybe they found out something about Yummy when they searched the house. I’m sure they searched every inch of the mansion. The night Inga died they were in every room. I saw the lights. Hmm.
My mind was pulled back to reality when my cell rang. It was Clark. I explained what happened, and he wanted to come over as soon as he finished with the new locks. He was going to replace the door for me. I told him I would be back at the bookstore as soon as I cleaned up the glass. I texted Georgie with a few details and asked her to call after the noon rush. I walked into the garage and dragged out the industrial vacuum.
Bill said, “The other officer took the rock and note back to the station. The Chief is tied up but said if you need him just call. Are you okay alone here?” He jotted something in his notebook.
“Yes, I’ll be fine. After I clean up the glass, I’m going back to the bookstore.”
Aunt Irene announced, “I’ll be fine, too. I have a lunch date and bridge this afternoon. I need to get ready. Call me if you need me, Annie.” She hugged me, and I watched her walk back to her cottage.
Bill waved as he drove off. The glass was easier to vacuum up than I thought, and I put the vacuum away, climbed back into my car, and headed for the bookstore.
I parked behind my store and could see the door had a shiny new lock. I found the door locked, and I knocked. I could hear boots hitting the floor and Yummy barking before the door opened.
“Sorry,” said Clark. “I didn’t want to leave the door unlocked.” He smiled as he held the door open for me.
“No problem. Thanks for changing the locks. No one got in here last night, but I like the idea of being extra safe.” I took the keys he held out for me.
“When would you like your door fixed?” He leaned against a bookcase and smiled.
Breathe Annie. He’s gorgeous, but he’s going to notice that you noticed and then what are you going to do?
“Umm, no hurry. It was just the storm door. Instead of replacing it right away, the screen door can be put in its place. The weather is getting warmer.” I took off my jacket and turned to hang it up when Yummy came running down the aisle toward me.
“I think he missed you.” Clark laughed. “I should get back to the store. How about I come over after you close and put on your screen door? You don’t want any bugs in the house.” He smiled at me while he slipped on his jacket.
“That sounds like a nice idea. I’ll make dinner,” I stammered.
Dinner, you’re making him dinner. Goodness gracious, Annie. He’s going to think you’re throwing yourself at him.
Clark’s eyes sparkled. “That’s great; it’s a date. See ya later.” He walked to the door and turned, “Have a good day, Annie.” He winked before he shut the door.
I was ready to have a panic attack over the thought of a date with Clark when the front door chimes jingled. Steve’s mom was standing by the front counter. I hoped there wasn’t any problem. I loved Steve’s mom. She and her husband were kind to me and Laci after Steve died. They took Laci for weekends and day trips. We’re still close, but since Laci left for college, I rarely see them. After the morning I had, I was worried Claudine sent her to ask questions.
“Mom Ryan, how nice to see you. It has been a while.” I walked up and hugged her. She was a petite woman with salt and pepper hair and lovely gold-rimmed glasses. She looked as if she had come from a fashion show, but Mom Ryan never left the house without looking spectacular.
“I know dear, but I have been busy with my charities and clubs. I need to say something to you.” She smiled, but I could see some trepidation in her eyes.
“Would you like to sit down?” I motioned to the couch.
“I won’t be here long, dear.” She cleared her throat. “You know that Guy and I love you like a second daughter.”
I nodded.
“Best to say this straight out. Claudine said she saw you having dinner with someone she went to school with, and you know how she gets.”
Goodness gracious, here it comes. A lecture about ruining my life or Laci’s or embarrassing the family. Who knows what Claudine put in her mind?
She continued, “Claudine called me and went on and on about you being out with a man. I just want you to know that Guy and I agree that it’s time you find someone and settle down again. We all loved Steve. I know you loved him, and I’m sure you still do, but life is short dear. If you can find some happiness, then