“How’s your dinner?” Ruby asked.
“It’s good. The mushrooms are really awesome.”
Ruby reached across the table with her fork and speared a mushroomfrom Dex’s plate. The way Ruby was staring at her, she suddenly felt like shewas on the menu. “Grace was right. You are delicious.”
Dex’s cheeks warmed, and she veered her eyes to her plate.
Dex nodded. “Sure.” She was full but not quite ready for thisnight to end yet. “Do you want to share something?”
That got an adorable grin from Ruby. “I like that idea.”
They looked over the menu, and Dex thought the chocolate-moussecake sounded good until Ruby suggested the Meaning of Life cake that Gibsonsserved only on Saturday nights. It was a five-layer chocolate cake made up ofcake, chocolate mousse, sliced ripe bananas, and raspberry preserves thatsounded absolutely divine. Somehow, during all her visits to Gibsons, thistreat had remained a secret to Dex. She was all in.
A different waitress appeared at their table. “Would you like theusual for dessert?”
Theusual? Something pinged in the back of Dex’s head. Apparently, Rubydined here often.
“Yes.” Ruby glanced up at the waitress and then across the tableto Dex. “My date has never had it before.”
“Ooh, then you’re in for a treat tonight.”
Dessert was delivered by the same waitress, a tall, blond bundleof hotness that seemed to have a clear connection with Ruby.
She smiled as she set two fresh forks on the table, slid thedessert between them, and winked. “I’ll see you later.”
Ruby nodded, and Dex was confused. Apparently, Ruby saw Dex’sexpression because she immediately said, “My girlfriend, Sarah.”
A cold shiver rushed over Dex as she processed the information.“Oh, wow. Grace didn’t mention you had a girlfriend.” She glanced at Sarah, whowas now walking toward the back of the restaurant. Dex hadn’t expected that.
“No worries. We have an open relationship.”
Seriously?There went her evening.
Ruby handed Dex a fork, then picked up another and dove right intothe colossal slice of cake. She seemed perfectly happy to share, in more waysthan one. But Dex wasn’t. She took a few bites before relaxing into her chair.She’d thought maybe she’d get something more from tonight, at least anotherdate. But that was off the table now. She had absolutely no luck with women.
The whole night became awkward from that point forward, and Dexcouldn’t get out of there quick enough. Dex could tell Ruby was disappointedwhen she’d told her she’d had a really good time, but opted not to go back toRuby’s place afterward. Ruby apologized and explained that she wasn’t awarethat Grace hadn’t shared her current relationship status with Dex. Of courseGrace hadn’t mentioned the girlfriend. Dex would never have gone on the date ifshe had.
It was perfectly clear that she should never have agreed to go outon another one of Grace’s blind dates. But Grace had begged her, said she’dhave a lot of fun with Ruby. Little did Dex know she meant group fun. Thiswould be the last date she would let Grace set up for her.
As soon as Dex got to her car, she took out her phone and hitGrace’s number. No answer. She hung up and called again.
“Hey, Dex. Hang on a minute,” Grace whispered.
Dex heard her say something, and then there was silence for a fewminutes.
“What’s up? We’re at the movies.”
“I can’t believe you set me up with a woman who’s in arelationship.”
“I didn’t know that.” She seemed surprised. “I thought they werejust dating.”
“That’s a big no.”
“I’m sorry, Dex. I guess I’ve gotten them all wrong,” Grace said.“Why don’t we get together tomorrow, and you can tell me what you want in awoman, and we’ll try again.”
“No. No more blind dates. I’ll find my own women from now on,thank you.” She hit the End button and tossed her phone into the console. “Holyfuck.” She let out a chuckle. This one would go down in the books.
* * *
It was a frigid morning in Chicago. Dex and her crew had beenhanging Christmas lights since sunup, and they all needed a break. She’d giventhem each twenty bucks, told them to go get something warm to eat and to beback by one sharp. Working in this weather was ridiculous.
As she rounded the corner of Crushed Beans, Dex saw Juni sittingat the corner table near the end of the counter talking to Josh. She pluckedoff her gloves as she dodged the people in line to warm up their days withcoffee and threw Juni a wave. She’d taken her jacket off before she arrived atthe table, and she laid it across the seat of the plastic chair for extrainsulation before sliding down onto it.
Juni pushed a large chocolate mocha in front of her with a leafdesign in the foam. “I knew you’d be cold, so I ordered for you.”
She observed the cup in front of Juni, which featured anintricately designed Christmas tree drawn in the foam. Josh had probably madeit for her personally. “What’d you get?”
“Vanilla latte.”
“Should’ve tried a mocha.” She lifted the oversized cup to herlips and took a sip. “Um. Thank you for this. I was fucking freezing.”
“Josh will have our lunches out soon. Sleeping with the owner hasits perks.”
Dex choked on her drink. “Wow. Already?”
Juni giggled and turned beet red.
“This must be serious. Do I need to give him the talk, or do weneed to get Ranny involved?” She turned around and spotted him at the espressomachine. “Maybe I should do it now.”
“Stop.” Juni took in a deep breath and gazed at Josh behind thecounter. He turned, smiled, and winked. “He gets me, Dex. It’s like we’reliving in the same head.”
“That must be crowded.” She laughed, but, in truth, Dex wished shehad someone to smile at her that way, to beam the radiance that Juni glowedwith when he walked into the room. If the past few dates had been anyindication, that would never happen for Dex, and it made her feel hollowinside.
“I heard from Mom today.”
“Checking on Ranny?” Their brother had turned out