do. Not knowing any other details, she wasn't sure what was important. Surely, her brother only wanted club business and nothing on the bar.

"Ready?" Monica waited by the breakroom door.

"Yeah." She grabbed her keys, pack of gum, and phone, following Monica to the back of the building.

"Girl, you're going to need to start wearing a sweater or light coat. The nights are getting chilly." Monica pushed through the door.

Brage stepped in front of her, cutting off her view of her friend. She looked up at him. He was a hard man to read. It wasn't like he avoided her gaze or sneered at her. But the softness she'd witnessed in his eyes when they were having sex wasn't there tonight.

Maybe he wanted to pretend that nothing had happened between them. That was fine by her. It would be easier to lump him into being just another asshole than to continue hoping they would have another chance to be together.

He wasn't exactly the kind of man who would become a friend of hers with benefits. Not that she'd ever had a friend like that. Though it would be easier than having a relationship.

"Ready?" he asked, his deep voice rolling through her.

She nodded, unwrapping a piece of gum and putting it in her mouth. Chewing gave her something to do besides talk.

Together, they walked down the alley toward the gate. Letting him escort her home or get anywhere near the house made her nervous. The last two times they were alone, they'd gone right at each other.

Maybe if it was daylight and she could see what he was thinking clearly, she'd stand a chance at turning him away.

But it was dark. She was tired. And, she craved someone to hold her and make her feel good.

She was tired of feeling like everyone's second thought and fighting with everything she had to take care of her brothers.

Out on the sidewalk, Brage stepped around her and walked near the street. There was never any traffic because the road ended before the tracks. It was only a shortcut to the rental house. A shorter way than walking clear around the block.

His protective stance to keep her safe warmed her. She looked up at the sky. The stars were barely visible with the glow of the streetlights in the area.

Her phone vibrated. She looked at the screen and swallowed her irritation. Ignoring the call, she stepped over the first rail and balanced on the railroad tie.

Another call came. Seeing her brother's name on the screen, she second-guessed not taking the call. He could need her.

She stepped over the rail and answered. "Hello?"


She exhaled loudly. "Call me back in ten minutes."

"The hell I am. Tell me what you've found out," said Tony.

"Nothing." She refused to look at Brage who kept step with her. "I'm not going to discuss all this right now. It's not a good time. I just got off work and Brage is walking me home."

She threw out the name, hoping her brother would take the hint that she could not, would not, talk anymore.

"You better be there tomorrow." Tony's voice lowered. "Two o'clock. If you're not there—"

"I'll be there, but tonight, all I want to do is sleep." She stepped over the last rail.

Her shoe rolled on the gravel. Brage caught her arm, keeping her standing.

Her heart raced. Unable to walk forward with her attention on the phone call, Brage holding her, and nearly falling, she stared at the ground, willing herself to breathe.

"I swear Dinah if you're not there...," said Tony, disconnecting the call before he could finish the threat.

She slipped the phone into the pocket of her shorts and straightened her shoulders. Brage let go of her. She walked forward, needing to get inside.

Near the porch, Brage said, "Everything okay?"

"Huh?" Startled from her thoughts, she dropped her keyring and picked it up.

"The conversation on the phone seemed intense." He took the keys from her and opened the door, swinging it wide, and staying on the porch.

She waved her hand. "Just family stuff."

The fine hairs at the back of her neck prickled. He didn't have to say anything, but she could feel him judging her on whether to believe her or not.

She couldn't figure out why he'd care. He knew nothing about her.

Pausing beside him, she said, "Thanks for walking me home."

He held his hand in front of her, palm up. Her stomach fluttered.

"Spit your gum out."

She looked at his hand again. "I'm not going to—"

"Then, take it out."

"Why?" She snapped the gum.

"Because I want to kiss you and when I do, I want you to be able to kiss me back."

She couldn't move. If she gave him a little, they'd end up on the floor of the house again, naked and happy. After the meeting with her brother tomorrow, she had no idea if she would be coming back or if her job here was over.

While she'd love to have one more time with Brage, leaving him would be difficult. Her crazy attraction to him was making her insane.

"Good night, Brage." She walked into the house and turned the lock.

Leaning against the door, she closed her eyes. She wished things could be different.

Ever since she could remember, when her brothers were responsible for raising her after her parents died, she'd never had a chance to go after what she wanted. To become friends with people she chose. To work where she wanted. To do what she dreamed. To find what made her happy.

Brage made her happy when he was having sex with her.

What she was doing was wrong. But, it had never felt so right.

Chapter 7

The boardwalk in downtown Portland was over a mile long. Dinah paced near the bridge. Tony hadn't told her where to meet him. He could be on the other end, getting pissed thinking she hadn't shown.

She texted him again. Before she could hit send, a rumble of a motorcycle came from behind her. Turning, she spotted her brother parking off the street, fifty feet away.


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