
“It occurred north of Katoomba.”

Arden’s body locked. Oh, God. The bomb.

“We’re currently waiting for intel, and have a drone en route.”

Everyone turned to the giant screen on the wall. It flickered, and footage from a moving drone appeared. The machine was racing over a sea of green trees.

Arden glanced around the room. Everyone’s attention was glued to the screen. Then, she spied Dom standing with the berserkers and her heart bumped hard against her ribs.

As she looked at him, he turned away from the screen and his gaze locked with hers.

She quickly glanced away.

“Coming in now,” Lia said.

The woman was seated behind a comp screen up front. The head of the drone team was currently in command of the drone. The woman had a deft touch with the machines.

“It’s in the community of Mount Wilson,” Lia added.

Arden started. “I remember Mount Wilson. There’s a small survivor community there.”

Lia frowned, glancing Arden’s way before turning back to her screen. Her long fingers manipulated the controls in a calm, competent fashion.

“You’re correct, Arden.” Lia flicked a glance at Holmes. “They didn’t want to leave and come to either Blue Mountain Base, or the Enclave when we moved it. It’s been a while since we last checked in with them.”

The small town came into view.

And so did the carnage.

Plumes of smoke rose above the trees. Trees were burning, houses were destroyed, the ground was churned up.

Arden pressed a fist to the center of her chest. Around her, the room echoed with curses.

“Fuck me.”



The drone swept in closer.

People were staggering around the street, and her pulse jumped. They were still alive. But as the footage zoomed in closer, a bad taste coated her tongue. Most were limping, some were crawling along the ground. Screams and moans filled the speakers.

The general stiffened. “Squad Nine, Squad Three, I’m going to send you in. Get prepped—”

“Wait.” Lia’s horrified voice. “Look.”

Arden saw it, too.

The people had patches of scales on them. It looked like someone had splattered them with raptor scales.

As they watched, a man fell to the ground, writhing. He had scales covering his left arm, and, as they watched, his body twisted, the scales seeming to flow over his chest. His body was transforming, right before their eyes.

“It was the test bomb,” Noah murmured from the front. “There it is. The raptors set off the test bomb.”

She followed to where Noah was pointing, and saw the remnants of the small bomb now. It was made of black metal, about the size of a dining table. It was shaped like an octagon, with lots of sharp angles. It looked like the top of it had burst open, and parts of it were melted.

“Tane, Roth, go,” the general ordered. “We need samples and images. We need to know what the hell happened.”

Emerson pushed forward. “General, people are hurt—”

Looking like a heavy weight was sitting on him, Holmes shook his head. “We can’t send a medical team into that. Equip the squad medics with what you think they might need.”

A rumble of conversation swelled in the Command Center, full of anger, shock, and disbelief. The berserkers strode out the doors, their faces set. Arden stared at the back of Dom’s white shirt.

Then she swiveled and saw Roth nod at his squad.

“Roth, I can help.” Arden gripped the man’s arm. “I’ve been working with Noah, testing the new combat drone he’s developed. It’s linked to me. It has weapons and full recording capabilities—”

Roth scowled. “It’s too dangerous.”

“The drone is incredible,” she insisted. “It has scanning abilities. We can gather data from the entire town. Roth, those people are turning into Gizzida. We need to know exactly what happened. I want to help.”

From beside Roth, his second-in-command, Mac, nodded. “Arden makes a good point. The combat drone could help.”

The squad leader shoved a hand through his hair. “I’ll control it—”

Arden shook her head. “I have a control chip implanted, and I’ve been training with it. It’s taken weeks to get to the point I’m at. There isn’t time.”

“We’ll keep her safe,” Mac said.

Roth blew out a breath, but nodded. “Okay, let’s move.”

Eagerness racing through her, Arden headed over to Noah. “I’m going with my squad. We need the combat drone.”

The man’s eyes narrowed. “You sure?”

She nodded. “Absolutely. I can help.”

Noah grabbed her arm. “It’s going to be bad out there, Arden. You’ll be up close and personal with it.”

She dragged in a breath. “I know. I can handle it.”

He eyed her for a second, then gave one decisive nod. “I’ll get the drone. I’ll also program all the squad members into it. Meet you at your locker room.”

“Thanks, Noah.”

Arden went with her squad. Taylor and Sienna helped deck her out in armor.

“You’re closer to my size,” Sienna said, holding up an armor plate. “But taller.” The woman strapped it onto Arden.

“Here.” Taylor handed over a small thermo pistol. “Hope you won’t need it, but pays to be prepared.”

The armor felt too big and bulky, like she was a kid playing dress-up. She slid the pistol into the holster at her hip. Around her, the rest of the squad were almost finished getting their gear on. Theron and Roth were talking quietly, Mac and Cam were checking their weapons, and Taylor and Sienna were pulling on the last of their armor.

Arden pulled in a steadying breath. Her squad never hesitated to go out there. To help and risk their lives for others. People were dying, and they needed to know everything they could about this bomb.

Or every single person in the Enclave could be next.

Noah met them in the corridor. He held the large drone in one hand. “You sure you want to do this?”

Arden nodded. “I’m sure.”

He activated the drone and it rose up in the air. It moved to Arden, hovering above her, lights blinking.

“That is so awesome,” Mac murmured.

“Good luck.” Noah gripped Arden’s shoulder. “See you when you get back.”

She walked to the Hawk hangar with Squad Nine, the drone moving behind her. She saw the berserkers were already

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