Sylph’s smile was wider this time.
“Right,” Thana said before she could speak. “Because you’re thedaughter of a duke, and she’s just a countess, so she’ll be happy to have you.”
“Indeed. And though I’m certain my father is on our track, hewill probably assume we will go north toward my home rather than stay with acountess who owns a lonely estate in the forest.” She took the lead now,blessed with knowledge of geography even if her camping know-how was probablyminimal. “And the countess should be home. She does not often come to courtbecause she doesn’t want to fend off any suitors hungry to take control of theestate before her daughter can claim it.”
Thana frowned, both at the politics and at someone trying tosteal from a child. “But even if she married, that person wouldn’t have realpower, right? Because they’re not blood, and they weren’t married to theoriginal count?”
Sylph grinned over her shoulder. “That wouldn’t stop them fromtrying. Especially some particularly nasty individual who planned to take thecountess’s life and have the child be under their influence alone.” She tiltedher head. “Or if it were a man, and he could persuade the countess to haveanother child with him, he might later do away with both the countess and herdaughter.”
Thana knew her mouth was open but couldn’t close it. “QueenEarnhilt would never let anyone get away with that.”
“It would look like an accident, Thana,” Sylph said drily. “Thequeen would have to prove otherwise.”
“That’s…sick.” Thana shuddered. “How can you talk about murder socalmly? Of anyone, but especially a child? What is wrong with nobles?” Shecouldn’t stop the words but didn’t want to start another argument.
Even if every noble deserved to be condemned.
But Sylph laughed loudly, a startling sound. “I’ve often wonderedthat. And most of them deserve your censure. In case you were wondering, I’venever considered murdering anyone.”
“Good to know.” She paused before smiling at Sylph’s back. “Butif you had, you wouldn’t tell me, would you?”
Sylph winked over her shoulder, making butterflies tumble inThana’s stomach.
The path wended through the trees so far, Thana feared they’d becaught outside when the sun fell, but thankfully, the path ended at the lawn ofthe manor before sunset. To her surprise, Sylph paused and dismounted, digginga mirror and comb out of her pack and going to work on her appearance.
Thana scoffed but took the opportunity to dismount and stretch.When she was done and Sylph still wasn’t finished, she sighed.
“I can hear you,” Sylph said. “And I know what you’re thinking,but appearance is a helpful tool when dealing with nobility.” She didn’t takeher eyes off the mirror. “I don’t know Countess Carisse personally, but as myfather always says, if one needs a favor from another noble, it is best to gowith an outstretched hand rather than a bended knee.”
Thana frowned and tried to work that one out. “Isn’t that thesame?”
Sylph gave her another of those condescending smiles that madeThana want to throw dirt at her. “One cannot look too desperate when asking fora favor. The price for said favor will be considerably higher.”
“So if you look good when you meet her and not like you’ve beenriding for your life through a forest, she won’t think you really need her helpthat much.”
“Even though we’re asking for a place to stay, and there’snothing else around for miles.”
Sylph shrugged. “We will not look as if we have no otheroptions.”
“Right,” Thana said with a snort. “Because looking better willmake lodgings magically appear.”
Sylph ignored her. Thana waited for her to finish primping. Shecouldn’t really argue about how a person should ask for a favor, even from afriend, because she hadn’t done it often. And she didn’t have many friends. Themost she’d ever needed from Gunnar was reassurance, and he always seemed toknow she needed it before she did. She hung her head at the thought of him andhoped they weren’t always going to be on separate sides of this conflict.
“Now,” Sylph said as she put her mirror away. “The countess willknow we need lodgings. What we are hoping to conceal is that we have fled fromthe palace. If Countess Carisse suspects we are on the run, she might send wordto my father in order to curry favor. Or she might hide us, then use thisinformation for future blackmail.”
Thana’s belly went cold. “What is wrong with nobles?” she saidagain.
Sylph put a finger to her lips. “Not so loud. Now, come here.”
She still hadn’t put away the comb. Thana eyed it warily. “Why?”
“As I’ve been saying this entire time, our ruse will not work ifone of us looks as though she’s been in flight.” She walked around Thana,looking her up and down and making her skin crawl.
Thana fought the urge to hug her elbows. “I’m fine.”
Without a word, Sylph took her mirror back out and held it up.Thana’s hair was disheveled, and she still had some lingering soot from thatmorning, marred in some places where sweat had run through. She fought a blushand failed. “Okay, I need a wash.”
“And a change. I’m sorry, Thana, but you’ll have to hide the factthat you’re a pyradisté.”
With a sigh, Thana realized she was right. She began to unbuttonher cassock, revealing her sleeveless black top and trousers. “Isn’t she goingto wonder why I’m out without any sort of coat? And why are you sorry?”
“That you have to hide what you are,” Sylph said distractedly.“And these won’t do.” She gestured at Thana’s clothes, but before Thana couldyell that these were all she had and that she didn’t want to impress any snootycountess, Sylph began to dig in her packs. She pulled forth a pair of darktrousers and a green shirt with a bit of poof in the long sleeves. She thrustthem at Thana, who grabbed them before they could fall. Then Sylph added awaterskin and a soft cloth to the pile.
Thana waited with the armload until Sylph looked at her. “Do youneed assistance?” Sylph asked.
Thana knew she was blushing again, so she turned away, imaginingSylph helping her dress. Maybe they’d pause in the middle and make eye contact.Then before they even realized what