in touch with Cross.”

“She can.”

“Then she knows where this hiding place is.” The woman’s tone ended just short of an accusatory slap in the face.

“She does,” Lyra agreed. “And I’ve agreed to honor her request not to divulge that information.”

“Since when do we make deals with lower echelons within this organization?” Gordon asked.

“How do we know Agent Creasey hasn’t been compromised?” Clarise asked.

“I made this deal,” Lyra said, “and I’m on equal standing with all of you. As for Agent Creasey being compromised, she put her life on the line for our efforts to destroy a demon weapons plant only a week ago. She bears her wounds from that encounter now. That’s enough credibility for me.”

No one else in the room said anything, but Leah felt the waves of animosity directed at her. They’re scared, she realized. That surprised her. All of her career she’d figured the people at the top tier of the organization would be cold, collected individuals with ice water in their veins. It shocked, and potentially a little scared her, to realize they weren’t that much different from her.

“Besides that, Cross’s operation is almost bankrupting itself just to take care of the people they brought into their ranks,” Lyra said.

“If the man is overwhelmed by his own undertaking,” one of the men asked, “why would he be of any value to us?”

Lyra looked at Leah. “Perhaps you could answer that, Agent Creasey.”

Caught off-guard, Leah struggled to recover quickly. She hadn’t expected to have to answer any questions. “Simon Cross’s family has always been important in the history of the Templar. Also, many of the Templar hiding in the Underground have become sympathetic to his efforts. A few have deserted the Underground, knowing they’d never again be allowed in that place, and joined Simon.”

“He’s in a position to sway the rest of the Templar?” one of the men asked.

“We believe so,” Lyra answered. “From what we’ve seen, the Templar holed up in the Underground have no intention of taking a truly active part in the battle against the demons.”

“They’re waiting to build up more warriors,” Leah said. “All of that was in my report.”

“You should all know that. I disseminated those reports.”

No one disagreed.

“We can’t afford for the Templar to wait,” Lyra continued. “We need them in the streets fighting back against the demons.”

Because we’re running out of operatives, Leah thought.

“Yes,” Lyra said, gazing at her hard enough to let Leah know she’d guessed her thoughts. “For the moment, Simon Cross hasn’t concentrated on winning the battle against the demons or trying to shut down the Hellgate.”

“Simon’s trying to save people,” Leah said, feeling defensive. She didn’t want anyone to mistake Simon’s motives. “His people operate mostly as scavengers and search-and-rescue.”

“But he’s also training civilians to fight,” Lyra said. “And he’s giving them armor. Templar armor.” She pointed at the tri-dee in the center of the conference table. A tri-dee image ballooned up from the center of the table. Eight others followed the first.

Leah didn’t recognize any of the faces, but she knew the look of death they all wore. She shook her head and instantly regretted it when pain exploded inside her skull.

“None of these people were ever Templar,” Lyra said. “When we found their bodies, we traced them back to credit histories and medical information from before the Hellgate opened. Prior to their deaths, prior to the invasion, they were normal British citizens.”

Gordon leaned forward and looked at the dead faces. “Cross is drawing from the population.”


“For an organization that has been ultrasecret for hundreds of years, that’s pretty radical.”

“I agree.”

“Is the other Templar group doing the same thing?”

“No,” Lyra answered.

“They wouldn’t,” Leah added. “They’ve got a bunker mentality. I’ve been there in their Underground.” She knew that was going to cause further suspicion, but that couldn’t be helped. “The other Templar are all sticklers for their code of conduct, and that speaks strictly against involving outsiders.”

“Yet it was you who saved young Jessica Sumerisle,” Clarice told Lyra.

“It was,” Lyra admitted.

“Then why don’t you pursue an alliance through her?”

“She’s a child.”

Carpenter shook his head. “Cross isn’t much more than that himself. What is he? Twenty-six? Twenty-seven?”

“Twenty-nine,” Lyra answered.

“Hardly an elder statesman,” he noted derisively.

Leah’s voice was hard and flat when she spoke. “Simon Cross isn’t a statesman, elder or otherwise. The man is a champion. He’s one of the best the Templar have ever turned out. A warrior and a leader, and he stands for all the compassion and rules that are in the Templar code.”

“Quite the fan, aren’t you?” Clarice asked sweetly.


Angered almost enough to lose control, Leah turned on the woman. “When was the last time you were out there laying your life on the line?”

Clarice’s face mottled with anger. “That’s not what I’m supposed to do. I’m supposed to gather intelligence and direct—”

“Simon’s out there every day,” Leah said. “He never asks anyone to do something he wouldn’t do himself. Or risk himself. That’s why he has the unconditional support and respect of his warriors. He doesn’t hide behind chain of command. He sets the standard.”

Her face a mask of rage, Clarice looked away.

“That’s precisely why we want him in our camp,” Lyra said into the silence that followed. “Agent Creasey, I’m authorizing you to take a team to Simon Cross and inform him—within parameters that you’ll be given—that this organization stands ready to support his bid to establish himself as leader of the Templar.”

“No team,” Leah said.

Lyra folded her arms and looked unhappy. “I can hardly ask you to go out there alone.”

“With all due respect, I can’t take anyone there,” Leah said. “I gave my word to Simon that I wouldn’t reveal the location of the redoubt he’s established.”

“Ridiculous,” Carpenter objected. “Given the current nature of how volatile the situation throughout London has gotten, a lone woman can’t hope to get through those streets.”

“I’ll get out of the city,” Leah said to Lyra because that was the one she knew she’d have to convince. “I’ve done it

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