The others had been listening, but while itwas awkward to do so, and I was concerned how Demeter would takeit, I saw no other way, so I gestured to Septimus and Alex tofollow me into the room now littered with the remains of the falsewall, ignoring Aviola, who had had a gag stuffed back in hismouth.
Keeping my voice to a whisper, I asked themboth bluntly, “What do you two think? About Demeter?”
“I assumed that’s who you were talkingabout.” I cannot say how he does it, but Alex has perfected the artof sounding sarcastic even when it is at a whisper. Ignoring myirritation, he went on, “I don’t trust him.”
“Neither do I,” Septimus put in,shaking his head emphatically to reinforce his point, Isuppose.
“I do.” I was not sure who was moresurprised, the other two or me, because I had just said the firstthing that popped into my head.
“Based on what?” Alexcountered.
It was, I understood, a good question,perhaps the most important question of our lives to that point, andyet when I tried to articulate why I felt this way, I ended uphissing in frustration, then admitted, “I wish I could tell you, Ireally do.”
Neither of them replied, the silencestretching out so that only Aviola’s harsh and rapid breathing wasthe predominant sound.
Finally, Septimus sighed and said, “Isuppose we’ll know who’s right and who’s wrong soon enough.”
It was about two parts of a watch beforedawn when Gaius, who had resumed taking up his post at the frontdoor, suddenly called out, “I hear something!”
Of course, this got all of us moving, evenDemeter, and while I thought about telling him to return to theback, I decided against it, and we all crowded around the door,which Gaius had opened a crack as we strained to listen. It wasonly a matter of heartbeats when we heard what I suppose could becalled a pattering sound, similar to rain on a roof, except that itwas of a quality that explained itself, the sound of a large groupof people walking on paving stones, although not in step. Shortlyafter that, we heard a voice, and while we could not make out thewords, the tone was that of a command of some sort.
“That has to be them.” Alex’s voicewas calm enough. “If it was men from the22nd, they’d bemarching.”
This was certainly the case, but there was apart of me that thought that it was actually in the realm ofpossibility that we would have preferred to see Roman Legionariesturning the corner. Yes, it would mean losing the money we had comefor, and would probably see me flogged, at best, but we would bealive, or at least, Gaius, Alex, Septimus, and Marcellus wouldlive. Consequently, when the first figure appeared from around thecorner, I did not know whether to be relieved or not, because notonly was it clearly not a Roman, within a matter of a couple ofpaces, I recognized him, as did the others.
“That’s Theodotus.” I believe it wasSeptimus who identified him, but I was already turning away to callto Demeter.
He came readily enough, and I stared at himas he approached, looking for any sign of nerves or some othertelltale of duplicity, but he did not hesitate, nor did he seemnervous. By the time he reached us, the rest of the crew hadappeared, joining Theodotus, who had paused in the middle of thestreet about twenty paces away. I opened the door wide and gesturedto Demeter, who again did not hesitate, stepping through it andtaking a couple steps out into the street, where he was clearlyrecognized by Theodotus. We could only watch as the Rhodianapproached his men, and the fact that they talked in whispers,while understandable, did nothing to quell our anxiety. And, whenDemeter turned to lead his men towards us, I heard the hissingsound of a blade being withdrawn.
Reaching out, I put my hand on Alex’sarm, him being the one who had unsheathed his gladius. “Put it back, Alex.”
“Are you mad?” Septimus gasped, his hand on the hilt ofhis weapon, telling me that he had just not drawn it asquickly.
“I may be,” I acknowledged, “butthat’s my order. In fact,” I started backing away from the door,“come here and stand next to me. And,” I hardened my voice, “keepyour hands free.”
Even Gaius was not eager to obey, but theydid, just in time for them to stand with me as the door openedwidely, and Demeter walked in, followed by Theodotus. His eyes wentto us, and while there was a flicker of a smile there, he saidnothing, pointing instead into the room where Marcellus wasstanding next to Aviola still tied to the chair. Who, I suddenlyremembered, I had not addressed, and very well may have haddifferent ideas about how to respond when Demeter’s men showedup.
“He is in here, brothers,” Demetercalled out in Greek as the large room suddenly became cramped asall but a couple crewmembers entered the house. “As I promised.Here is the man who led Lykos astray.”
While I knew it was not all that loud, thesudden growl from more than two dozen throats, along with mutteredepithets in what sounded like at least three different languages,made me worry about being overheard.
“There is something else we must do,brothers,” Demeter had turned to face the others, and I noticedthat he was essentially blocking the doorway into the other room,making me wonder if he was worried that his crew would be unable,or unwilling, to restrain themselves. “As you all know, I gave myword to Centurion Pullus and his family to bring him safely here toretrieve the money that this,” his lips curled into a sneer as hejerked his thumb over his shoulder, “dog stole from one of their family members.And,” now, he turned to look directly at us, “that is what we aregoing to do. But,” he turned back and gave them a wolfish smile,“not before each of you take your revenge.”
To his credit, he looked abashed when acheer erupted that made my ears ring, and I beckoned to him to joinus. He did so without hesitation, though there was no missing theglimmer of amusement when I said