With a small smile, Ivar was off to do her bidding.
Earnhilt looked to Calla. “And you don’t have a Fiend.” Callashook her head, and by her horrified frown, she didn’t want one. It wasprobably too much to hope for that she’d ever be happy about anything.
And that was all the Umbriels Thana knew about. “I don’t know ifit will work with just two of you,” she said before anyone could ask. “We mighthave to ask for volunteers.” She winced as she said it. That meant more peoplebeing privy to the court’s greatest secret.
Earnhilt frowned. Unless they waited for Gunnar to wake up, shewould have to have sex with said volunteer while Thana used a pyramid to passon the Fiend. Then after the volunteer Waltzed, they’d have to wear ananti-Fiend necklace the rest of their lives and keep their temper in check.
But the most likely candidate, Earnhilt’s lover, was lying deadupstairs.
Thana cleared her throat and looked to Calla, but they couldn’task her to sleep with one of her cousins.
“I’ll bear it,” Dina said softly.
Earnhilt gave her a gratified smile, and Thana wondered if sheknew that Dina had slept with her son as well as her. Depending on who gaveDina a Fiend, everyone would know soon enough. Time was against them, and theneed for petty secrets had ended, as far as Thana was concerned. She’d do whatshe had to, tell whoever what she had to, in order to get Sylph back.
Earnhilt clapped Dina on the shoulder as if they were about to gointo combat together. Thana hoped it wasn’t going to be like that, not when shehad to be in the room.
Illis limped back when they looked at him. “No, please. I can’t.”He wiped his lips and looked at Gunnar. “His face, the horns, I…”
Earnhilt lifted a hand. “It’s all right, lad. We won’t forceanyone.” She stroked her chin as she thought. “I think I know a few people whomight want a way back into my good graces.”
* * *
Thana did not like using any of the traitorous nobles for this.She didn’t know how any of them could be trusted, but Earnhilt seemed certainthat once they shared the Fiendish Aspect with the Umbriels, they’d be asdesirous to protect the secret and keep the kingdom safe from Yanchasa.
But who to choose? While Thana went to retrieve the two pyramidsthat would let her pass the Fiend from one person to another, Earnhilt drew upa list of likely nobles while sitting in Gunnar’s apartment. She’d said theymight as well be comfortable for the ritual, and a corpse was in her room.
Thana hadn’t known what to say about that. If Lady Lucia’s deathaffected Earnhilt, she wasn’t showing it. Thana suspected she simply preferredto mourn in private and not until the crisis was over. If it had been Sylphwho’d died…
She told herself not to let her mind wander there. Sylph wasalive, and they were going to save her. Her stupid imagination would just haveto accept that.
The palace rumbled every ten minutes or so, prompting them tohurry. Gunnar had awakened when Thana returned to his apartment, and by hisfrown, he wasn’t pleased that he’d be pressured to take part in the ritual ofpassing the Fiend, but he’d do his duty. From what Thana remembered about theritual, the magic itself made the act easier. She didn’t quite understand how,but she was about to find out.
“What do you think?” Earnhilt asked as she gave Gunnar the list.
He grimaced. “About picking a lover off a list for me or mymother? Equally squicky, thanks.”
“Don’t be tiresome.”
His scowl deepened as he continued to read. “Well, who on hereappeals to you, Ma?”
“You’re not reading for appeal, boy. It’s about trust, loyalty.”
“It’s a list of traitors.”
“Not loyalty right now!” she roared. “Going forward.”
Thana slammed her hand on a table. “Calm down,” she said evenly.“I will not have your Aspects escaping on top of everything else.” And to herastonishment, they quieted. She’d never felt more like the monarch’s pyradisté.
It couldn’t last.
But riding the feeling and keeping her fear for Sylph, for thekingdom, as her motivation, she grabbed the list, and one name stood out, a wayto secure the future she was supposed to be sorting for her and Sylph.
“Duke Felix Montague.” She was certain he’d agree if it meant hegot to keep his lands, his titles, and it would give him a chance to help savehis daughter. After what he’d done in the council chamber, she had to believehe cared a little.
And even if he complied solely because he thought it would savehis skin, it would tie him forever to the Umbriels, to Thana, too, and from herto Sylph again, to a future for them.
Right now, she’d give anything just for the chance.
She left it to Earnhilt to explain it to the duke while she wentinto Gunnar’s bedroom with him and Dina. Perhaps he’d never have to find outabout her and the queen after all. Then all that was left was for them to stareat each other awkwardly, and Thana suspected they were all wishing that thecrown prince lived closer or that his father was anywhere to be found.
Dina sighed. “Look, this isn’t the first threesome I’ve been partof.”
“It’s not a threesome,” Thana said as her face burned, and Gunnarmumbled, “Me neither.” Thana closed her eyes and blocked out his words.
“I just never thought I’d be having one with you, Than,” Gunnarsaid, and she could tell he was teasing, but she was not in the mood. Sheglared.
“The secret is, don’t think too hard about it. Just lose yourselfin the moment,” Dina said.
Thana transferred her glare, but she could tell Dina was teasing,too. “Shut up, the pair of you.”
Gunnar touched her shoulder. “Sylph will be all right.