the bulge in the duster was obvious, then it disappeared. The garment could make any number of pockets, and Warren could store innumerable things in it. The amazing thing was that none of them had any physical weight or shape after the pockets sealed. He could even open a pocket over the top of a pocket.

The clamor of the approaching demons sounded out in the hallway.

Naomi stood at one of the windows and held the security bars.

“You can’t go out,” Warren said. “More of them are out there.”

Exasperated and scared, Naomi turned on him. “Then what are we going to do?”

“The first rule of having any sanctuary,” Warren said, “is to have a way out.” He crossed the room, took her by the hand, and pulled her into motion.

An explosion ripped through the window where Naomi had stood. The concussion knocked Warren and Naomi from their feet. Masonry and steel bars shot across the room. Two of the steel bars embedded in the wall on the opposite side. Lilith flattened against a wall but didn’t seem any worse for wear.

“Lilith!” a monstrous voice boomed.

“Korhdajj,” Lilith snarled.

Warren stood and pulled Naomi behind him. The duster he wore offered more protection than her armor.

Korhdajj clung to the side of the building. He had to have been at least twelve or fourteen feet tall, and was immense. Huge batwings helped him balance on the wall, barely visible through the hole he’d created. Iridescent red scales covered him and gave him the appearance of being on fire.

However, silvery metal that seemed constantly in motion sealed over parts of the demon. It wasn’t armor, Warren saw. It was fixed to his body like skin grafts. The metal covered half of the demon’s face, including one eye.

Lilith pulled herself from the wall. Warren felt the arcane energy building around her.

Do not fear him, Warren, Lilith spoke into his mind. He’s big—

And powerful, Warren thought.

—but he can be destroyed. Strike quickly with the spear when I tell you.

We should run. I have a way out.

If you run, he’ll destroy you.

Warren gripped the spear. Naomi grabbed him from behind, pulled on him, and whispered, “Let’s go. Let them kill each other.”

Not speaking, Warren shrugged free. “Wait.”

“We’re going to get killed.”


Lilith floated above the floor and looked incredibly frail and used up, facing the giant clinging to the wall like some demonic King Kong. Winds filled the room and blew furniture and papers everywhere. Sheets and bedding billowed off the bed and swirled madly.

“I thought you were dead, Lilith.” Korhdajj knocked more of the wall away with a huge fist. Chunks of stone rained down into the street as vibrations shook the room.

“I was abandoned,” Lilith said. “Sydonai betrayed me.”

Korhdajj laughed.

“Do you understand them?” Naomi whispered into Warren’s ear.

Warren did. Until that moment he’d thought they were speaking English. “Yes.”

“What are they saying?”

“Be quiet. You’re going to get us killed.” Warren took a fresh grip on the spear.


Korhdajj pulled himself into the room. He ducked his head to fit inside. He peered down at Lilith, and she looked almost childlike next to him. She certainly looked defenseless.

“Where have you been all these years?” Korhdajj asked.

“Waiting for Sydonai to make good on his promise. He sent me here to defeat these people and make way for the Hellgate.”

Warren watched her face and wondered if the flesh wasn’t dead and gripped her skull so tightly that she couldn’t show fear.

“You failed,” Korhdajj taunted.

“The humans are more skilled and powerful than we’d thought.”

“But they die so easily. Even the Templar wither and perish before us.”

“Is Sydonai here?” Lilith asked.

Gremlins suddenly filled the doorway behind Warren. He faltered for a moment as he felt their baleful stares burning into his back.

Do not think of them, Lilith commanded. They will be dealt with.

“Sydonai is where he wishes to be,” Korhdajj replied. “He is the Eldest. His will is law. You had best learn your place with him. Otherwise you’ll find yourself crawling out of the Well of Midnight as far less than you ever were.”

“I see you still bear your scars.”

Self-consciously, Korhdajj ran a three-fingered hand over the metal side of his face. Then he caught himself and grinned. “This was your doing.”

“You should remember your place with me,” Lilith said.

“Once, perhaps.” Korhdajj shook his head. “But no longer. You’re not the Eldest’s protected anymore.”

“I will be again.”

“If I were inclined to let you live, I might be interested in seeing the outcome of that. But since I sensed you in this place, working your power, I knew that I wouldn’t suffer you to live again.”

“Have a care, blunderer. I’m more powerful than I appear.”

Korhdajj grinned, and the effort bared huge fangs in a double row of teeth. “I don’t believe you. All I see before me is a shriveled dakmuwah, hardly worth the trouble to skin and eat. I’d wager your skinny flesh sticks in my teeth. But I’ll pick you out with your own bones.”

Ready, Lilith told Warren.


When the time is right, you must strike for his neck. Pierce it and we will live.

Warren swallowed hard. His hand felt sweaty. Heat from the demon washed over him. For the moment, the Gremlins held back at the door.

“I gave you those wounds that you cover,” Lilith said. “I was merciful and let you live. For thousands of years, they’ve remained with you and never healed.”

“For thousands of years they’ve served to remind me why I hate you so much.” With a quick movement, Korhdajj wrapped an impossibly huge hand around Lilith. In just that slight movement, his hand grew so large that it covered the withered demon from shoulders to knees. “Today, though, I’ll have my revenge.” He lifted Lilith and opened his mouth.

An explosion of light suddenly blazed in the room, slammed against Warren, and rocked him on his heels. He barely kept his balance. The Gremlins cowered back from the door.

Korhdajj’s hand flew open, and he screamed in agony as flames covered his palm and fingers.

Now, Warren! Lilith

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