
“Okay, step to the left.”

Arden did as instructed, and as she moved, the high-tech drone hovering over her left shoulder moved with her. She laughed. “This is amazing, Noah.”

The head of the tech team nodded, his long, dark hair moving around his hawkish face. A small smile flirted around his mouth.

He didn’t need her to tell him it was amazing. He was a genius, and he knew it. They were in his tech lab in the heart of the Enclave. The room was packed with desks loaded with comp parts, wires, and, well, a bunch of stuff she didn’t recognize. Behind Noah was a shelf, and lined up on it was the man’s prized dice collection. No one was allowed to touch them.

The rest of his tech team were out in other parts of the base, keeping the Enclave’s systems running, the lights on, and the soldiers in weapons. In addition to keeping his team on their toes, Noah still had time to work on new devices, like this combat drone.

Arden watched as the drone hovered above her. Noah had needed a guinea pig to help him test the drone and Arden had volunteered. Unlike others in the base, who had partners or children, she didn’t. And lately, her best friend Indy was busy sneaking off to have sex with Griff at every opportunity.

That left Arden with plenty of free time.

She touched the back of her hand, her fingers running over the light bump of the chip under her skin. Noah had implanted the computer chip that linked her to the new combat drone a few weeks before.

It wasn’t like any of the normal drones that the drone team used for surveillance and intel—this one was larger, had pinchers at the front for grabbing things, and its rotors were encased below its main body.

Noah leaned against his desk. “Okay, move around the lab. Let’s test the targeting.”

Arden circled the desks and chairs. The drone followed her.

Noah nodded, his gaze narrowed.

“Target.” She pointed at a chair.

The drone spun, it’s laser weapons swiveling to aim at the chair.

This drone was also equipped with weapons. Wow. It was pretty cool.

Noah nodded. “The chip has integrated well. It’s tied into your nervous system and I’m really happy with the results.”

“Target doorway.” At the sound of her voice, the drone swiveled.

Arden smiled, feeling more than a little badass. Her squad had four badass female soldiers, and for a second, she felt like one of the team.

“Noah…oh, sorry to interrupt.”

The feminine voice came from the doorway. Arden glanced over her shoulder and saw Selena. The woman’s silver-white hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Resting on her shoulder was a giant black bird.

The bird took one look at the drone, squawked, then attacked in a flurry of fluttering wings.

Oh, crap. Arden panicked, leaping back, and ramming into a chair. Her drone, sensing her fright, moved in front of her. Protecting her.

Its lasers swiveled to lock onto the bird. Noah cursed, and as the bird’s claws slashed out, the drone dodged to the side. Lasers fired, blasts singeing the wall.

Arden swallowed a cry and ducked down. “Drone, disengage. Disengage.”

“Fluffy, no.” Selena threw out a slim hand.

Energy filled the room, and Fluffy froze midair. The alien hybrid bird hovered there, wings fluttering. Then the gyr flew back to Selena, landing on her outstretched arm.

Arden slowly rose. She’d heard about Selena’s abilities. The woman, like all her species, was connected to nature. Selena could tap into natural energy and even command animals. It was mind-boggling.

“I’m so sorry, Noah,” Selena said. “I didn’t realize you had a drone in here.”

“It’s fine, Selena. You’re here for this?” He held out a flat, portable comp from his desk. “It’s all fixed.”

“Thank you.” Selena took the tablet, her overlarge green eyes warm. “I’ve become a little addicted to some of the shows in the base database. I’ve been missing them since Fluffy cracked the screen.”

“Any time,” Noah said.

“Sorry, Arden.” Selena sent Arden a shy smile. “Fluffy still forgets drones aren’t the enemy.”

“It’s fine. No harm.”

With a nod, Selena left. Arden straightened, admiring the confidence in the woman’s steps. She’d come so far since her rescue.

So many of them had. From those terrible, horrifying early days of the invasion, they’d found some semblance of normality.

But Arden knew that the Gizzida would keep hunting them. A cold shiver hit her. The aliens wanted Earth and its resources. They would eventually hunt down all the survivors.

Unless the humans found a way to stop them.

Noah reached up and powered down the drone. He set it down on the bench. “I think that’s enough for today. Thanks for your help with this.”

She nodded. “I’m happy to help.”

He gave her a chin lift. “Same time tomorrow? We might head into a larger space and test some new features.”

“It’s a date,” she said.

“Hope you aren’t making dates with other women.”

The voice made Arden swivel to see the redhead standing in the doorway.

“Hey there, Captain Dragon,” Noah drawled.

Arden watched Noah’s stern face light up. Laura Bladon, head of the interrogation team, smiled back at her man. The woman took two steps into the room before Noah was on her, sweeping her into his arms.

Watching the couple kiss made something move through Arden. She felt the love pulsing off them.

Once, Arden had been loved like that.

While Noah and Laura were lost in each other, she snuck out of the lab.

Heading down the corridor, she wrapped her arms around her middle. She missed that. That sense of belonging. She missed sex. She missed snuggling on the couch. She missed sharing a glass of wine with someone.

And she missed her kids.

Hot tears pricked at her eyes. She missed sweet cuddles, messy rooms, toys underfoot, little kids’ laughter.

She missed it all, but she wouldn’t let herself cry for Jason, Beth, and Emmett anymore. Now, she tried to honor them by remembering the good times. She knew in her heart that they wouldn’t want her to be so sad. She’d shed so many tears over the

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