“Young lady-”
“Where’s my fiancé?” I cut him off.
“Who?” He looks confused.
“Fuck!” I turn on him. “Where is Moore?”
“Chief Moore?” He stutters a bit.
“No idiot, Demi Moore.” I growl at him. “Obviously, Chief Moore!”
Someone grabs my arm but I shrug out of it. I don’t care if I’m acting irrational, I want my soul back.
“Chief Moore is on vacation for the next week.” The cop’s face looks completely lost.
“That’s impossible…” Emmett’s voice drowns out as I let everything sink in.
“We need to leave now.” I turn and head out of the station.
“Wait!” I hear Emmett calling. “What’s going on?”
I get back to Shelby and stand there quietly. I need to do this right, there can’t be any mistakes. I turn and look at Travis.
“You know what this is right?” He nods solemnly. “Call the lawyer off, none of this can be done by the books.”
“Guys?” Adri’s shaking voice cuts through. “What’s happening?”
“Was Moore in uniform?” I ask Travis.
“No,” he shakes his head. “Street clothes and an unmarked vehicle. I told Vin to stay in the car but he just told me to call you.”
“Moore has taken Vin.” I begin to pace. “It’s payback for fucking up his little side business here in Whitsborough.”
“What will he do to him?” Adri asks.
“If it was me, I'd do nothing and use him as a bargaining chip for the bigger player.” I mutter.
“That would be you.” Emmett says. “Sorry Ember but I’m not trading you for anyone.”
“That would be my decision, Emmett.”
“Like fuck it is!” He bellows. “I just found you, you’re my family! You’re my twin!”
“If everything goes right, nothing will happen to me Emmett.” I see the pain in his eyes and I want to soothe him. But I know the words coming from my mouth will mean nothing if something has happened to Vin.
“Call Carm please. I’m going to need his help and resources on this one.” I ask Emmett.
“What can we do?” Adri asks, pointing at Travis and herself.
“I need all Moore’s residences. Cottages, houses, and vehicles.”
“We can do that.” Travis nods. “Let’s head home so we have the resources.”
I see Emmett sitting inside Shelby talking on his cellphone.
Carm better come through.
"Carm is on his way. He's bringing backup as well." Emmett says as he bursts in my office.
I have Google Maps open on my screen and my eyes are nearly crossed from surveying the land around Moore's cottage property.
"Do you think they're there?" Emmett asks as he stands behind me.
"I don't have the slightest idea. I think we will have to split up and hit up all three locations."
Moore has his modest home here in Whitsborough, a cottage in the Kawarthas, and a vacant rental property in downtown Whitsborough.
"I think you and a few guys take this cottage, Travis and a few guys take his house, and Carm and I will check out the rental."
"So, you think he has him at the rental property?" Emmett asks.
"It's the most obvious choice but I can only assume he's figured out I would guess that." I rub my temples to try and push back the migraine looming close by.
I haven't slept, eating is out of the question, and my mind hasn't stopped the barrage of what if situations.
"I texted Sharla from Vin's phone. I hate lying to her." Travis says as he walks into the office.
"So do I, but I see no other alternative. If we tell her Vin is missing, we will have to tell her everything." I look up at Travis. "She can't know everything."
"You're right." He agrees.
"Besides, we'll have him back here in no time." Emmett grips Travis' shoulder and squeezes.
"Guys!" Adri calls out from the kitchen. "Come eat!"
"Oh fuck," I stare at them wide-eyed. "Did she cook?"
"I've barely spoken to her today." Travis whispers. "I've been swamped."
"Me too." Emmett looks petrified.
"Fuck off!" She yells. "I know you're scared I've cooked something. I ordered takeout!"
"Thank God for small miracles." Emmett mutters as we follow him to the kitchen. "I couldn't handle another disaster right now."
"You three are fucking assholes." Adri growls with her hands on her hips. "I knew you were worried about the food."
"Wouldn't you be if you were us?" I ask her.
"Yes." She exhales. "Totally, come eat and let's hear the plan."
We eat the pizza and I lay out my carefully thought out plan. It's taking a lot of risks and I'm not sure if we will all make it out unscathed. I don't have the time to make a completely foul proof plan, Vin is in the hands of my enemy and I can only pray Moore understands his importance.
"Okay," Adri nods. "I will make sure Sharla and I are safe at the restaurant when this all goes down. I hate not being there with you guys. Promise me you will all be coming back." Her eyes swim with tears.
"I promise." Travis whispers and leans over to kiss her cheek.
"You're never getting rid of me." Emmett smirks.
But her eyes haven't budged from mine. She's waiting on a promise I can't in good conscious make. So, I nod once and avert my gaze back to my plate.
I can only promise to make sure everyone else will be coming home.
"I love a good game of cat and mouse." Moore chuckles. "I bet you she's scouting all my properties. I mean, that's what I would do."
I keep my mouth shut and watch him pace in front me with my one good eye. I knew exactly what was happening when Moore 'arrested' me. He's been using my face as a punching bag since we got here and I can fully see now that he's unhinged.
I think we finally pushed Moore over the edge and there's no coming back for him. I'm thankful Em wasn't in the Hummer with us because that's who he undoubtedly wanted.
"Your brother must've told her by now." He's repeated this line at least a dozen times since we've been here. "It's the only reason I left him alive."