said so sooner.”

Quinn shook her head. “No, work before pleasure. I’m super boringlike that.”

“Is work done, then?”


It was a special thing when food tasted even better than itsmelled. Amanda’s chicken was that and more. The homemade bread helped. As didthe second glass of chardonnay. Or maybe it was the company. Probably acombination of everything. Whatever it was, it was the best meal she’d had inas long as she could remember. She said as much to Amanda.

And then Amanda whipped out this torch contraption and burned thesugar on a pair of crème brûlées. Like, literally, right in front of her. Herspoon did that satisfying crack when it broke the shell and the custardunderneath might have been the most delicious thing she’d ever put in hermouth.


“Like I said, it’s the least I could do.”

“Could you forget all our meetings? Please?”

Amanda chuckled. “Couldn’t I just agree to make you dinneragain?”

“But what would I do to repay you?”

She considered. “Well, you are giving me the bakery of mydreams.”

Quinn made her face serious. “Um. I’m sorry. Maybe we weren’tfully clear. You’re going to have to pay for that.”

The sound that came out of Amanda was more of a snort than alaugh. Not as sexy, but so genuine and uninhibited. Quinn couldn’t decide whichshe preferred.

They finished dessert and Amanda refused all offers of helpcleaning up. Quinn was sorry to see the meeting end, to be honest, but theywere going on three hours. Probably best to make a graceful exit.

Amanda walked her to the door. “Thank you again for being soaccommodating.”

“I feel like I should be the one thanking you. Dinner wasfantastic.”

“You’re easy.” Amanda folded her arms.

Quinn raised a brow. “Sometimes.”

“I’ll remember that next time I want something from you.”

She held Amanda’s gaze even as her pulse ticked up a notch. “Oryou could ask.”

“Maybe I have a hard time asking for things without offeringsomething in return.”

“I could give you a lecture, but it would be a pot and kettlesituation.” And true of her personal life as much as her professional habits.

“It’s nice to know I’m not alone,” Amanda said.

The flush that rose in Amanda’s cheeks made her feel bold. Madeher feel like herself. “I liked talking about more than work, too, if I’m beinghonest.”


“So, I think we should do it again.”

Amanda swallowed and felt a flush creep into her cheeks. WasQuinn asking her out? “I’d like that.”

“Maybe with no talk about work at all.”

Aha. All right. She’d thought maybe Quinn was flirting with her,but couldn’t be sure. But that was way more than friendly. “I’d like that,too.”

Amanda opened the door, but Quinn didn’t immediately stepthrough. The hesitation made the air between them feel electric, like themoment before a first kiss. Amanda braced herself for it—excitement andanticipation buzzing through her. Quinn looked at her mouth, then into hereyes.

A car pulling into the driveway broke the moment. The tension orspark or whatever it was dissipated. Amanda glanced over. “That would be myson.”

“Ah.” Quinn’s expression turned sheepish, like she was processingwhat it would have been like to be caught. Amanda couldn’t help but find itendearing.

“I’ll just catch him so he can let you out.”

“Great. Thanks.”

Amanda stepped onto the porch and waved in Cal’s direction. Heput down his window. “What’s up?”

“Could you pull in behind me so Quinn can leave?”

He offered her a playful salute and repositioned his car.

Since a kiss was completely out of the question now, she walkedQuinn down the sidewalk. When Cal reached them, she said, “Quinn, this is myson, Cal. Cal, this is Quinn Sullivan. She’s the architect working on thebakery expansion.”

Quinn and Cal exchanged greetings, then Cal headed inside. Quinnseemed unbothered by the interruption. “Still in high school or done?”

“Just finished. He’s starting at Cornell in the fall.”

Quinn smiled. “Congratulations. My nephew just finished his firstyear in the architecture program.”

“Cal’s planning environmental engineering. We’ll see if itsticks.”

“Yeah. I think Jacob is pretty settled, but who knows?”

While the almost maybe kiss had been nice, this conversation wasmuch more her speed. For better or worse. “As long as he doesn’t change hismind ten times, I think I’ll be okay.”

“Totally reasonable.” Quinn seemed to hesitate again.

“Have a great night.” It came out almost like a question and madeher wish she wasn’t so out of practice.

Quinn stuck her hands in her pockets and rocked back on herheels. “You, too.”

Amanda walked back to the house as Quinn got in her car, but sheturned to wave from the porch. All the while wondering if Quinn might havekissed her.

Inside, she found Cal with his head in the refrigerator. “Didn’tyou eat at Zoe’s?”

“Yeah, but like two hours ago.”

“There’s coq au vin leftover from dinner if you want. Glass bowlwith the green lid.”

“Yes.” He dragged out the word and snagged the bowl.

“There’s salad, too.”

He waved her off, scooped out a piece of chicken, and startedeating it with his fingers. “I’m good.”

“Don’t you want that warmed up?”


She shook her head. “I suppose I should be grateful you’re usinga plate.”

He shrugged. “Why was your architect over for dinner?”

“Because I forgot I had a meeting with her and felt bad.”

“That’s too bad.”

“I know. She showed up at the bakery and I was frantically tryingto finish an order.”

“No, I mean it’s too bad that’s the reason.”

She started cleaning the kitchen around him. “What do you mean?”

“I thought maybe it was a date.”

She didn’t discuss her love life in any great detail with herkids, but they often teased her about getting out more, getting a life. It wasmostly that—teasing. Or at least she always figured it was. “We’re workingtogether.”

“So? It’s not like she’s your employee.”

Amanda frowned. She always deflected these kinds of comments, butshe didn’t want to this time. Not with Quinn. What was that about? “I know.”

“Seriously, Mom. How long has it been since you’ve been on adate?”

Not counting Mel? God, if Cal or Daniella had a clue about that.She shoved the idea aside. They didn’t and wouldn’t. “A while.”

“Exactly. You’re going to have an empty nest soon. You shouldstart living it up.”

She got the image of a cozy night in with Quinn. Dinner, a fire,a kiss that would

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