“What news, James?” Mother spun from thesink, hands sudsy and dripping water on the floor. “Not theboys?”
“No.” He went to her and squeezed her arms.“Not our two boys. Calm your fears, my dear. I bring news of thetrain.” Father’s eyes shot to Maggie. His brow puckered, and afrown drew his mouth down, making his jowls hang low.
Tillie and Maggie exchanged glances.
“Speak out, James.” Mother wiped her hands onher apron.
He let her arms go and walked to his seat.His head hung low, and he did not make eye contact.
Mother brought a dish of food and placed itin front of him. “They have a right to know what’s happening.They’re old enough to understand.”
“Yes, Father.” Maggie took a firm grip on theback of her chair with both hands, turning her knuckles white.“George is on that train. I’m entitled to hear what happened.”
“I as well, Father.” Tillie’s voice shook,and she wrung the dishtowel.
“Very well.” He placed his arms flat on thetable. Then he clasped his hands, twisting his wedding ring around.He harrumphed. “Well, first, the train didn’t come because itderailed between New Oxford and Gettysburg. They hit a cow.”
For a split second, complete silence filledthe room. Then Tillie burst out laughing. “Imagine.” She snorted,almost unable to speak between peals of laughter. “Frightened ofthe Rebs because of a cow.” She gave in to hysterics, releasing heranxiety. She wrapped her arms around her abdomen and collapsed,guffawing at full volume.
Maggie pounded her fist, cheeks scarlet. “Itisn’t funny, Tillie.” She gave her a withering glare. “George is onthat train, and those boys might have been badly hurt.”
With some effort, Tillie calmed herself. Shewaved her cloth in front of her face, needing fresh air. She drewin a breath and chuckled a few more times before pushing the clothagainst her lips to staunch the flow. Holding her breath, sheexhaled in small measurements until calm and collected.
Father smiled, though no hint of humor shonein his eyes. “I can see your point of it, though. I must say, whenI first learned of it, I had a mental image of a cow standingastraddle the railroad tracks, chewing her cud and daring thelocomotive to do its worst.” Father’s gaze darted to Maggieagain.
This time, Tillie snorted as a fresh surgeovertook her. The laughter rushed again, but she glanced at hersister, who glared back, lips flat and jaw clenched.
Tillie pressed the towel to her face andcoughed to bring her amusement under control. She fell silent,though occasional spasms still shook her body.
Father’s smile disappeared. His eyes heldMaggie’s for a long time. He sighed. “George wasn’t there, andluckily, no one got hurt. However, they won’t be here untiltomorrow morning.”
“Why not?” Maggie’s eyes widened, and fearreshaped her face. Her brows puckered.
Father kept his head down and spoke to thetable. “The word is the Rebs are about ten miles north and west ofhere. It seems they clashed with our boys around Cashtown. More arenear Carlisle. The general consensus is they’re trying to swingaround in an arc and get to Harrisburg.”
“How interesting, but what has it to do withGeorge?”
Father closed his eyes as though in a momentof silent prayer. He cradled Maggie’s hands in his and dropped hisgaze to their clasped fingers. “My dear, I am so sorry to tell youthis.” He cleared his throat. “George was killed.”
Tillie gasped.
“No!” Mother’s hands flew over her mouth asthough to stifle her cry of shock.
Maggie yanked free of his grasp. “You said hewasn’t…on the train.” Her voice choked as she squeezed out the lastfew words.
Father let her go. “He and two other men rodeto Carlisle to join the regiment. They were a mile outside of thattown when they ran into Confederate soldiers—skirmishers. Georgeand his companions—Billy Lightner, and I don’t know the name of theother man—weren’t armed. They made a dash for it. Billy and theother man escaped unharmed, but George…” Father wiped tears fromhis eyes. “He lay beside a snake rail fence. They think his mountrefused the jump, which allowed the Rebs to catch up and…” Fatherpinched his nostrils, drew a deep breath, and resumed. “They shothim in the back of the head. Locals found his body earliertoday.”
“How can that be?” Maggie’s voice quavered.“He promised to return at Christmas. He said he would write to meevery day. I gave him a hair ribbon as a token. He can’t be dead.He can’t be!” Her head swiveled between Mother and Father,desperation pleading in her eyes. “He can’t be!”
Mother went to Maggie and put her arms aroundher. Murmuring words only Maggie could hear, she guided her out ofthe kitchen and up the stairs.
Father pinched his nose again and knuckled aneye.
Silent, Tillie bit her lip against the griefand guilt threatening to overwhelm her. She peered at Fatherthrough watery eyes. “I’m sorry I laughed.”
He didn’t respond. He pushed his plate awayuntouched and covered her hand with his own warm one. He squeezedher knuckles hard, but she didn’t mind.
Mother reappeared, wiping her eyes with acorner of her apron. She sat and dropped her forehead in herhands.
“Will Maggie be all right?” Tillie’s voiceclogged.
Mother flung herself out of her chair and ranfrom the room. She pounded up the stairs, sobbing. Their bedroomdoor slammed.
Father rose to his feet. He trudged up thesteps after her.
Tillie picked up his dish and finishedcleaning the supper dishes.
Chapter 5
A cloud of sadness hung over the house. WhileMaggie remained upstairs, Tillie swept the kitchen floor andgathered up the dirt to throw away as Sam entered.
“Hey, Tillie.” The kitchen door banged closedbehind him. “Did you have a good supper? Ma’s doing okay. She’s madat Ginny right now for wanting to stay at Georgia’s house a…little….long…er.…” His voice trailed off as the grin left his face,and his brows creased. “You look like you been crying. Iseverything okay?”
“Father’s in the parlor. He wants to talk toyou.” She spoke without pausing.
Sam’s eyes widened. “Did I do somethingwrong? He knew it was my night to visit Ma.”
She dumped the dirt and clenched her teethagainst a wave of emotion. Standing with her back to him, she