goes to show, money can’t buy taste.”

“Macy! The woman is dead. For goodness’ sake, when you get down to the station, please refrain from highlighting her lack of style. At least now we know why you ticked her off royalty. From what I hear, she was a loose cannon—blackmailing her way to power with any and everyone. It’s not a shocker she opened up that shop. You’re just lucky Willow doesn’t feel the same.” That conversation I had with Willow earlier comes to mind. “What did Ember do to Hunter?”

Macy blinks back. “Darned if I know.”

“Wait a minute. Does Hunter have dark blond hair?”

“Yeah, so?”

“I think he might be the guy that I saw the day of the murder. He was having a heated exchange with Flint.”

She giggles to herself. “I bet they were fighting over me.”

“Or Ember.” I glance in the direction of the shop across the street. “Where’s Hunter taking you tonight?”

“Out.” There’s no way I’m telling her we’re headed to the Founders’ Day Jamboree down at the Montgomerys’ pumpkin patch. She’ll have to pry that info out of my cold, dead hands. The last thing I need is her poking around and ruining my hot date. I’ve got a bale of hay to roll around in, and my little sister isn’t a part of that naughty equation.

I nod as a smile flickers on my lips. “Let’s get this business at the sheriff’s department over with so you can get ready for that hot date of yours.”

I have a few ducks to set in a row myself. It looks as if I’ll be heading to the Founders’ Day Jamboree this evening.

Macy, Jasper, and I all head down to Seaview in a caravan. Huxley meets up with us, and Jasper escorts us to the forensics facility in the building that sits just behind the sheriff’s station.

We watch as Macy is fingerprinted, swabbed, and otherwise processed by the lab in what I’m hoping will prove her innocence. They pluck a few strands of hair from her head and send us on our way.

Outside, Huxley glowers at our sister. “Tell me right now if you did it.” The words come sharply from him. “The worst thing you can do is lie to your attorney.”

She glances to Jasper, and he quickly volunteers to step back into the building, citing the need to make a phone call.

“Macy.” I shake my head at her. “You didn’t do this. Right?”

She takes a breath as she glances to the row of evergreens across the street.

“I’m not the one who finished her off, but let’s just say those lab results won’t come back in my favor. We may have had a physical altercation shortly before she perished.”

A hard groan comes from both Huxley and me.

Hux nods. “I’m sorry to break it to you, Mace, but physical evidence works great in the courtroom.”

I close my eyes. “I’m guessing the verbal threats you doled out will work pretty well, too.”

“I didn’t do this.” Her words come out pressured. “I can’t go to prison. I’m too young. I’m too pretty. My God, I’ve wanted to be popular all my life but not in there.”

“Why did you have to date her exes? One of which wasn’t even an ex yet,” I spit the words out as I tap her with my elbow. “You could have had any single man in all of Maine.”

Hux stiffens. “You dated her exes?”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you,” she snips back. “But that’s the way the relationship cookie crumbled. And you know what? I’m not sorry about it either. I really wish I smoked, because right about now I could really use a cigarette.” She stalks off toward the parking lot in a huff.

Hux nods. “And I could use a drink. Hell, I’m going to need a bottle.”

“You and me both.” I shudder as Jasper comes back out and wraps his arms around me.

“Don’t worry, Bizzy.” He drops a kiss to my cheek. “The real killer is out there, and we’re going to find them. It’s just a matter of time.”

Hux shakes his head at him. “You and I both know the farther we get away from the day of the murder, the harder it will be to track down the killer. Macy is up a creek without a paddle.”

“She’s up a creek, all right,” I say. “One of her own making.”

And now it’s up to me to get her back on dry land before she’s found guilty in a court of law for a homicide she had nothing to do with.

Whoever killed Ember Sweet had better watch out. Their days of freedom are numbered.

They may have killed Ember, but there’s no way I’m going to let them mess with my sister.

Chapter 8

“Wonky capes! Come and get your red-hot wonky capes!”

It takes a few good seconds for me to accept what my eyes and ears are experiencing. I’ve brought Fish, Sherlock Bones, and the trio of cuties to the Founders’ Day Jamboree out at the Montgomerys’ pumpkin patch.

I’ve got Sherlock on a leash, Fish strapped to my chest in a papoose, and the triplets in a cat stroller with a mesh enclosure to ensure another scene like the one at the Happy Hour doesn’t replay itself.

It’s early evening, and since Jasper is working late, I’ve ventured out to the Founders’ Day Jamboree all by my lonesome. I was under strict orders from Macy not to breathe a word of it to Georgie or Juni in fear they’d turn her red-hot date with a potential killer into a circus. But I can see fate and Georgie’s wonky quilts—or capes as it were—had different plans.

I weave my way through the crowd. The Montgomerys’ pumpkin patch is spread over a vast acreage. Throngs of people have shown up to celebrate. There’s a live band singing covers of popular country songs, and a huge banner is strewn across the entrance that reads Cider Cove, 100 years strong!

But the star of the show seems to be the happy orange globes

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