contemplating The Morrigan. My ‘gifts’. The burdens facing me. After fending on my own all my life, I was surrounded by family friends who ‘wanted to help’. It was a very unfamiliar feeling, and to pile up the craziness, there was this powerful woman tied to my destiny. I had magic? It was hard to accept, but impossible to deny. It was taking root within me (if my little mind flame app buddy Zippo had anything to say about it).

On the other hand, I was also saddled with a grave weight. How is it I’m the Morrigan’s sole hope against Evil, Darkness, and Violence? This was some heavy shit. And I had not one fucking clue how to handle all of it.

Perfect timing, too. Shit hits the fan just when I finally graduated. When I just might get things figured out for once in my life. Get my actual shit together.  Had a plan for summer. Had my whole life wide open, and nobody to answer to. Freedom.

Then fate kicks me in the ass. Again. All I wanted was to spend the summer with Katie. Get a job. Maybe a dog. Now I’m washing off the sweat of being poisoned. I’m wandering a new path in an unknown wilderness. It was intriguing, bewitching even. But safe?

...Evil is coming, and with him, he brings Darkness and Violence...

Despite the brisk stream of hot water blasting me, I felt a shiver run over my skin.


The smell of food, and the rich aroma of coffee, eventually forced me out of the shower. The scent of java had me already wrapping my fingers around an imaginary hot mug, and savoring my first sip of caffeinated goodness. The aroma transported my soul to the kitchen. I was surprised to see Keegan – the acting chef for breakfast – flipping pancakes. Without dropping them!

“Mmm. Smells good,” I said.

Keegan whirled around, startled, and flipped a pancake onto the stove.  “Bloody hell, make some noise why don’t you?”

“I didn’t know you cook. But you look the part.” Keegan was wrapped in a standard white chef’s apron. Professional, not some fun frilly thing you imagine in those tacky French maid naked apron fantasies. He would look awfully appetizing wearing only that apron though. I must be getting better.  My little flame app isn’t the only spark stirring. Shaking my head, I forced my attention to the coffee pot.

“Don’t judge,” Keegan said, and I noticed him color slightly.

“Judge what? The pancakes?”

“I’m a messy cook, and I like to keep my clothes clean.” I got it now. He felt embarrassed to be wearing an apron. Men. Sheesh.

“Keegan. You look like a stud.”

He liked that, but was still bashful. “Not another word,” he said, pouring coffee into a mug, “or I’ll hold your coffee hostage.”

I zipped my lips sealed with my fingers. “This never happened.”

“Good girl. Cream or sugar?”


“Fierce. Puts hair on your chest.”

“Yeah, but it’s a bitch to shave.” I sipped my coffee. Aaah. “Where is everyone? I thought Brann was gonna get me breakfast.”

“Brann? Ha! He can’t make a bowl of Weetabix.” Keegan dipped into the batter, poured another hot cake onto the griddle. “They’re all around. Might be up in their old rooms. They never quite moved out anyway.”

“Wait— they all lived here?” I should have paid more attention when Orin was giving me that tour.

“Aye, the twins and Brann lived here for many years, up until Edna passed. They only just cleared out, seeing as the property’s yours now.”

“What? No! Of course, they’re welcome to their old rooms.”  My next thought came as a surprise. I actually wanted all four of them living here, with me. Was that so crazy? My only problem was where it was bound to lead...

“Well, just so you know, we’ve been keeping a close watch, just in case.”

“You can all stay here. Really, I want you to. It’s nice having... a little company in this palace.” A little beefcake to drool over didn’t hurt either.

“Good. I’m staying too. In the guest room. I don’t want to miss out on the slumber party we’ve got going on here!” That made two of us.

The side door opened, as Weylyn entered the kitchen, sweating, and wiping his brow. The most important detail, of course, was that he was shirtless.  I tried not to make my staring too flagrant, but Weylyn’s physique was an eyeball magnet. He was absolutely abbed, with a glistening, chiseled chest and a six-pack sculpted to perfection. His biceps were huge and lean, his shoulders broad and thick. His drawstring pants were barely hanging onto his hips, and I found myself rooting for gravity.

“I was knackered by today’s run. But seeing you, darling Keira, could power me to run all day.” Weylyn never missed a chance to indulge his flirtatiousness.

Keegan muttered “Show off,” under his breath.

“I think your apron is sexy,” Weylyn needled him.

“Just get outta that garden, if you know what’s good for you.”

“And you made breakfast, brilliant! You’ll make some lucky leprechaun a wonderful wife.”

“One more word, and it’s dog food you’ll be having for breakfast.” Keegan twisted the kitchen rag into a rat tail, and snapped it at Weylyn’s ass. “Go hose off before the whole kitchen smells like your old sock hamper.”

“Some would say that’s not a bad thing.” Weylyn focused his attention on me. “You don’t mind a real man’s scent, do you Keira?”

I wanted to tell the sweat-soaked Adonis he wasn’t the only one starting to feel wet, but all I said was “I think Keegan’s afraid you smell better than his coffee. Maybe you should freshen up. Just for him.”

“The lady requests that I freshen up, and so I shall.” Weylyn sauntered off. “I’ll be back with the other freeloading locusts. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”

The kitchen went quiet, as Keegan meticulously flipped pancakes. I mused another moment over having four white hot studs for roommates. The guys were very close-knit. Almost like brothers, not just friends. Some special bond must account for

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